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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2022.

Comparison to novels

 I have written only fact texts, mostly only teaching skills and talents. To my surprise I got stuck to writing endlessly ( 3 years 9 months ) about the skills of Christmas gnomes. I collected the first three years' texts and together with them most of my lufetime's work, to a book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, which I have come to compare with some novels and so it is just a book among others, i guess. I have not read novels lately. These novels thst i have come to think of are :  Ruduard Kipling's Jungle book Jack London's Call of the wild Alkumetsä i.e. Robert Holdstock's Mythago Wood Juhani Aho : Rauhan erakko * * * 7th of September 2022   I had this theoretical understanding. So i was able to write these texts, but nothing else. The rest is up to others applying and bringing their own understanding and skills.  For example , and . 

What I look like (reading the texts by the pictures helps understanding the pictures)

 A picture of me = Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 15th of March 2022  (17.6.2022   To be clear, i have not spoken in public or the like (except kept poodle training as a teen and checked math homework in the university), but i have some old videos of me on my video channels khtervola and Kaisa Hannele Tervola. But there is some other person called Hannele Tervola too, maybe several, and they maybe some like publicity. Like i painted a fine aquarel painting but somebody else with the same name was at the local big art exhibition just right afterwards, without such talent itseemed. I wear colourful clothes plus white and brown and sometimes light grey, am somewhat fat nowadsys, studied sciences and theor. philosophy in the university, don't have kid, don't know about nursing professions, am or used to be among the best in the world in objective thinking, don't copy from others, rationality of feelings as strenght, no family, nature oriented & loves healthy ways...

I write teaching material, I am nit a society level force

 My background is academical. I just write teaching material of quite many subject. Then the material is available in the i ternet. Sometimes i send the links somewhere where they might need such teaching material.  But i rarely make suggestions of hiw some society level thing ought to be arranged. And if i make a suggestion, the end result is often the opposite to my wishes. So mistly i do not evenbtry to inflyence any devisilns or practices kn the society. I just don't have the skills for such, and maybe i am not average enough in my views.