torstai 7. marraskuuta 2019

What kind of shelter my texts give

I have tried to write my texts so that they would give practical possibilities in readers'lives to the areas of life I write about. Sometimes when I read the texts of others or listen to some song or look at a painting, it quite often happens that the text or piece of art just mentions nice things inlife but if one tries to follow it as an advice, it lacks some wisdom of life or skills of living in the society, so that it does not build a real alternative if one follows it diligently. A typical example of such is stories made by imagination only. Or something that someone has as a hobby but does not get the enjoyment from it that a beginner often gets.
My texts teach skills and talents. They seek to teach them to an as wide group as possible but inside the ordinary civiliced ways. So they refer to basic things in life, likelooking and moving, and to things familiar from the veryday life of almost all, and build the skills and talents from them. So there is a well working road for the reader, but it's incredients one needs to find from one's own daily life and with common sense in it, and not copy from the writer's personal life. So for example how climate affects amount of looking and ways of moving, one needs to take into account oneself, kind of live the samer things in a different way based on the main current of the life in one's own climate and the needs of the skill in question.
In addition I have tried to solve many of the possiblesocial problems in whether you get room to live in civiliced ways accxording to your likings and wishes, your own best understanding and civiliced wisdom. And that is via the Finnish rule "Live and let others live!" .
I have also used basic phracing according to common sense view of the main elements in the ordinary objective picture of the world,instead of some more narrow theory perspective. I have tried to give each thing some room to live in so that many different ways of thinking of and living with the same thing would be possible.
 I have also tried to avoid writing when I have bad luck or am disturbed some people or have associated with some stupid perspective, so as to not to cause bad lcuk as a side effect.
 I have looked at the things discussed from many perspectives, so as to avoid collisions in reader's environment between diffewrent viewpoints and sets of values, skill levels etc.
I have tried to add Finnish wisdom of life about healthy ways of doing so that dreams would not be just empty words but instead parts of one's daily life.

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4th of June 2021   I am nit a typical person of any group as far as I know. So people in my environment have typically different level of skills  different level of moral, are socially different and have fifferent interests and different values. So if you like some text of mine or some my characteristic, you are not likely to fing roughly the same environment, especially nit the skills and not the responsible attitude.

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