torstai 24. joulukuuta 2020


 All my blog texts, my books and booklets in the internet as e-texts are shareware. But if you wish to publish some of them as books, I would like to get some money reward fior writing them, since I have not earned anything with my blogsd, yet they often are worth a lot. Anyway, I do not wish them to be owned by some group but instead be free to use in civiliced ways also after I some time die.

tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2020

Obs. Reading my texts can increase reader's skill level thousandfold or more

 I use dto have very high skills in objective thinking compared to my academical environment, and I was interested in learning talents to other areas of life and of learning teaching skills. So my texts can teach much higher skill level, that is the idea in them. But such causes some difference in the social soítuation. For example you need to recommend my texts to others too, or in some other way make the situation lighter to the others.

torstai 10. joulukuuta 2020

My thoughts are often better than the professional institutionalized level

 My blogs are very positive in what one can achieve, yet very objective, since I have high skills and lots of experience in objective thinking. So sompared to many of my blogs the ordinary professional institutionalized form may be lacking. That ought not be any reason to classify my texts as lacking, but insteda keep a clear head and classify me as a some kind of star, famous person, unusually skilled or talented, or the like, and don't blaim the professionals for their ordinary professional skill level, but instead praise for adopting new well working skills that have many good sides.

For example   ( )

Lately I have had lower skills, but that does not make my old blog texts any worse.

Most of my texts are around the subject rationality of feelings, and so they are somehow amazingly positive yet objective, which at least used to be an unusual combination.

maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2020

My position, high or not

 Already as a child some thought that I have a very high position since I am objective and seek to be moral. On the other hand that has not given me any high position that I would have noticed. Across the years I have every now and then wondered what that misunderstanding is, but only now that I am almost 50 and have written I guess most of what I write in my lifetime, I have some clearer view of it. My childhood environment was very much centered on objective thinking, likewise the university of Helsinki when I was a young adult, so that they looked at this from the point of view of pbjective thinking as almost everybopdy's profession, and then they just classified objective thinking of high generality and good quality as something to value when learning objective thinking and forming an objective picture of the world. Now that I have written a lot, it means that so inclined people could refer to some text of mine saying that it is good to study or just read it if one is interested in a certain subject in one's objectuve picture of the world, or in learning certain skills. When I was younger I had not yet written my view, and so young persons get often classified by theor potential, saqying that one ought to ask for theoir view on something. But as older people do not have such hierargies, since they are often tired and one ought just read what they have written. But this interests only people interested in learning objective thinking, and for other professions it is like someone saying taht if you are interested in that subject, you could read certain good quality texts about it. Likewise about learning skills: my texts seekj to teach skills and talents, and so they could be valued likewise.

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22.12.2020   Writing has been my work without pay for some 22 years, first in my final works and then writing my books, and it was a big difference to my studies in practical agriculture, in which I would have liked to continue. But writing has in practice been my job, so I have professionals kills to it, and in it is typical that others do not share the same expertice, but in the other hand journalists seem to be of roughly the same or similar caliber, maybe not all but their work is similar. With others I associate like individuals as parts of the civiliced society, and in that all do not need to share the same skill level but all ought to behave in ways fit into the society or otherwise there comes problems and to get along one ought to have same values, likings, quite similar skill level, etc.

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26th of June 2021   I tend to run into people being aggressive and malivious and I do not quite know why. One guess is that they do not compare right the scales of my thinking work and their own job or hobbies and that they do not quite understand that in big influencies one beeds to follow filigently very good objective and moral quality all the time, also on free time. My thinking and writing work is as widest in the scale ofvthr fste oh the humannkind anf of the living kind along with it, which is some 7 billion people and st lobgedt guess 100 000 years to the guture, so that the scale difference really is huge to the scale of one or a few persons, in which there is the diffe0rence that people often don't golow moral in it, at least notvdo much. 

