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What I look like (reading the texts by the pictures helps understanding the pictures)

 A picture of me = Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 15th of March 2022 

(17.6.2022   To be clear, i have not spoken in public or the like (except kept poodle training as a teen and checked math homework in the university), but i have some old videos of me on my video channels khtervola and Kaisa Hannele Tervola. But there is some other person called Hannele Tervola too, maybe several, and they maybe some like publicity. Like i painted a fine aquarel painting but somebody else with the same name was at the local big art exhibition just right afterwards, without such talent itseemed. I wear colourful clothes plus white and brown and sometimes light grey, am somewhat fat nowadsys, studied sciences and theor. philosophy in the university, don't have kid, don't know about nursing professions, am or used to be among the best in the world in objective thinking, don't copy from others, rationality of feelings as strenght, no family, nature oriented & loves healthy ways of living, free time oriented, not cunning, not acting, nearest to lies absentmindedness and avoiding something, have never used any make-up except a couple of times tried lipstick )

21.6.2022   A picture of me from the spring 2022.

6th of July 2022   My social capacity is in some sense very big: I aim at using all the ways of doing and living of all the people and animals i know ( also from media and books but dropping away parts that cause accidents, also passer-bys etc i.e. all that i know to exist or to have existed) all the time, emphasizing what suits me best and whom i associate with or think about.

5.1.2023   I have had for maybe 30 years some social classification as a grand master like person, is it from reading Tao-te-ching, but anyway a social obligation to behave nonaggressively like is demanded from grand masters. It can be also from the style of 80 years olds since i was born 8.8.1971. 

22th of June 2024 Midsummer Day

The song "Crying flute" at made me remember my childhood. As I looked to the mirror while thinking of my chilhood family, it was somehow clearly in sight, what they were like to associate with. I tried taking pictures but the effect was much milder and more serene than years ago in my childhood and school age.

My a few months over two years younger brother nicknamed "Tompo" was kind of technical acting enemy like evil, socially manipulating, school oriented but not wise, somehow along with in the traditional Finnish culture but nit folliwing it's values. 

My mom nickbamed "Tita" was brutal and extremely science oriented with a poor head, lots of nonsense and great unfairness, very commanding and dominating, kind of disastrous for lufe around but somehow did not appear such in the eyes of others, and so tended to get extra righrs to rule over the lives of others, is it somewhat like a hunter over small animals. 

My father was kind of, is it Novosibirsk style, liking practical life including cooking, gardening and summer cottage life, and so gave also to others in the family the possibility to garden etc, at least somewhat, which was refreshing and a relief. But he was very science oriented in a stuck way, emphasizing the need for holustic rationality, but went often badly ashtray in social estimates of whom to support, etc, and seemed too stupid to accept much of new ideas. 

The nature around was a relief to me, and I thought of it as a source of wisdom, to which Finnish traditional culture and some music coukd help to find a road to. 

Of me nowadays, as an adult, I am now 52 years old and have had poor ways of living for some years, I do not quite know why but it seems to be some occult problem, maybe connected with having written a lot, maybe 10 000 advices or 15 000 pieces of text etc, or something of the kind, but anyway lately there has been much too much knfluencues from others, so my life is jyst stuck. But generally I have had a good objective thinking ability, (understanding the sciences), understanding also philosophy, arts (music, painting, poetry and dance) and wisdom of life. But my skill level isn't up to that of religious professionals of good quality (following civiliced wisdom), instead I am like a person interested in religions, especially Buddhism in connection with a good objective thinking ability of one's own plus own wisdom of lufe, seems to describe my skill level and type, but as such I am somehow of unusually good quality in healthy wisdom of life connected with understanding about fracturelessness etc. Especially I am not of a lying kind or dishonest, but I think that often I have no choice of all matters, so one needs to check my thoughts etc, have an understanding of one's own, and likewise quite often when reading some old text of mine I wonder if it has been replaced by somebody else's text, since I feel with a poor head and the atmosphere isn't familiar and often there comes a feel of a social perspective of some other profession. But at least I have tried writing. If others in the world are not interested in my objective thoughts or my advices for learning high skills, I cannot help that, maybe there never were such common values, safeguarded things, etc. 

