perjantai 23. syyskuuta 2022

My writing work is over

 For the last four years i have concentrated more and more on writing my text Skills of Christmas gnomes. I do not know why but it is globally interesting subject that many read about sometimes. But the text has been ready for over a month, and i no longer have anything global to write about. So my career in writing is over, even though like others in this modern era i may write this and that, texts of no big signifogance or of not so good quality. Writing has obstructed my lufe surprisingly much, so there aren't much new subjects to write about. 

torstai 8. syyskuuta 2022

Would you like to be like a child of a famous thinker

 From my blog Skills of Christmas gnomes

   " 8th of September 2022   I came to write a lot, this and that advices about lufe, guided by what i had learned from teaching my dogs which learned superbly well, were responsible characters and got nicely along with others. So i guess this is as near as one could get being taught like a child of my own, which i never had. The Finnish culture gives good possibilitues for learning and growing, but what one becomes like is something lne must decide oneself. Making the world a good place to live in is essential in that. In that choosing one's dream job gives one a place kn the society. Wisdom of life is important too, and skills of living the weathers. School is considered just basic learning. "

You can also buy most of the blog as two books