keskiviikko 23. lokakuuta 2019

Me compared with other Finns

The reason I write about Finnish culture is that I had the thinking course which made it possible to teach the Finnish strenght of common sense like objective thinking with a picture of the whole, to also foreigners and much quicker than earlier. So I wrote something else about Finnish culture too, things that as far as I know people usually would like to teach to foreigners too. But what comes to for example climate skills, I am as far as I know just an ordinary Finnish dog owner with experience of walking the dog in any weather, or something like that, who likes also sports and is interested in teaching talents and skills.

(10.2.2022   Tänään oli oenkkaripöivä taas monelle koulunsa päättäneelle. Itse kurjoitin kyllä aikanaan viiden ällän ylioppilaaksi 9.5:n keskiarvolla, mutten olisi osannut suojella kasvojani viimalta penkkarikuorma-auton lavalla, ja niin jätin kuorma-autoajelun väliin. Luokkatoverit saivat siitä kuulemma kamalan flunssan, mutten vueläkään tajua, miten he välttyivät paleltumilta. )

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