lauantai 8. elokuuta 2015

My birthday and my childhood name

My birthday is 8. of August. As numbers 8.8. it brings to my ming four round circle like things of which two pairs are more closely connected. The healthy round forms bring to my mind symbiosis and a model of the world. So it is like one form of my paradise theory. I have not noticed it having influenced my thinking, except that I have come to notice the possibility of such a model and on the other hand my childhood environment maybe saw such a view as part of what I might be like because of my birthday.
Late summer is also a time of warmth at the same time with the need to defend the good things summer brings, the loves in one's life from the coming autumn and winter. So that too may have affected my view on what is the task of thinking, theory and work.

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(7. March 2016
As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some of the good sides that people need to have to be good or at least worthy emperors, but I did not connect that to the emperor of China but to rulers of vast areas in general. At the same time I valued grass roots democracy in the Finnish way and not kingdoms as forms of government, much less empires.)
(24. August 2016
I did not have some role or ways of behaviour emperor like, not even sometimes. Instead I thought of emperors as persons who arrange things that people in wide areas need, who find solutions to difficult problems on wide areas of the nation and do that via thinking, discussing, understanding the world, cultures, different types of people, how they interact, what they need and how to arrange such, etc. So I thought of the position of an emperor like an ordinary citizen who in some task deserves well such a high position, negotiating about the affairs of the state. But emperor managing to do that more often, solve problems, negotiate, discuss, find solutions, support good causes, know things and workings of the nation and it's neighbours well - kind of like a relative for an ordinary person, taking part in discussion about something because one has often something valuable to offer, worthy of that role and partly because he/she is often around. So I thought that emperor needs support, needs to show his/her skilledness again and again and again.)

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(11.11.2018   Some people think that children learn especially about names. I think that I learned about many things in life, but here is what I paid attention to in my name:
My first name Kaisa has the associations
kai saa = maybe allowed
kaikki = all
kassa = the person in shop to whom one pays
aina = always
aina saa = always allowed
kaikki saa = all allowed, or: allowed for all
kartta = map
kaitsea = to herd children somewhat like to herd cattle
aisa, aisoissa = controlled enough
keisari = emperor
About how this affected my life, the most important is the word "saa" = "is allowed" which meant that rules of game had to be always obeyed, and so just about evrything was in principle allowed even though often not in practise. The association "kai" = "maybe" hardened this rule via the need of always checking everything. The shopkeeper association made it needed to estimate the total sum, likewise the associations "all allowed", "all" and "always" and "emperor". "To herd children" was with the shopkeeper a milder version of "emperor", likewise "controlled enough" and "map". In my uopbringing my parents emphasized objective thinking with a picture of the whole very much indeed, likewise the culture, school and my parents' interest in science.

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9.12.2018   As far as I remember, I was very skilled in objective thinking skills already in my mother's stomach. My mom was not at all good at thinking but learned school like things quite ok, so I could not copy from her, but since my mom's nick name Tita that was always used at home, is near the name "tiainen" which is a little bird that sings "ti-ti-tyy" and often lives near houses, maybe I was offered them as a forefirure to learn from already in my mother's stomach, kind of someone saying do they understand so much and my momn answering that they might, which I would have taken as a view of how things in the world could be, a world of little birds  too, and so would have learned from then singing. But so I never copied almost anything from my mom and only somewhat sometimes from my dad when we did something together. I think that such freedom is good to have, kind of positive for all and something many kids would need.
When I was a baby and my parents thought of what name to give to me, they were told also that it would be good if the baby too would think of a suitable name for itself, but I needed an advice for it and as far as I remember it, only very vaguely though, it was that if the baby has some strenght, some insight that seems to be of good quality, then see how high one could reach with such and choose roughly such name so that it serves as a helping aid in rising high  in skills as the child gets older. I had the skillof thinking of an individual in a healthy as part of the world, and understood about the connection of feelings and thinking, and from seeing ants I had learned how soldier like ways, moral work for the society amd athletic healthy ways of living & an individual living freely according to it's feelings and it's ages old nature produce the same result, and from my father's father I learned about selfish grounds for moral in educated thinking. So roughly in that direction was the name association "emperor", so via lack of better skills in choosing I chosen that name and my prents ended up in thesame result, even though they could tech me only objective thinking with a picture of the whole, some writing skills and traditional Finnish skills of living with the weathers and Finnsih nature and some understanding of Finnish art and Finnish society which is a grass-roots democracy. As a kid I was interested in politics but at about 12 years old I found out that such job was too difficult for me, my parents had given me too narrow starting point for it.
This text of mine might interest in connection with my ways of thinking : .

2nd of July 2019   In school we were taught that tyrannies usually had a bad effect on the nation but there was one exception and that was "valistunut itsevaltias" enlightened sovereign ruler, which meant somehow wise and good for life, yet kind of tyranny but it had a positive effect on the nation so such ought to be supported, and the teachers said that that was their goal: they sought to educate kids so that they could be sovereign in their lives in a way that well fits into a society and that they would be so skilled and wise in their work that they could be kind of sovereign rulers in that what was their dream job that they had chosen, and of which maybe experience with adults shows that an individual often isnät interested in a good quality way in anything much wis´der in scope than what could fit as his/her work, so they could not be sovereign rulers any wider but there could be many enlightened sovereign rulers in a society, that was not a problem, instead it was an advantage they sought and kids liked.

