torstai 8. elokuuta 2019

How one learns new talents across the years

Today is my 48th birthday. During the last years I have noticed that it is not a good day, but that it is a good time to think about how things change when one ages or years pass in the society and in the world.
When I was younger, I had dreams and likings, interests and personal values and some fine glimpses from adventure books, music and the like. And so I learned something of the spirit of things, and that is a good guide to learning talents in them. And what I was interested in, I tried to cultivate things that supports skills and especially talents in such and wisdom about their place in the world and in a well running society. And so I learned skills to suport them, and across the years this and that about them and achieved goals that I had dreamed about like a singing experience of life, which though was often based on other things, like a singing experience of life in liking sports hobbies and admiring the nature and valuing wishing well for the world at large, learning how some more civiliced wisdom solves personal problems that too stuck ways in institutions cause, etc.

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10th of March 2020    I just noticed that my 50th birthday is less than one and a half years from now, so if I plan to spend it travelling, I have to start planning now and sparing the money for it.
I think that in this age time isn't measured via birthdays anymore at all, but instead by referring to major highlights of life and to long time life contents like for example nearst relationships, where one lives, pets, what one does, etc. Yet 50 years is considered a big celebration, but is it more a way for the younger generations, especially in one's working environment, to get to know what the 50 years olds have achieved, what is their input to the work and what kind of insight they have? What does it affect that years and tens of years pass in a person's life, what can the young ones expect in their own lives and how to take that wisely into account?

24th of March 2020   I decided to try writing a blog about how getting older affects life and about birthdays too:
But my next birthday is my 49th.