sunnuntai 31. joulukuuta 2023

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see .

Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes .

In addition there are some blogs that appear liked and valued, but not like the only so good option in the subject, even though I have my own strenghts which others typically lack. See and my Finnish language blogs Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin and my circus dog training diary .

I have written also other blogs, but these are the ones most liked of my own writings, as far as I know. But also the other blogs may interest readers. 



sunnuntai 24. joulukuuta 2023

Internet sites of others


University of Helsinki

I do not know how to find typical Finnish sites. I grew up at the capital district in Helsinki, so there ought to be very many others with roughly the same background. 

* * *

Try blog writing: free blogging site 

Watch videos and maybe upload your own videos: 

lauantai 2. joulukuuta 2023

About publicity

 I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should have a female dog and with it puppies, but I do not know what to do with the people interested in such from some lying poibt of view, so it jydt turns out impossible. Instead such would be possible as a phenomenom of the world, instead of puppies from paradise theoretician's kennel, they could have somewhere puppues with a paradise theme, with different influencies about things suiting it, like for examole emotionality of some countrues would interest those who like them, etc. 

* * *

10th of December 2023   Maybe it is typical to the very best in arts or religion, and not so typical to philosophers and other thinkers, but I feel that especially in what comes to my blog the need for media visibility or similar search engine visibility of it and it's parts is huge, almost too huge for me to handle and typically much much too huge for the people that I know, or have in my younger years known, to handle. It does not seem to be their task. So the number of people giving objective fair backup seems to be nonexistent, especially since the need to inform is in the wide world and not just in Finland. 

My IQ was 170 in the official Mensa test in the 1990's, and I have made the thinking course and the advices in learning talents and skills, which are in the two first posts of the blog .

The knitting tips at are liked by the Scottish & British as far as I know.

The long long text teaching skills and talents for a Christmas gnome like or Christmas elf like life in the modern world, year around, world wide, contains over 1500 separate texts plus links to my other blogs, and has lots of ideas/taught skills that seem to be worth attention and need some time to themselves. The advertisement page gives some idea of these. 

keskiviikko 25. lokakuuta 2023

Some later remarks of me as a writer

 As far as I know, I have been the only person having most of these skills and thoughts. As far as I know, new thoughts outside education diciples are often done by single persons only. So I have tried for tens of years learn skills of teaching new needed things to a world wide at least school educated audience interested in objective thinkkng, wisdom of life according to feelings and wishing a good future for the world. As far as I know I am unusually good at these things by the standards of my younger years' environment, universities, Finnish speaking Finland, Europe and the world. So I have written a lot, hoping that people would find the thoughts and advices that they need, but thinking that civiliced wisdom at large is also much needed. But at least to begin with it is unöikely that you would find the same thoughts by others, except where civiliced valyes kind of quarantee a good end result, so that maybe a text is not needed. 

I have written some 25 years. The end result is some old internet pages that have maybe already vanished, many old videos at my channel khtervola , about a hundred blogs and some 50 books or booklets. The books have not been bought. I do not know if there is any possibility for people buying them later on. The video channel changed video format years ago, so part of the text videos went obscure. In my experience blogs can be read a few years after one has stopped writing them. After that the blogs look kind of forgotten and maybe with some computer problems. After 10 or 15 years blogs have usually disappeared, even though it may look like computer problems. I do not know of anyone made safety copies of my text, and anyway how could it fix the availability in the world. So it is likely that my writings are available in the internet for a few years from now on but not after 10 or 15 years, unless you arrange the possi ility for yourself now that my texts are still available. 

18th of December 2023   My skill level is in some respects at the level of creating and teaching cultural wisdom, i.e. at the level of the complexity of the single ideas in cultural wisdom, while most others in my younger years' environment followed some of the cultural wisdom at least part of the time but their own thoughts were not creating new good quality wisdom at the level of the culture. 

sunnuntai 6. elokuuta 2023

About safety

 From my blog "My name association "emperor" "

" About safety and emperor's job

 When there is power to command big thing, there usually come lots of people and groups who want the power to themselves. So it does not make sense that such a power would be easy to get and use to harmful purposes. So at least from my name association's point of view there cannot be emperor's power to command big things just because of being an emperor. Instead the country or group should arrange life in the coubtry so that very good suggestions are taken into use, first slightly to see if they work out well enough and are liked, and then in a larger scale if those were good results. So being an emperor ought not cause so much danger to the emperor, if it does not exclude others from having power. 

