tiistai 11. elokuuta 2020

I am not a teacher, I am just a writer

 I have written at lenght about the four seasons, https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html . That is a whole bunch of advices, things that I have learned as a Finn and as a dog owner with an interest in the nature. Lately when the text has been roughly ready, there have been in my living environment many people from the tropics, Arabs etc, people with difficulties in living even the basic skills in living the seasons, like that autumn exists or that the goal is to stay warm and regulate one's body temperature. I do not have any skills of teaching at such a level. My texts build upon what I have learned about learning dyúriung my school and university years, not upon tourism professionals' skills. The wilderness guide course that I was in supposed that being outdoors in the weathers is a well familiar thing for all.
It is very much the same with my other texts: I write a lot of advices and it seems impossible for me to manage to teach them to someone I meet. I am much better at writing, and then there is more time and dedication for the thing and it is done for a much wider audience which is much more motivating.

(For learning complex new skills like weather skills for example, keeping company isn't the best tactic. Instead one needs a good picture of the goal, so that one can notice what such skills require and later on one's own think how one oneself could learn things in that direction. If one would keep company to the skilled, those would have different habits than oneself, and so one's own habits do not support such skills, and so it is better to take the task a piece by piece, and do it on one's own ways so that one then really has those skills.)

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20.2.2022   For me as a writer, what tyoe of writer i am, the only comparison that tends to come to my mind is : I have something of my own kind to offer, of a good quality, but not average in style , somehow central yet too unique to be so central in the society. 

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