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9th of November 2022   My both parents were sientists and university professors. Now they sre retired, but my stepmother may have an enermous number of female admirers all over the world and engineering students as admirers, since she had a fine tens of years long career in science. I on the other hand was much more intelligent in university kind of objective thinking and much more responsible chsracter but without formal position. According to my knowledge internet writing is free for all but has certain rules like for example following laws, so my possibility to write blogs on a free international blogging site is not any formal position but instead ooen to all who follow rules, laws, moral, good quality, etc diligently. 

lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2020

A public work or in publicity

 Blog texts etc are public in the sense that they are in the internet, one has intended them for readers whom one does not know, so they are public works but not wide-sporead, not in publicity, not in the media like news for example. One comes to a blog post via an internet search or via a link in a subject to which the text is connected. So that is somewhat like a hobby or an area that one is interested in. It is very different from the news which introduce subjects to very wide audiences that have not chosen those subjects themselves.

lauantai 7. marraskuuta 2020

A pause or the end of my writing career

 I have lately had some Swedish influences that make thinking very narrow and short-sighted and are poor for other skills too, so in practice my writing ceáreer seems to be over. My texts lately have been failures. I have left them to the internet though, since it is maybe good to know that I cannot continue writing like this. 

Fotr the last two years I have amoing other things written a long long text with lots of links to my blogs, about the skills of Christmas gnomes, so maybe that too is a way to end my writing career, since after all I have written fact texts around the subject of rationality of feelings and not tales.

Similarly my short composing career seems to be over since last May. I do not know what I will continue to, but at least for the time being the lack of skills is preventing most such goals from me.

14.11.2020   I have noticed that the main lack of intelligence and skills of the Swedish influences is from them not bothering to look, but instead thinking that they do not need to look properly, just like the ordinary sense of sight is and understanding what one sees. So, thinking that one needs to look, and looking in a good quality way, solves partly the problem, but still the result is lower than withotu such problems. 

Also the social good will and thinking of the society are lacking from such short-sighted views, and so my texts have lately been without much social wisdom, kind of more bomb like. That is also a typical difference of Finns and Swedes, Finns thinking of the good of the whole world while Swedes only of their own benefit and imago.

On the other hand, I feel tat I do not have anything to write and what there are uideas that I formerly would have written about, do not get filled to be whole views but instead the lack of skills prevents good quality.

16.11.2020   I cannot teach these same kind of things in other ways than written text, since if one teaches them via persoinal contact,they are difficult to remember, since they uinclude things that are my persional likings and the other persons do not have the same personaö öikings, and so they drop them away after a while and pick instead some other things that they like but which create a smaller capacity, and so they lose thos view almost totally. But from the written text they remember the words and can so later pick again the same things and so build the skills on them.

20th of November 2020   Who person suits some profession is partly a question of who carries the burdens of that profession as one's main work or otherwise well enough, witrhout being bothered by it. Many professions repair some  area of life to it's normal functioning, so that they are not at the sphere of those doing well in it but instead where there are otherwise serious lacks in it in the society. For me such an area are solving major problems of the wide world. I try to solve conflicts between large groups, but do it in a neutral way by writing to all the groups at the same time about how some thing according to feelings is benefical, rational also in the tough world, so that it is just one addition to the civiliced theory perspective about that are of life. So I am just about always also watching things from the point of view of calming to peaceful power balance situations, to beneficial to a better world in the future and nowadays too. So I could have some other job as an extra job that is nice to do but not as the only dedication I have in what comes to working life.

22th of November 2020   My input is these blogs plus my books, booklets (mostly on links from my blogs or copied to them) and my old video channel which is mainly text videos teaching thinking skills and the like. I do not teach these in personal encounters, not in close ways. If someone does so, she/he is not like me at all. 

