lauantai 7. marraskuuta 2020

A pause or the end of my writing career

 I have lately had some Swedish influences that make thinking very narrow and short-sighted and are poor for other skills too, so in practice my writing ceáreer seems to be over. My texts lately have been failures. I have left them to the internet though, since it is maybe good to know that I cannot continue writing like this. 

Fotr the last two years I have amoing other things written a long long text with lots of links to my blogs, about the skills of Christmas gnomes, so maybe that too is a way to end my writing career, since after all I have written fact texts around the subject of rationality of feelings and not tales.

Similarly my short composing career seems to be over since last May. I do not know what I will continue to, but at least for the time being the lack of skills is preventing most such goals from me.

14.11.2020   I have noticed that the main lack of intelligence and skills of the Swedish influences is from them not bothering to look, but instead thinking that they do not need to look properly, just like the ordinary sense of sight is and understanding what one sees. So, thinking that one needs to look, and looking in a good quality way, solves partly the problem, but still the result is lower than withotu such problems. 

Also the social good will and thinking of the society are lacking from such short-sighted views, and so my texts have lately been without much social wisdom, kind of more bomb like. That is also a typical difference of Finns and Swedes, Finns thinking of the good of the whole world while Swedes only of their own benefit and imago.

On the other hand, I feel tat I do not have anything to write and what there are uideas that I formerly would have written about, do not get filled to be whole views but instead the lack of skills prevents good quality.

16.11.2020   I cannot teach these same kind of things in other ways than written text, since if one teaches them via persoinal contact,they are difficult to remember, since they uinclude things that are my persional likings and the other persons do not have the same personaö öikings, and so they drop them away after a while and pick instead some other things that they like but which create a smaller capacity, and so they lose thos view almost totally. But from the written text they remember the words and can so later pick again the same things and so build the skills on them.

20th of November 2020   Who person suits some profession is partly a question of who carries the burdens of that profession as one's main work or otherwise well enough, witrhout being bothered by it. Many professions repair some  area of life to it's normal functioning, so that they are not at the sphere of those doing well in it but instead where there are otherwise serious lacks in it in the society. For me such an area are solving major problems of the wide world. I try to solve conflicts between large groups, but do it in a neutral way by writing to all the groups at the same time about how some thing according to feelings is benefical, rational also in the tough world, so that it is just one addition to the civiliced theory perspective about that are of life. So I am just about always also watching things from the point of view of calming to peaceful power balance situations, to beneficial to a better world in the future and nowadays too. So I could have some other job as an extra job that is nice to do but not as the only dedication I have in what comes to working life.

22th of November 2020   My input is these blogs plus my books, booklets (mostly on links from my blogs or copied to them) and my old video channel which is mainly text videos teaching thinking skills and the like. I do not teach these in personal encounters, not in close ways. If someone does so, she/he is not like me at all. 

28th of November 2020   Today morning before I was fully awake there was a feeling of lots of ghosts around like insects died because of the cold or a nuclear bomb having been somewhere. Today is the funeral of the last highly honoured Finnsh veteran of teh World War II. I guess that such can be a reason for a feeling of ghosts, since when I have learned skills, I have noticed that they give rise to other similar skills, so that in practice all certain kinds of deeds in a society can be the results of one individual's endeavours, and so an elderly dying can affect a lot. Some 15 years ago when I was writing my paradise theory book, I looked at the film Evita which started froma  funeral, ended in the same funeral and told the person's whole life in between, and I thought that a country ought not need to miss one individual so much, and that I at least would prefer writing, so that if someone is interested in the subjects I write about there is teaching material available without me being there to offer thme advices in it. And so I think that when I die, that does not matter tro the world at all as much as the subjects of my texts are important. I guess that one can say that I prefer a lasting effect, since I feelthat the results of my work are needed. 

5.12.2020   I have lately been writing the Christmas gnome skills text though, but the quality isn't so good.

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