maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2024

About translating

 I guess many have noticed that good translations of novels or of movies' texts, are often also translations from a culture to another, so also to different ways of living and different social life, and that a good translation is good life in the new country instead of being a fully fairful descriptiln of the original choices of words, personalities, etc. 

But if one would translate so the healibg advices from a culture to another, the way the advices help certain type of people or areas of lufe, would not necessarily help another type of persons with different areas of lufe dominant, so such a translation seems to go ashtray. So either one needs to translate dictionary like just the words, and remember to tell that the advice is from southern or eastern Finland. Or then one just has read my healibg advices and has own lufe skills, and so one jyst makes a new healing advice based on lne's own skills and experience of life, and so one clearly is the author of thay advice, and my texts are only one of the sources read by the author. (Compare with such a task in school studies: if there were sources on another language, you were called the author anyway. Similarly after studying years for a profession, what you produce is your work, even if you learned it via your studies. Having compared different study books, different authors clearly produce texts readable in different amoubts, suitable for different types of peopke, even if tge subject seems to be largely the same.) 

Simikarly, teaching talents and skills may require a literal translation, or a new work whose only author the translator is. 

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