28th of November 2020   Today morning before I was fully awake there was a feeling of lots of ghosts around like insects died because of the cold or a nuclear bomb having been somewhere. Today is the funeral of the last highly honoured Finnsh veteran of teh World War II. I guess that such can be a reason for a feeling of ghosts, since when I have learned skills, I have noticed that they give rise to other similar skills, so that in practice all certain kinds of deeds in a society can be the results of one individual's endeavours, and so an elderly dying can affect a lot. Some 15 years ago when I was writing my paradise theory book, I looked at the film Evita which started froma  funeral, ended in the same funeral and told the person's whole life in between, and I thought that a country ought not need to miss one individual so much, and that I at least would prefer writing, so that if someone is interested in the subjects I write about there is teaching material available without me being there to offer thme advices in it. And so I think that when I die, that does not matter tro the world at all as much as the subjects of my texts are important. I guess that one can say that I prefer a lasting effect, since I feelthat the results of my work are needed. 

5.12.2020   I have lately been writing the Christmas gnome skills text though, but the quality isn't so good.

maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2020

My texts seek to offer better life without it needing conflicts

 My texts seek to offer better life via wisdom of life, without any need of conflicts. For example my blogs , , , and . But on the other hand, my solutions are not pacifist and not non-violent, since I think that justice and respoecting values & healthy spirit brings better life for all, especially in the long run, since it prevents things from getting rotten, and cures things back to healthy ways.

perjantai 18. syyskuuta 2020 blog editor problems

 My tens of blogs are blogs. Blogger is changing from an old good blog writers' user interface to a new one that does not work properly andf that is not so good to write with. It may be that it causes that I cannot continue my blogs,which I have been writing now for some ten years.

keskiviikko 2. syyskuuta 2020

One project has been to teach things that would otherwise break or disappear

I have written lots of material to the internet teaching skills around the rationality of feelings. Lately I have written at lenght about the possibilities of Christmas gnome like life in the modern world , and that project started from me noticing that gnomes are a subject that tends to break as if all beginnings had been robbed away by masses of foreigners right in the beginning, in the first few seconds of thinking of them. So I guessed there being a large demand for such skills abroad, even though the interest in Finland in much milder, since those basic skills are well familiar to all, even though now that the gnome skills text is much longer, it can interest Finns too. So now I have written almost 300 times more pieces of text, often with links to my other blogs, about the skills of Christmas gnomes. And so I feel that the subject does not break so much at all anymore. But I have also send my gnome skills text to many or even most countries' tourism net sites, since I feel that those skills could help to safeguard the fracturelessness of old valuable ways of living and old places that have cultural value.
In a way many of my former texts have had similar motivation, but the dimensions I have understood much better in them. Yesterday I tried writing about learning how to be free but at least to begin with it is just three pieces of text with links too, and that seems to be enough.
In teh gnome text there is about women power,kind of easy version of it, mainly the text (C69. in the gnome skills text) and some other texts supporting it. I feel that it makes the subject easier to accept and easier to adopt but not at all so spectacular and life changing,more like a bore, yet a possibility for so inclined women, kind of fair play toward girlks and women.
My thinking course together with the advives of learning skills and talents for one's distant most loved dream job, teach how to get skills along one's own insight and one's own common sense, with a quality that is agreed to be of professional level and good quality. See the beginning of my blog for them. Also my gnome skills text and the blog are along such lines, and likewise my texts about the rationality of feelings, see for example the latter blog's first post and there the book link, and my palylist Rationality of feelings at my old video channel .
The value of moral in the tough world, from the value-free point of view is handled in my paradise theory and in my blog about moral in practice . In connection with computers it is in my text about the future of computers .
Oneold such attempt of mine is my dream job blog about changing profession to one's dream job or at least half way to some  nice job that there is many such jobs available and one's dreams as hobbies. Especially it's Finnish language original which is much longer .
One attempt with lower quality but an important subject is cure guesses to illnesses etc, without medicine and treatments, just comparing with healthy ways of living and learning from them. In English
  and the much longer Finnish original . Kind of avoid illnesses, just stay healthy based on one's wisdom, or getting cured likewise.
About good ways of doing, about succeeding in what one attempts to do: healthy ways of living and doing, my own view, .