16th of April 2020  I never grew up to the task of an emperor. I become a thinker and a writer, somewhat also a composer etc. I do not know how one could avoid emperor's official power going to wrong hands, tp foreign interests, actors etc. But if one just does some job anmd it's results are available to use for the good of the country, then such can work. But for it to be possible to use in government it has to be well thought of for a wide group of people, and so writing work, teaching skills is the nearest I can get to that task and it is also what originally adfults thought as my future when I was a child. But for such to work also the good quality works of others have to be likewise possible choices. But of course one must check the qualioty and where it is applicable. So instead of fine position, I ended up internet writer, so that my work is available also abroad, which I often like. I have never been much interested in some single nations, especially not in China. My texts need the background information that I am European and Finnish and that is also the ground for my skills, for the usefulness of my work. I do not know everything, I just write the pieces that I have skills for and that I think that are much needed.

8th of July 2020   The number eight (of 8th of 8th of my birthday) gives an easy way to handle large wholes objectuvely: see the whole as a picture and divide it first by two straight lines to four parts, and then by two straight lines each of those parts to two parts, and so nyou get eigfht parts easily and symmetrically. If you leave the first two lines with thicker lines, you can see the whole even easier. Once you have experience in objective thinking, you can replace even parts by parts divided according to justice, and so the division becomnes really good for objectriuvity: the nature of the parts taken intoi account objectuively.

If you ask, what it was like as a kid with a paradise association to my name, it was nothing,since the others did not want to give me any advantage because of it and they did not support paradise as a thought or life according to feelings as a value either.

17th of July 2020   These might interest many in connection with thinking of emperors or the like:
About sovereign enlightened rulers like many workers are, see my gnome skills text at and in it "2nd of July 2019   In school we were taught that tyrannies usually..."
About women power in the same blog "20th of May 2020   "About women power

As a woman I have been delighted to see that..."
and the same day about bosses' work "I agreed with the birds in the trees..."

18th of July 2020   Also my blog might interest those interested in government and emperors.

7th of August 2020   I have started a blog about how time passes and what the younger ones maybe would like to hear when older persons have birthdays. Today I made a birthday melody to it too, but my birthday is tomorrow. See . The address of the blog comes from the thought that we remember past years via the content of life we used to have then.

15th of August 2020   Like with the paradise association to my birthday, which has brought me no advantage, the emperor = "keisari" association to my name Kaisa has brought me no role or position of emperor like. Instead it has just made my social environment think that they would like to try what it is like to be a tyran themselves, ans so I have been very much bossed around by for example my mom and many others, and my position as an objectively thinking individual in a democracy has been stolen to give position to them.When I was a child and teh subject emperors came up, my parents said that girls cannot be emperors but boys can, and so they gave the emperorlike roles to my little brother.

2nd of January 2021   I haven't had the skill of thinking of names and choosing a name but I just learned something of it. Some time after my other dog died my poodle had problems with criminals and he said that he would like to have some name like Roku, Bandit dies, but I thought the name sounded criminal, it makes the person himself a criminal and makes him die, instead of killing criminals, it brings criminals to one's environment, not as friends but from their criminal side, and so one is likely to do evil and die oneself or something of the kind. Instead I years ago saw an aprocot poodle puppy called Jedi, and that refers to a sword of light, so it is more likely to help to replace a white spitz that died. So I just thought of the ordinary situations and what comes to peoplke's minds from meeting a person with such a name, ordinary evertyday things. My name Tervola brings the association healthy ways of living, but maybe more from the point of view of envym so one maybe could do healthy kinds of things together like go skiing and to quite long walks with one's dog. One maybe could also build something fine tóf which others too catch the idea and start their own kind of mission that way, like my blogs maybe are such.

2nd of April 2021   I do not know what I have learned from my name association "emperor", but maybe reaching higher, taking things responsible to my heart and this melody that I made July 2019

26th of July 2021   I learned the basic view of my paradise theory, of how the different sides of life support each other, as a baby from a reddish brown ant, before I was given my name, if I remember right I was two days old, so it must have been August 1971, which is late summer when the insects are at their wisest because they are older already and the summer gives good possibilities for life. I have wondered why I haven't learned anything such later from the insects, but maybe that is because I had somehow marked that happening to June instead of to August, propably 10th of August 1971. 

1st of December 2021   The name association "saa"="is allowed" to my name Kaisa, I interprete to mean something like "is good for the world, for the living kind, and for the society, also if the effect is unexpectedly big and includes way of life etc, and follows rules with good quality and in a healthy kind of way, and is healthy in spirit, also in whether it is good to influence so at all or not". 

7th of June 2023   People have always thought that it is ok for me to have the name association "emperor", since I have always been very responsibly behaving in large scale questions and fair and honest in them and had a good objective understanding and a goal of avoiding causing harm, preferring to not to interfere, and so it has been ok for me to take part in large scale things, also since I am wishing well for the world and have healthy spirit and wisdom of lufe. But others in my environment who have stolen a chance to try something they call "Kaisa role" have been badly criminal and not deserved such right at all. I never have had royalty as a theme in my social life. I just needed a Finnish name connected with the large scale and suited for a part time writer or the like. 

17.6.2023   I have always tried to be a good emperor, good for the country and for the world, even if I can do only a small part of emperor'stasks. I have tried to prevent the emperor's power from going ashtray. 

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