I have thought since I was a baby that I have some wisdom which would be useful to have in large scale questilns. So for the last 25 years I have been writing ( see ) teaching material mostly for a world wide audience, which is just in case it might be useful and liked. I also always try to behave so that lufe would run well in my environment and in the wider world if my effect affects so much, but I do nit always succeed in living like I aim to live. But anyway such is just me trying to build and maintain a good objective picture of the world and follow wisdom of life & the rule "Live and let others live!", so it is my idea of a good way for me to live and not some way to use my personal power to influence things to affect others or things in the environment as if sheltering by my body or using things meant for my own life to instead affect others or the society. So it ought not cause opposition or weakening of my defences or of my power to live. But some evil persons want to interfere with the lives of others using their personal social power to influence things, and such weakens the evil person's personal defences, for example positiln and may cause lots of opposition and room for revenge like fair attacks. Also if I write some teaching material on a general level, there ought be no conflicts and no forcing resulting from it. But if some, maybe unexperienced, people discus such subjects with socially dominant persons, there often comes lots of forcing in the disguise of true descriptiln of how things ought to be. 

* * *

9th of Seprember 2023   Come to think of it, readers are not like hobby pals to the writer, since the skill level is very different before the text really interests the reader. Especially since I write quite short pieces of theory on a very general level, such interest those from whom the theory and the skills of building such things were totally lacking. So it is more like people from a different continent who read such, and just because their view is different, is lacking the good sides that I write about shortly and theoretically, often mechanically about the value of life according to feelings etc. Likewise of healing: it interests mostly the ill and the handicapped and those with problems in stsying healthy. So it is not the same group as the likeminded with a similar level of the same kind of wisdom, living in a society where such good sides are understood and cultivated. Instead, influencies from the readers may destroy the life in the society and the wisdom of the writer. 

23th of December 2023   A news article today about security guards brought to my mind the impressions of my social envuronment of roughly the same age kn my early twentues, and the last ones memories from school age, maybe preteen or early teen. These were my most positive social environment or something of the kind, needing some aggrdssiveness to counterbalance too much only discussing civiliced social style of theoretical physics students, and the toughest was of music students partly because music soubds so friendly and wanted that one needs to warn of the crimes in such an environment, and the last ones were of girls trying to communucate about the need for better wiser ways of doing and moving instead of the boys' rigid technical easily angry ways. But I do not know if the impression is the same at all to others. 

About gaining position 

Lately I have learned of power that a politician is like oli between groups, like a person who gets well along with both groups, like a person who likes, enjoys and values the ways of both groups and sees how they well fit to live together in the same society etc, like such a person could momentarily handle some minor task of negotiating between the groups, and it having gone so well that the same person is wanted usually to handle those kinds of relatilns between thise groups. So it is not a task of leading, and figuribg out new too long thoughrs is the task of an expert, of knowledge and skills in the group or societh, and not a question of leading, since it is more like philisoohy or inventilns or teaching skills, while the work of a boss is to take care of the work and workers, make such well running, pleasant, good qualuty, respecting valyes, taking care of practical matters, making it fairly possible also in the long run in the society etc. 

Of publicity I have during the last few years learned that it essentially inclydes some occult connection with the audience or the world at large, so that one cannot be a singer, a painter or a writer of stories or some other figure in the media if the views of the lusteners, readers or whatever do not reproduce the skill level of the artist or author, and his her lufe content and views of which subjects to choose, what criterions to use in what to produce for public content, etc. One also must be liked as a media figure, representing some group like some profession's style person singkng or the like. As I have written of the skills of Christmas gnlmes, my lufe just seemed to cobtinue only that way, like many school aged children had wished for such texts and adulrs said to them that it is a good idwa to have such texts. But then some women in nursery kind of professions seemed to have read the texts against their own wishes, so I tend to get as feedback knfluencues from other types of Christmas gnomes which only eat abd sleep and there is nothing of the lufe I have written about in thise influencies, so I am just emoty headed and with only small fragments of my former thinking ability, like peeking through a key hole to a room. And so I have noticed that in order to be some leader or artist or media person or the like, one ought to be wanted on some spiritual or occult side, which I am not at all, even my most wanted work skills in my writing work seem to get overrun by slme wanting some other more convincing or socially oriented person to publucity instead of leaving me untouched, so that I do not know if they mistake my blog for the whole internet, or don't they understand that I have other skills and values than they, like for example all university educated having different style, values, skills, interests, etc, and even more differencies in personal input - is the difference so big that they do not understand the others having written or performed anything in the internet?

 I lived my youth in Helsinki, also studied in the University of Helsinki, but I had an unusually good objective thinking ability and a responsible character valuing healthy ways of living and wisdom of life. Thise sound like characteristics many works would want, but often social matters and practical snills matter a lot, and it usually turns out that many with other kinds of strenghrs do not folliw fair play, honesty and responsible behaviour. Mostly I have written of my own thoughrs and of skills and talents which I have learned on my own or of which I have my own version which I am teaching. My university studies were in physics & math, so I haven't written almost anything learned in them, but instead only my original ideas, since I have felt that those skills etc are needed in the world. I have for example written about the rationality of feelings, which is a subject that others were not able to teach objectively. People just think of different subjects with any objective good results of their own. If some children would wish for other people who understand some basic thoughts of mine in my texts about the rationality of feelings, to have them in the media, teenagers of secondary school age often learn new things so quickly that after a year they maybe could represent their type of peopke with such an understanding, likewise some arts or media professionals learn quickly plus some elderly who have a good understanding in such. But do they always follow such values in practice? I do not understand why to bother my youngwr years social environment wuth my texts, since we were incöined to different professilns, me toward saving the world and wisdom of lufe, preferring honesty, and most others determining thibgs by social factirs which were not so benefical to me at all.

My own new domain (for a year) leading to the thinking course and to a link to my Easy, quick school for animals, and possibly to my other advices about learning skills, talents and wisdom of life, see 

24th of December 2023   During the last few years I have tried to learn to recognize people from or interested in different countries. The amazing result is that I seem to be the only fully Finn in my younger years near environments, at least of the people of whom I recognuze this. 

Relatives: Sovjet Union , Novosibirsk or Latino from Argentina (or Patagonia? in Chile)

Sovjet Union, Irkutsk or thin Chinesr

North Kirea or thin Chinese

Mauritania in Africa

Pueblo in Latin America


University pals: African

Chinese from the tropics


I do not know of these things. I am 52 years old. I cannot write to you about every single thing in the world. You have to learn to find other sources, for example understand that near by people of younger years often were inclined toward different professions, continents etc, and that the usual age of cutting such ties is about 18-21 in Finland, also according to traditiln. So I do not have almost any contact with these people and much less with mire disrant childhood relatives, class mates etc. So I cannot offer you their pages etc. Besides, I do not ubderstand why such would make sense, since they were vety different, so each one did onw's own version of everything, and the likibgs and understanding were different too, so each one would bring different good and bad sides and be suited to entirely different kibd of work. 

torstai 3. elokuuta 2023

My internet sites

 When I started writing to the internet, I wrote to my pages which were blues/systeemiteoria and planet/paradisewins . I do not know if those pages still exist. My book Final paradise, which is a part of my collection books of the paradise theory, was originally written to my Angelfire pages. 

Later I wrote my computer and published my books about paradise theory via platform, but it was only possible by selling them without getting any money from them. Thise were by the name Hannele Tervola. They included the paradise theory, and later the thinking vourse and my text sbout building feelings, ratilnaluty and moral to computers. 

Around the time I wrote to my computer in Espoo, I made videos to my video channel and at some point to . Those were mainly text videos with either dia pictures or coloured background. There were also videos of training my pets. Some of the videos are somehow carried away by the expectations of viewers.

I also wrote some pages by the name Gaian. 

In Savonlinna I wroto to my pages, for example . You can see a list of my blogs if you clivk my name or picture. The pictures of me resemble various persons that vary and not so much my own characteristics. Maybe it is the internet or some spiritual side causing it. At first my profile used just the name Hannele Tervola plus location, age  etc. Then I learned that I had been mixed to somelne else with that name as parts of her name, and so I some time maybe a few years later changed my profile name and the author's name in my boojs to be Kaisa Hannele Tervola, which is my full name. So if you have found other sites or different kinds of texts by some "Hannele Tervola", those aren't mine. Also in my nlogs there may be ssbotaged parts, parts written by others, not me, and especially such are translatilns made by others.

My books and booklets at , except the above mentioned earlier ones at by the name Hannele Tervola. 

About my motivation as an unusually skilled person

" f7.   6th of August 2023   I made an ebook in Finnish of how I trained my two dogs to circus for a half a year or so autumn 2010 - spring 2011. When I wrote the circus diary, I was thinkibg of other dog owners wanting to teach circus tricks to their dogs. Now that there is an ebook to buy at my books' page , I come to notice that it coukd interest teachers quite widely. 

It also seems to set into perspective, what I can and what I cannot. I am not fitted to every high sounding job. Instead I am just a university educated thinker with an interest in nature, arts and religions, and my lufetime's job has been in writing, without pay, and I feel that I do not have more to write. What I will do in the future, I do not know, but my inclination is largely the same. 


sunnuntai 23. heinäkuuta 2023

Translations are often the views or claims of the translator, not of the original author

 The Google translations of my Finnish healing blog are often very different from the original Finnish healing advice and often contain entirely different claims. My healing blogs should be translsted in a dictionary like way. Mostly the internet teanslatilns are very different from that. So they are the works of the translators and not my texts at all. 

3rd of November 2023   It may be that an objectively thinking individual can translate theoretical ideas at a general level so that the translation is very much the same in what comes to the original ideas. But when there is some social information, or something tuned to ways of living, climate or culture, translating those to anither culture, climate, ways of living, profession, ways of being social or the like, means that the translated text is the work of the translator and my original texts sre just one of it's sources in literature. So mostly, if the translation is not dictionary like, the translated text's Author is the translator, and so also in questions of selling, copyright, etc. But that also means that it should not so strongly, if at all refer to me or my work, since the impressions that readers get from the translated text via their social eye and experience of life & professilnal skills etc do not refer to me but are instead characteristics of the translator, his/her views and intentions, the other culture, etc.

torstai 13. heinäkuuta 2023

Internet texts maybe do not stay unsabotaged so long

 I tried to publish the quite ok English Google translations of my miracle healing advices as a 104 pages long book, since I felt that some very much would like to get them thag way. But as I finally managed to get a pdf translation book, there were some words added outside the margins, for example "psychological" and "Krishna", which is just sabotage. Likewise the translations seemed to get ununderstandable and evil looking. 

As I wrote the healing advices, it seemed that nursing professionals used my user interface really lot. So: Yes, I have written to the internet, good wise thoughts I believe, but No, I do not think that in the long what the readers find as my texts would be the originsl wise clear-headed texts wishing the best for the world. Instead they are likely to find nonsense, evil and completely different quality views of others. 

14th of July 2023   Maybe it would help to find ghe right kind of texts for each if each would make searches that describe the good qualities that they search for, like "university educated without personal opinions" or whatever it is that they consider good quality for themselves to read. Best quality is often a teacher of teachers or religion, art, wisdom of life, views on the upbringing of next generation, of history or the like, while the best text to read is often a good beginners' course in a subject that one is interested in. 

25th of July 2023   I took a look at some old blog of mine, since when I momentarily had it open it had some header in a subject I did not remember writing about. It was clearly somenody else's ideas, not mine. Also some other texts of the blog seemed sabotaged, the luttle that I took a look at it. 

Especially what has been the influencies from others after my Finnish hesling blog got Google translations to English, hasn't been at all like me and my healing advices, my skklls, character, way of staying healthy, etc. So I guess those are impressilns of the different translators of the over a 1000 pieces of text in thst blog. Also otherwise writing has brought as a kind of feedback influencies that are not at all my style or my wisdom of life. So it is likely that also in my other blogs there are entrues or pieces of e tries written by others. So all feedback should be to the kind of person who wrote just thst puece, and not to me if it isn't my view. I am university educated kn the faculty of the sciences and of msthematics. My strenght is objective thinking of good quality with pictures of wholes. I am not socially incöined. I have unusually much wisdom of lufe. I always try to respect civiliced values and need for lufe according to feelings but with good quality objectivity. I do not have any tendency to lie or to demand trusting lies, neither act, cheat,  cunning plans or the like. So such are others person's faults. Also lack of pbjective thinking quality is somebody else's characteristic. I wish people could remember that blogging at is free and as far as I know you can blog also by a nickname, the texts etc just have to be good enough for the internet where many can read them, even though the blog counter in my nlogs usually claims only two to ten visitors per new entry evrn when I estimated the subjects superinteresting to many.

 Typically I have advertised my latest texts if I have felt that some would like to read just that view, either by sending a link or by copying the text to email or to my other blog. If people come to my blogs but are left wishing for the other types of writing people interested in the subject, then there would be demand for those other people to write in their oen blogs about the subject and continue writing in their own way. But remdmber that I have written about 25 years as my professiln, since such is often the fate of acadrmically ezucated, but that has been without pay. Blogs I have written about 13 years, even though I started in maybe some years esrluer. My reason for writing is that I am an unusually skilled objective thinker and understand about things needed in the midern world. I have also lots of wisdlm of life. I write only teaching material, but some of my texts are just hobby diaries with interest in becoming a professional and adding muscellaneous advices to others with the same hobby. 

I have written maybe 10 thousand advices to my blogs plus videos and earlier books. So I rarely glance at my old texts. Almost always if I dl glance at my old texts and try to read something through, i feel dizzy as if someone via some spiritual side but maybe not morally ok obstructed me from noticing the viewpoint, approach, and the connectilns to wider world and wider life., but it has felt as if it were somebody else's text, more even in theory, not teaching new things. I teach modtly talents like I learned from needing to learn new professions, and such teavhing is done by describing the approach, the emphazies and ways of doing. So if such have been altered, ghe talent cannot be learned from such a text. Likewise if tge connectilns to wider lufe are missing, the motivation iz missing and one cannot see what the taught things would cause. As far as I know, others cannot think the same, since rationality of feelings, healthy fracturelessness etc are my strenghts. I do not know, but on some spitual side I used to be classified upmost of the human kind, and a new try on these things would be only after a thousand years or two. If I in my mind try to describe myself as an skilled impirtant thinker and a writer kn the scale of the whole world, it is as if someone would on that mental side say "Surely not as noteworthy as Kaisa Hannele Tervola ( who wrote about the future of computers, parafise theory and Thinking course )", but yes that is me, and I do tfy to write about impirtant questilns. But my estimate is that my writing work is largely done. 

4th of December 2023   I have written thousands of advices, so I do not usually read them so often if at all. Sometimes the texts get sabotaged. Sometimes such seems spiritual: the readers trusting an emotional view of the rationality of feelings, instead of wanting to read my text which is just an objective theoretical observation like in physics and in schooled objective thinking generally. The website offers free bligging possibility, so one could write one's own blig of some much wanted subject and make to my text's under to the comment publishing box a comment with a link to one's own page. Anyway, I am or was very good at school type of objective thinking, and I have written mostly of subjects of which I have the impression that I am best for that task. So for example a school teacher or an average scientist is not skilled enough. Instead I tend to classify as one of the best academical thinkers. So by relying in wanting to read my original text, you maybe could find this input of mine, which is mostly jydt mechanical thoughts, an objective picture of the world, some wisdom of life and teaching skills. 

7th of April 2024   I just noticed some melody of mine having been changed to some entirely different short melody of somebody else. So I guess my melodies too may disappear and be confused with the works of entirely different qualities and values. 

keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2023

One should not force anyone to read my texts

 I have written many blogs in many different subjects, mostly teaching material on free time subjects. The texts demand that you should choose the right subject and rights texts. It does not help a patient to heal if he/she reads about Christmas gnomes instead of reading the index of ghe healing blog, which has typically been very relieving if one manages to find the right subject, so in English you maybe need to use the search feature of your browser. Likewise if someone needs to study ghe thinking course, it makes no sense of them to first read about handiworks, solving large scale problems or whatever. 

My texts offer just my skills. All do not like my style or the climate characteristics, so they ought to leave my texts unread and use other sources. 

22.6.2023   vaikuttaa paljon se, ettei kirjoituksistani tullutkaan kirjallisesti hyviä vaan menivät jotenkin mönkään, etenkin lukijakunnat ovat jääneet ihan vääriksi niin, että on työ isoimmaksi osaksi mennyt hukkaan. Tarkoitin lukijoiksi kaltaiseni eikä aivan muita ryhmiä, eli objektiivisia vastuuntuntoisia, terveitä elämäntapoja ja tunteidenmukaisuutta kannattavia, fiksuja, musiikista pitäviä eikä hoitoaloja, koulua käymättömiä, pahoja tms. 

Etenkään julkisuuden vaikutusta työn tyyppiin, laatuun, ohjautumiseen ja jotenkin olennaisesti työntekijään itseensä en ole etukäteen osannut ollenkaan. Olen luullut, että julkisuudessa voisi ihan vain kertoa omasta elämänviisaudestaan ja se jäisi ko tapaan elämänviisaan yksilön kommentiksi ehkä vähän sivuun valtavirrasta, mutta lukijoiden käsitykset vaikuttavatkin työntekotapaan esim laskien laatukriteereitä heidän taitotasolleen ja jotenkin kuin kirjoittaja joutuisi elämään lukijoille jääneen käsityksen mukaan esim jos moni ei aina muista että mikä tonttukirjoitus niin arkeni on isolta osin kutistunut pöhnäiseksi lösimiseksi, mistä en kirjoittanut ollenkaan ja mikä elämäntapatavoitteenani ei ole koskaan ollut.

tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023

About my caliiber at large


Kaliiberini on varmaan arvioitu liian suureksi, kun olen aika heikko, en kestä montaa ammattia ja toisten valintaa, ja niin satsaan paljon terveisiin linjauksiin, sivistykseen ja musiikkiin sekä elämänviisauteen, enkä pysty joustamaan toisten suuntaan. Sen sijaan sellainen, jolle sopii monen ammatin tavallinen meininki, voi llla mukana monessa, oppia paljon käytännössä merkityksellistä ja vaikuttaa useissa kohdin. 

11th of July 2023   I have not created the world around. Mostly I have just followed the main currents of life in the society and in the world, trying to find personal choices that I have the endurancy for and which I like. I was just forced to go to school, while I myself would have been interested in practical life, music, nature, etc. Then I was put in the secondary school and entirely wrong kind of university studies. As a young adult I on my free time listened to rock and pop music in the radio, and practised sports. 

torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023

If you got a pleasant feeling from my text but lost it, read it again

 My texts are teaching material. So if you get a pleasant feeling from some text of mine, it is because you momentarily folliwed the advices in it. So if you lost a pleasant feeling, it is likely that you get the same pleasant feeling from following the same advices continually. There may be some viewpoint and common themes, so I guess it often helps to study several advices that seem to suit you and follow them in your life. 

tiistai 14. maaliskuuta 2023


 I have published my books as print-on-demand books, first through and years later my new books via Kindle direct publishing , which is free to start but takes part of the book's price. The books are on sale at the internet bookshop and at it's internet bookshops in other countries. The postage from usa to europe is too high, but from , search "tervola", the postage to finland is ok. 

Google says there are 48,5 million books in .

6. April 2023   I tried also other publishing sites in the internet, for example but did not manage to get my books through. 

perjantai 3. helmikuuta 2023

There mostly no longer is demand for me to write

 I have written what I can think of as needed for me to write. Especially the Christmas gnome skills text has been a collection of many different additions to what I have written, collected the last pieces. When i begun writing i felt my work to be important for the world. Now i have written all such pieces of my understanding, and lately there no longer has been any big need for me to write, and now there seems to be no demand left except momentarily for single subjects that come to my mind and for which i still have the skills. It seems that i have lost quite many skills of mine, but maybe i get them back without the need to write  since after all my work is done. 

5th of February 2023   I sometimes have the feeling that some foreign women would like me to write about my step mother like extremely career oriented working mom. But I have not written about persons, i do not have the skills and character for that. I did not learn my skills from my step mom. She was more stupid than me, so she just commanded strictly to study school and math even though those did not suit me. As a scientist she was a quite ordinary university professional, while i have written of my thoughts that can change the world, and as far as i know i get compared with the greatest thinkrrs, not ordinary ones. My step mom's university career would be an knteresting forefigure for many women who would like to have such a fine career themselves, but i did not get such a career even though i tried hard since such wss valued in my environment, so i cannot give such info to others in a well working wsy. 

Besides, i do not get along with the social environment of my youth. They do cruel things to me, then when i complain about it, they say " Oups, I did not notice, heh heh.", and then they do the same thing again and use force. 

1st of June 2023   I have had theoretical thinking and healthy wisdlm of life as my strenghts, but no ability to influence the society or people's lives. But my step mom used to talk to people from the perspective of their work and so she often managed to influence both people's lives and matters in the society. But I do not know much of that. Often she took some work like voluntary task to do and got so to decide about things. She was very much interested in Chinese kind of working life, which is hard to bear for most. She also was unreliable and often gave misleading impression. She called herself an actor. 

2nd of July 2023   When I as young lived with my parents, my father Pepe mostly took care of cooking, we children had turns of cooking was it once a week and my step mother like mom Tita cooked rarely. Sometimes Pepe fried Finnish pancakes of the type ghat is sold as large with the product name "Riitan herkku", and we ate smashed apples with it. Tita also taught us to cook the kind of risotto that she liked: first fry smashed meat, then place it and it's oil on a plate, add food oil to the pan and Avorio rise that does not get stuck to clumps and fry the rise a little bit, add lots of water and start cooking the rise, add one piece of chicken sauce concentrate, add freezed vegetables, cook untill the rise and vegetables are ready, a little bit earlier add the meat, remember to mix well so that all cooks evenly. In the summer she sometimes cooked rise and some big vegetable and we went to the garden fireplace where she fried a beef or lax. In the summer the meals varied like felt good, sometimes light, mostly sallad, and sometimes proper meal. 

Pepe mostly cooked potatoes with food. He also cut some big pieces of fresh vegetables like carrot for the family to eat before the meal was ready, if not vegetables then thin pieces of bread. He cooked different kinds of meals, often vegetables plus something with meat or fish. My parents liked somewhat acid quite heavy feeling food but did not need so much of it. 

lauantai 21. tammikuuta 2023

"No one is a prophet in one's own country."

 There is a Finnish saying "No one is a prophet in one's own country." What I have written is based on my own skills and values, which are near the Finnish speaking Finnish cultures areas of skills and it's values. So they are quite near what other Finns can but not exactly the same. So they are kind of boring and nuisance for other Finns to read, especially so for the social environments of my younger years. But I have tried to write so that my texts coukd be valuable somewhere in the wide world where they are liked and needed. In a way Finns are quite much all of the same caliber since all have their own weather skills and years of school, but on the other hand all have their own skills and values and my strenght has been theoretical ideals and tge eationality of feelings, plus some wisdom of life. 

23.4.2023   Even though i got good grades in school, I did not have intellectual or other influence in my social environment. My relatives sometimes seemed to have talked to others about my views but those did not seem to come from me but were instead their own views or their own likings. (I also have never had the tendency to scold others about being stupid, but my step mother like mom at least as older had the tendency to call herself names and theatratically get angry without others having taken part in any way except trying to cool her down. ) 

12th of May 2023   I have some vague memories that before I was born, I was a young "tiainen" bird who got to try to be a god. I sang on a tree or bush branch and remember that only one elderly long-bodied clumsily moving dark brown dog listened to what I said ( when they walked past me singing ) and made some markings while they walked further. I thought it a good beginning but too few, so I grasped the chance to be born a human there near by and write my message to the large world. But it is over 50 years already, so I do not quite remember what my message was, except that it was some structural analyzis, and that is somewhat like why I wrote my paradise theory book, but somehow some basic structure analyzis was dropped away from the book while choosing a version for publication. 

1. kesäkuuta 2023    Kai jos olen 24 ja puoli vuotta kurjoittanut, niin ammattini on vielä kymmenet vuodet mm kirjoittaja tai kirjailija, vaikken enää kirjoittaisi mitään. Näin jälkikäteen kirjani eivät ole suoritusperspektiivin keskellä vaan yllättävän syrjään jääneet, paratiisiteoria yksi mekaaninen huomio ja vuodenaikakirjoitus joskus mukana vähän kuin lintukirjasta muistettu ja tonttutaitokurjoitus yksi kirja ajatelmia, joka on joskus luettu. Mutta ainakin nyt vielä vaikuttaa siltä, että jos saan jonkkn käytännön työn, sen tarttis olla jotenkin jouluun liittyvä. 

Parantamisaiheinen blogini ehkä vakiintuu olemaan lähinnä monistenippu, jossa hakemisto. Ohjeet ovat niin vähän vauhdikkaita ja niin yksinkertaisia, että kai sopivat myös lämpimiin maihin. 

29th of October 2023   I have wondered why I tend to get influencies from my younger years' relatives, class comrades, study pals, childhood neighbours etc, even sometimes as if my own work in the internet had gotten influencies frlm them, which is unnatural. I did not feel well in my younger years' social environment, I was not safe enough with them and they did not share my values and understanding. I haven't associated with them for years, I do not want to. The last time I saw my step mother like mom was two and a half years ago when she took my apricot minuature poodle Banjo to veterinarian to with ultra sound, without touching the dog, remlve possible tooth stone from the surface of the teeth  even though there was no need for such and the dog was completely healthy, and she text messaged that the teeth are loose and have to be removed or kill the dog and so the dog died. And I haven't associated with my relatives after that. I do not want to, I have bad experiences of them, I do not want tp try again, my lufe is much better without them making their cunning plans and with multiple layers of lues attacking my life.

My step mother like mom was called Tita, her official name was Riitta Kyllikki Hari and she was from Lappeenranta, born 1948. She worked in brain research testing measuring human brains' magnetic fields outside the head. 

My father was called Pepe and his official name was Pertti Kaarlo Juhani Hari, and he was from Mikkeli, born in 1941. He worked in forest research. 

I had one brother, he was called Tompo and his official name was Tuomo Tapio Hari, he was born 1973 in Helsinki. 

Iwas born 1971 in Helsinki, female, Kaisa Hannele Hari. 

I went to school in Helsinki, Yhtenäiskoulu, 1978 - 1990, all 12 school years in the same school. I did not like school at all, so mostly I had no pals there. 

Most of my books can be found at and the older books and booklets are as far as I remember included in the collection "2013: Paradise like era" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. Postage from the Amazon internet bookshops in Europe ought to be much cheaper and much quicker. 

4th of November 2023   Most of my younger years' environment would have liked to see the healing advices (healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life) and the thinking course , maybe also the advices about living with the four seasons . Lately I have written almost only about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life

18th of November 2023   When I went to school 1978, in the cover of our math study book there was my mother's name Riitta Hari, as one of four names, and she said that she had taken part in making the book. I did not like math, since I suffered from it's lack of practical things and complex understanding like mysic and wisdom about ways of doing. Once, maybe when I was 10 to 14 years old, our family visited my mother's parents in Lappeenranta where said she had lived all her youth in the same apartment, with her two sisters too, and so during one such short visit as we sat in the kitchen table her parents said that she had been very good in mathematics, figured out her own new results checked by some adult mathematician, and they had written a book or books of those results for an international audience, and so my mom had gotten number over ten, which is the highest in the scale, from math in school. First she got 11, then each year or something like that a hogher one, until she got 14 from math. At that point tvere came a misunderstandkng that she hadhad 4, the liwest number, in her grades, so after some time she was transferred to the school preparing class. Whdn I was a young adult, she told me that she had liked math very much and graduated from the university math in a half a year. She always figured out new ideas in math, while I never emjoyed math and never managed to invent any idea for any prts of solutilns in math, even though she forced me to major in it. My step mother like mom Riitta Kyllikki Hari used to be very irrational in what she might say, used often associations to words as if trying to figure always new ideas via them like makes sense in math but in nothing else, but she always said that she worked in researching the magnetic fields of the human brains and cpnsidered that work more important than anything in my life, and she said that she had just liked mathematics when young, and still liked it but happened to have another job. 

9th of December 2023   If I think of the people in my childhood environment, what they are in skills, values, cultural likings, social preferences etc now tens of years later, all are different, often very much different like people having turned toward separate professions, cultures, climates, social chouces etc. Generally all can school taught skills, but what values they follow on eacv occasiln and what is their quality in each superfluous area of lufe and their skills, varies a lot, for example figuring out things of different kinds. For example it was told that both of my parents had kn some time during their school years been transferred to the class of those who cannot reach the normal school level. But they both were eager to reach for grades in school, so I understood that they finished school in the normal school, but like often with the retarded, it was a social choice of not always following one's full understanding but instead be socially adventureous with disadtrous consequesces to the society and mischievous with disadtrous consequences to the responsibly behaving in the near environment. 

keskiviikko 4. tammikuuta 2023

My lifetime's main work is done

 It seems that i no longer have anything much to say. Also my quality is nowadays much lower than as younger. Partly thst is a question of some things in a global audience being a burden for normal life, so that it seems very difficult to keep the quality good. But so it seems that my main writing work is done. 

25th of May 2023   My writing work is mostly done. I had as strenght theoretical ideals in the scale of the whole world. Of those I have written in my paradise theory book over 10 years ago. After that I have written mostly of subjects around the rationality of feelings. For the last four years I have been stuck to write endlessly about skills useful for a Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, and it seems that it has become my speciality, at least nowadays. In addition I have written over a thousand advices about healing, see , which too seems to have mostly ceased but may still continue a little bit for a long time. 

16.7.2023   As younger I thought I was gonna write about big things that matter in the world. As I have written what seems to be just about all I have to say, I am surprised to find that my texts are not of as good quality literally as I had aimed at. What I thought of as new big thoughts were more like repair pieces. That means that they do not stay central after they too are understood. Instead someone else writes a good beginners' guidebook on my texts just fix some points which otherwise would have been left unanswered. 

I do not know, but does that also mean that some of my more guidebook like texts will stay, likd Living with the four seasons, and Knitting tips.