(13th of September 2020   The long "Skills of Christmas gnomes" text is now ready, please read it at . )

tiistai 11. elokuuta 2020

I am not a teacher, I am just a writer

 I have written at lenght about the four seasons, . That is a whole bunch of advices, things that I have learned as a Finn and as a dog owner with an interest in the nature. Lately when the text has been roughly ready, there have been in my living environment many people from the tropics, Arabs etc, people with difficulties in living even the basic skills in living the seasons, like that autumn exists or that the goal is to stay warm and regulate one's body temperature. I do not have any skills of teaching at such a level. My texts build upon what I have learned about learning dyúriung my school and university years, not upon tourism professionals' skills. The wilderness guide course that I was in supposed that being outdoors in the weathers is a well familiar thing for all.
It is very much the same with my other texts: I write a lot of advices and it seems impossible for me to manage to teach them to someone I meet. I am much better at writing, and then there is more time and dedication for the thing and it is done for a much wider audience which is much more motivating.

(For learning complex new skills like weather skills for example, keeping company isn't the best tactic. Instead one needs a good picture of the goal, so that one can notice what such skills require and later on one's own think how one oneself could learn things in that direction. If one would keep company to the skilled, those would have different habits than oneself, and so one's own habits do not support such skills, and so it is better to take the task a piece by piece, and do it on one's own ways so that one then really has those skills.)

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20.2.2022   For me as a writer, what tyoe of writer i am, the only comparison that tends to come to my mind is : I have something of my own kind to offer, of a good quality, but not average in style , somehow central yet too unique to be so central in the society. 

torstai 16. heinäkuuta 2020

About my clothes

I do not typically dress so very well, since I feel that such is in my life somehow hindered almost always. I like to dress either in practical clothes like sports wear, work wear or outdoor recreation clothes, or then somehow nicely but more finely like a nice skirt or so. My clothes tend to have symbolic colours, since I feel that such is very much demanded from me and it was a characteristic of the clothes of the students of theoretical philosophy in the university that their clothes' colours ought to tell about their views, but since there are quite many such colours, in practice I wear just something of the kind that I happened to find that day.

17th of July 2020   I tend to wear lots of red. Red refers to life accoding to feelings and that is my value and my wish and what I support in my writing and thinking work. Orange colour refers to life senses open and sometimes to Buddhism. Lila refers to Christian religion. I do not wear pink if there are any other reddish colours available, since pink refers to sexual affairs, while the other reddish colours don't refer to sex at all.Mostly I do not wear any blue since it seems to easily refer to IT job or low level objective thinking, which is much too low for me to get along. Usually I do not wear any black either, since that does not seem to refer to me at all. Sometimes I use it in an army signifigance though, and sometimes as a colour of mourning the death of a close one.

lauantai 2. toukokuuta 2020

I am a writer, not a boss, and not a teacher, actor, nurse, parent, etc

I have wondered how political leaders and bosses manage to keep their position when there are different groups with the wish to mess with things and conflicting interests. But maybe it is so that a country is a place where different groups tend to fight and foreign nations want to interfere with the affairs, but the leader is somehow very neutral and just wished for type for many and so he/she manages to cool down things to normal life and so life in the socviety runs smoothly when he/she is in power.
I am not such. I am a thinker and a writer. I have quite strong opinions when I happen to have opinions at all. A learder ought to have more average course and lots of wisdom of life about how to make lives better and handle social messes etc. I do not have such skills. My thoughts fit mostly as texts teaching the subject tp the readers and with a header that reflects the content in a suitable way. Like nice free time hobby skills and something useful for work too.
I think that the content of the work of a boss is very different from that of a thinker. A boss needs to get groups to work well together, that is his/her job. So he/she pays attention to each group separately: what is their profession, what are it's ways of thinking, skills and values needed in work, what do they tend to neglectm what are they like as characters, and he/she learns to /tunes to communicate with them andf to find a common tune with others too. And so the skills in work are somewhat born from the needs of the work of a boss, but on the other hand they need personal inclination for such life too and for the things to arrange well.

24.7.2020   I am a writer. I write almost every time about a new subject, or a new thing about an old subject, like for example the news do. I do not repeat old and I do not provide personalg uidance and I am not a good model for learning skills since for the most I am not the next level up in skills ( so that you can undestand what to copy and why and how it works and what you ought learn on your own) like teachers often are, and not fond of personal publicity always in the same subject like some actors etc are. I provide more chances of learning skills and talkents but via writing only,and sometimes with the help of notes, pictures or my own video. 

