keskiviikko 2. syyskuuta 2020

One project has been to teach things that would otherwise break or disappear

I have written lots of material to the internet teaching skills around the rationality of feelings. Lately I have written at lenght about the possibilities of Christmas gnome like life in the modern world , and that project started from me noticing that gnomes are a subject that tends to break as if all beginnings had been robbed away by masses of foreigners right in the beginning, in the first few seconds of thinking of them. So I guessed there being a large demand for such skills abroad, even though the interest in Finland in much milder, since those basic skills are well familiar to all, even though now that the gnome skills text is much longer, it can interest Finns too. So now I have written almost 300 times more pieces of text, often with links to my other blogs, about the skills of Christmas gnomes. And so I feel that the subject does not break so much at all anymore. But I have also send my gnome skills text to many or even most countries' tourism net sites, since I feel that those skills could help to safeguard the fracturelessness of old valuable ways of living and old places that have cultural value.
In a way many of my former texts have had similar motivation, but the dimensions I have understood much better in them. Yesterday I tried writing about learning how to be free but at least to begin with it is just three pieces of text with links too, and that seems to be enough.
In teh gnome text there is about women power,kind of easy version of it, mainly the text (C69. in the gnome skills text) and some other texts supporting it. I feel that it makes the subject easier to accept and easier to adopt but not at all so spectacular and life changing,more like a bore, yet a possibility for so inclined women, kind of fair play toward girlks and women.
My thinking course together with the advives of learning skills and talents for one's distant most loved dream job, teach how to get skills along one's own insight and one's own common sense, with a quality that is agreed to be of professional level and good quality. See the beginning of my blog for them. Also my gnome skills text and the blog are along such lines, and likewise my texts about the rationality of feelings, see for example the latter blog's first post and there the book link, and my palylist Rationality of feelings at my old video channel .
The value of moral in the tough world, from the value-free point of view is handled in my paradise theory and in my blog about moral in practice . In connection with computers it is in my text about the future of computers .
Oneold such attempt of mine is my dream job blog about changing profession to one's dream job or at least half way to some  nice job that there is many such jobs available and one's dreams as hobbies. Especially it's Finnish language original which is much longer .
One attempt with lower quality but an important subject is cure guesses to illnesses etc, without medicine and treatments, just comparing with healthy ways of living and learning from them. In English
  and the much longer Finnish original . Kind of avoid illnesses, just stay healthy based on one's wisdom, or getting cured likewise.
About good ways of doing, about succeeding in what one attempts to do: healthy ways of living and doing, my own view, .

(13th of September 2020   The long "Skills of Christmas gnomes" text is now ready, please read it at . )

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