Mökkeilystä kertova juttu järven pohjasta löydetyistä vanhoista vakoilulaitteista tai radiolähettimestä tms , toi mieleeni, mitä äitini ja veljeni kerran lapsuudessani mökillä satuilivat tukeakseen aikomustani kirjoittaa luonnollisuuzen kannattavuudesta yms, katso .

* * * * *

10th of July 2024   

From Tuesday July 9th 
Mutta julkinen kiinnostus ja toisten arvioima paikkani maailmassa on lähinnä yliopiston dosentin, jonka kirjoitukset kyllä säästetään jossain pölyttymässä mutta jonka kiinnostavuus on lähinnä yksittäisen faktan ohimenevän tarkistuksen luokkaa. " 

"Mutta kirjoitukseni eilen luokittui Zeus-maisen suurivaikutujseksiseksi teoksi, kun bligissani ehdotin Alaskan tai kylmuen seutujen nimeämustä nimellä Dwenda, joka näyttää tulvan ilmastotaitoja seudun kulttuurin ym viisauden oppinista edistäisi. Että joksikin jumalolennon tapaiseksi jotlin tekoni tai puoleni esim taitoni joskus luokittuvat. " 

23rd of February 2025   My books tell about learning talents, skills and wisdom of life. My books are not tales (except the robot stories and poetry translations) even though may be of tale like subjects. 

(People making lines instead of thinking in pictures, do not produce good enough quality and so ought not be allowed to affect other people etc.) 

(It is my impression that people working in libraries, book shops etc may have lots of skills.)

(It is easier to teach skills to beginners when one has years of experience of such a hobby or such an area of interest.) 

Of problems with media visibility or other publicity 

Of how different people guessed similar in values and understanding may often be 

I have written lots of advices in learnibg talents, skills and wisdom of life. Most of those advices are collected to somewhat tale like sounding booklets or books.
I have noticed my lufe becoming very unactive and sleepy, as if everything were somrhow forbidden. But very unrealistical options seem somehow supported, as if some thought that I ought to do only such, which of course is impossible for me. For example I am afraid of high places, but after seeing an atmospheric video of a hot air balloon flight, I had mentiobed it too as something with gnome like life like okd times charm. Later to my hone flew from an open window a little bird who seemed to say that hot air balloons are enough like flying, and it seemed that my readers too adviced tgat subject as suitable for me since it was enough tale like. But mistly there does not seem to be anything I could do. I wonder if my books etc have been classified to tales instead of to teaching naterial about skills etc. Could my books etc please be classified to skills, wisdom of life, etc.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

My birthday and my childhood name

My birthday is 8. of August. As numbers 8.8. it brings to my ming four round circle like things of which two pairs are more closely connected. The healthy round forms bring to my mind symbiosis and a model of the world. So it is like one form of my paradise theory. I have not noticed it having influenced my thinking, except that I have come to notice the possibility of such a model and on the other hand my childhood environment maybe saw such a view as part of what I might be like because of my birthday. Late summer is also a time of warmth at the same time with the need to defend the good things summer brings, the loves in one's life from the coming autumn and winter. So that too may have affected my view on what is the task of thinking, theory and work. * * * (7. March 2016 As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some...

Each one has a different view of skills etc

 Some day last week I on some mental side talked momentarily with someone who had read my book A Sorcerer, and it was as if she knew it well, but even though she appeared inclined toward rational style life, she did not seem interested in the skills taught in the book, so her version of such was very far from mine. Yet my experience is that many social relations oriented people refer to the more rationally oriented in getting a kind of schooled view, so even those go much further from the original. And these are who are claimed to be of roughly the same type and same skills as the writer, while others left more far away in views, which seems that either they caught nothing of the communication or then there was some similarity, for example a hobby like interest in the subjects shared with the writer, which brought the clmmunication. So even though one can tell of skills, for example to look detailedly at some points, the level of actually living one's life is very different. It doe...

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see . Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blo...