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Academical person's layman's view

 I have written many advices in learning skills and talents and wisdom of life. Typical to these advices is that they mention slme single points which ought to be like extra knowledge to help in learning, and not the whole thing. So my texts are not like an elderly person teaching skills and traditional culture for grandchildren or young beginners. Instead my advices are maybe like an academical writer's layman's view: some thoughts and knowledge that is quite scarce but well picked from the point of view of living a good life, richly experiencing in the wide world. 

I have lately written mostly only tge blog .

Quite many of my books as free downloadable text files or blog links at but there are also links to my books for sale at .

Sometimes I get the impression that especially some of my healing advices have been replaced by the texts of others, even in my own blogs, and sometimes my book covers seem to get letters of a less skilled style thinking as if from an entirely another kind of person with a similar name. So please use use ordinary common sense when reading my texts or choosing what to read, without trusting all texts being made by persons with similar skills or values. 

Besides, I have written some 25 years, so my path as a writer has wandered far from the original efficiency optimisation kind of structure analyzis, first to my hobbies and teaching intelligence, then to weathers, changing profession to dream job and healing by pieces of wisdom of life, and lastly to the skills of Christmas gnomes and other tale like things. 

15th of February 2024   Some call internet too a media, but I have not been in other medias at all and I am not suited to such, somehow not of any type that people would like to see or hear in the media, even though my skills and wise thoughts may interest some for a while if presented by someone else whom they like to see or hear in the media. I have in the internet both blogs and old internet pages mostly with texts, and three video channels at . As far as I know my videos are sometimes interesting but not considered so important, just kind of showing some thoughts or my pets, etc. But I feel that many of my blogs are considered important, kind of unusually skilled, good willing and rewarding in some respects. So I guess that my blogs, especially and links from there, are compared with news articles or watching videos as a free time activity. But in those subjects too if there is any demand for someone in tv or radio or magazines etc, it is not at all any place for me, but some suiting such might find extra strenghts from the skills taught by some of  my numerous texts that the person happens to like or need. So in that sense I connect with medias but as far as I know not otherwise, not as a possible media figure. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

My birthday and my childhood name

My birthday is 8. of August. As numbers 8.8. it brings to my ming four round circle like things of which two pairs are more closely connected. The healthy round forms bring to my mind symbiosis and a model of the world. So it is like one form of my paradise theory. I have not noticed it having influenced my thinking, except that I have come to notice the possibility of such a model and on the other hand my childhood environment maybe saw such a view as part of what I might be like because of my birthday. Late summer is also a time of warmth at the same time with the need to defend the good things summer brings, the loves in one's life from the coming autumn and winter. So that too may have affected my view on what is the task of thinking, theory and work. * * * (7. March 2016 As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some...

Each one has a different view of skills etc

 Some day last week I on some mental side talked momentarily with someone who had read my book A Sorcerer, and it was as if she knew it well, but even though she appeared inclined toward rational style life, she did not seem interested in the skills taught in the book, so her version of such was very far from mine. Yet my experience is that many social relations oriented people refer to the more rationally oriented in getting a kind of schooled view, so even those go much further from the original. And these are who are claimed to be of roughly the same type and same skills as the writer, while others left more far away in views, which seems that either they caught nothing of the communication or then there was some similarity, for example a hobby like interest in the subjects shared with the writer, which brought the clmmunication. So even though one can tell of skills, for example to look detailedly at some points, the level of actually living one's life is very different. It doe...

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see . Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blo...