17.1.2021   I have always thought that the biggest things I will do or might do iun my life is trying to repair the world to a better state as a thinkier and a person with wisdom of life. So I have not thought children to be my most imprtant thing done in the world, and maybe becayuse of that and because the level fo the wiorld is so important and I reallu have had something worthwhile to say, I do not have kids or exoerience of mother's tasks. 

16th of June 2021   I do not understand politics but ut seems that if the politician understood just about everything of the subjects at hand to begin with, then he/she had time for individuals views, meeting needs, communucation, solving all kinds of problems. Thst may be so with people who are tens of years older than their environment yet well along. But me myself have always been centered on learning new things, not reaching the situation where I know enough yet would ve along. 

lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2020

If I have forgotten to inform about some text of mine

I have written very many, thousands of texts about important subjects, and I am not so good at knowing where to inform about them and how. So it sometimes happens that I do not inform about some text of mine that would interest others, but if you take a look at my blogs in that subject, you are likely to find it as a blog post or as a later addition to a blog post. I have no way of knowing afterwards which things I forgot to inform about, since I do inform somewhat about many of them.

perjantai 20. maaliskuuta 2020

My texts are not aimed at their lowest or most cynical level

Typically when people fail in something because of having made an error, that is an error compared to their ordinary level of skills, and so correcting it away demands a more basic way of thinking and often a more cyniucal view than what they ordinarily use in their understanding. And so my texts mentiuon basuc things and go through value-free objective grounds for things just in case someone lacks thiose grounds or the skill of makin them. I do not intent my texts to readers with ordinarily so cynical views, since suych is typically a social feature and not good for thinking at all. Observing structures and describing tem in one's thinking is good for thinking and is the way of thinking I intend my texts to.

perjantai 6. maaliskuuta 2020

Recommend my texts by the subject

I have written thousands of pieces of text to the internet, to my tens of blogs and my old video channel. If you would recommend reading my texts by what one happens to find by my name, it could be very different kinds of texts and of different quality, and not-at-all-helpful to some specific purpose. Besides, I am not an expert specializing to all these single subjects but instead like a wider variety of things. So please recommend my texts by their subject, so that they can find also texts of others in the same subject, and maybe my text too.

tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2020

My texts do not seem to fit as audiobooks

I guess that my texts mostly do not fit at all as audiobooks. I write about new thoughts that require following my chain of thoughts instead of the familiar ones or familiar guesses of many. I think it important that one can read again the grounds in the beginning of the text, if one loses the chain of thought. I write a lot about subjects connected with teh rationality of feelings and that is an area that many have traditionally lacked skills in, and so one cannot listen to their voice and guess based on that what the thought might be and in which way it is natural. Also, if one presses the repeat button, it often is annoying to other listeners. Kind of softer subjects also may sound unconvincing if one does not pay attention to the thoughts, and so the feedback might be much worse than from the written texts.

sunnuntai 16. helmikuuta 2020

Shift toward composing music

During the last year I have composed short melodies to my long text about living wisely the seasons . I have composed also some other mainly short melodies, mostly to my other blogs. I have collected the melodies to my blog about composing . Those are just notes.
Since the last December I have noticed that I some somewhat classified also as a some kind of composer, and my life has tended to turn mre toward composing. There has been room for it and writing has been on a smaller emphazis, without so much peace. I would like to learn to compose real songs but I do not know what to think of the change. I was in a higher position as a writer, since I have written about some very important subjects and in addition something nice about hobby kind of things. As a composer I am just a beginner and not so specially skilled. I have some good subjects but maybe not enough things of value to tell about them and still not enough peace for all I compose, I mean peace to work in my own ways and to give room to the life that I compose about.

 From April 2019:

From December 2019:

 Lyrics attempt January 2020, melody fromlast December:

From January 2020:

Other pieces from January 2020: