lauantai 2. joulukuuta 2023

About publicity

 I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should have a female dog and with it puppies, but I do not know what to do with the people interested in such from some lying poibt of view, so it jydt turns out impossible. Instead such would be possible as a phenomenom of the world, instead of puppies from paradise theoretician's kennel, they could have somewhere puppues with a paradise theme, with different influencies about things suiting it, like for examole emotionality of some countrues would interest those who like them, etc. 

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10th of December 2023   Maybe it is typical to the very best in arts or religion, and not so typical to philosophers and other thinkers, but I feel that especially in what comes to my blog the need for media visibility or similar search engine visibility of it and it's parts is huge, almost too huge for me to handle and typically much much too huge for the people that I know, or have in my younger years known, to handle. It does not seem to be their task. So the number of people giving objective fair backup seems to be nonexistent, especially since the need to inform is in the wide world and not just in Finland. 

My IQ was 170 in the official Mensa test in the 1990's, and I have made the thinking course and the advices in learning talents and skills, which are in the two first posts of the blog .

The knitting tips at are liked by the Scottish & British as far as I know.

The long long text teaching skills and talents for a Christmas gnome like or Christmas elf like life in the modern world, year around, world wide, contains over 1500 separate texts plus links to my other blogs, and has lots of ideas/taught skills that seem to be worth attention and need some time to themselves. The advertisement page gives some idea of these. 

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