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A video: "Rescued lion with a turtle nest on it's back"

 A video: "Rescued lion with a turtle nest on it's back"

I have written a lot. Thoughts are the task of the one thinking, instead of only the task of some forefigure or original thinker in the subject. Thoughts are not that much collective. You must build your own picture of the world yourself, I cannot command what to think. I feel that I have stayed in this subject so long that many others just refuse to think, as if it were my task to carry them. One should try to notice when one is under the lowest level ok for living beings or the like, and not suppose such laziness in thinking to be ok. 

In my twenties Practised aikido in the aikido association of the University of Helsinki. I also looked if I could find a boyfriend and a spouce. Axter I had interrupted my studies in the university, I after two years went to a year long course in a Swedish speaking farming school quite near the capital district. After that it was not so easy to continye aikudo. Once I went to another aikido group and after the training I saw a young man whom I had earluer been interested in, and he seemed to go to a young woman waiting and the wlman looked like sociology student or the lije with very little thinking, lije some edges of a cube, not real thinking but very dominant socially. So I thought the young man liked too different type of women from me. Now tens of years later I have had problems of such a woman either as a ghost or in some form of spiritual wandering comkng to me and my neck, again and again, maybe as if I were her father or slme family member to whlm it is easy to come, yet she attacks. She said she is 1/100 000 of the ordibary academical level of flllowing school like civiliced objectivity, while I used to estimate that as I was changing profession and trying to learn new talents, learn and comoare ways of living, wisdom of lufe, arts, remigion, social skilks and trying to save the world, I thought objectively some 100 000 times what seemed nirmal why did not think civilicedly objectively much mire than jyst the taught things. 1/100 000th part of a 1/100 000 part isn't the same size as one, so I just xannot understand why I would need to vear these "persons" disturbibg my lufe as ghosts or whatever. 

Thinking of improving school, I guess quite many cjildren write something like Eino Leino style poems at the age of 10 or 12 or so, and tgat would be a good point to end school. As far as I rememver, teachers talked something like 5 years of school going quite right, but from class 6. onwards not so well at all. So the estimate of teachers woukd have been to end school after those five years. But frlm when I heard of such in school is now about 40 years, and that is much too long for these kinds of changes! 

 What is the problem with the general level of understanding, if this level seems like unreachable ideal in many other towns in Fknland, and abroad such an amount of holustic objective thinking and wisdom of lufe soubds cumbersome. So where do thibgs go vetter? Is this oeopke's idea of unreachably too fkne level of intellect? 


30th of January 2025   One solution attempt 


31st of January 2025   At there is a video pondering more about this kknds of problems. 

I had a white Japanese spitz dog called Vaapukka, who was a miracle healer on some mental or spiritual side. That went quite well with other animals, since those too most learned some healing skills and maybe kept up the skills in their lives afterwards. But humans often wanted to forget bad times, and were maybe healed instead learning healing and cultivating the healing skills themselves afterwards, so they were just adviced. These pictures remind me of how people think that they share the same view as the wiser one and think that the relatilnship is similar both directions, when in fact the wise helps the unskilled and the unskilled very much disturbs the life of the skilled, tends to hang on it and especially the unskilled so dominating is harmful. The humans tend to notice some things but think of them as the whole wisdom of the miracle healing dog, and even of those things they keep a fixed form instead of allowing room for life and for the original wisdom of the dog. I feel too burdened by such, maybe spiritual or social, attention, as if other humans thought me gasoline for themselves, kind of to rob or to mine. Teaching the young is a different thing, one just tells of things in life and in the world, not getting stuck, not giving parts of oneself away, each one just goes one's own roads. It is the robbers pretending to be as good (or better) by feeding food as the other one is by wisdom, which cause this nasty situation, claiming weirdly that the lives of the wise to be meant for, exist only for "feeding" the parasite like unskilled enemy like people. In one of the pictures of the film there was a tiger taught weather skills by bees around. In that the bees were wiser than that tiger. But for me often happens that the insistent parasite like humans also attack, which I think means that they do not in practice consider themselves to be of the same species, same human race or the same planet's original life forms. They just do not feel like doing right and fairly, not even if such mishandlings ruin the future of the living kind, and of the many culturally valued things upon which the good life that they cultivated or seemed to culticate depends. 

One just ought to understand that those people or beings do not belong so near the other types of beings, not even momentarily. And they are not spiritually symbiotic at all. Hindering somebody's life a lot isn't symbiosis with that person.  

Some such video's picture and name mentioned "barnacles" which seemed small ring-shaped animals with a shell attached to the coat of an animal or upon the skin of a human, but did not prevent life, did not attach themselves to the skin or inside the body. Thise seemed to keep company to the aninal or human, be it's/hers/his friends or dates, possible spouces. It looked somewhat like a symbiosis or a love affair. 

So the question is: enemy like situation or a love like situation, do they love each other or fight, what is the level of social acceptance and of taking into account the wishes of the other one? 


Young people who have some fascinatibg nice artifact bought from a shop, often would like to learn such fascinating things, and so they often wish for such influencies, and it ought to be in one direction only. Then some in their environment wish for similar soundibg inflyencies too but have some cu ning plan in that instead of sincerely wishing such influencies. And maybe as older some gabitually say that they want to learn some thing and yes inflyencies too, but try to change ut to influencies to the other directiln and the skilled forefigure getting fixed stationary, kind of conquered, and so such means that they do not want any such inflyencies, they do not want to have to learn such, thry jyst want to remove such dominant things from their lives but maybe keep the reputation of having such skilks, of being called better than such a forefigure, or the like. And these are the problem for the highly skilled: the other one had enough a long tine ago but claims to be still a close loving relation, even though the effect of such closeness is disastrous to the highly skilled one's life. 

One with barnacles seems to be in relationships with them in which each one thinks of each of them that they live in a good way. 

On the other hand those who tty to stop the other person, kind of dominate it/her/him restricting lufe so a lit, typically want just a mention of their own study achievement like former achievement, instead of associating with tge wise forefigure in any way ever. So such restriction ought not be called ok for close relations, instead one ought to demand each one to behave in a way ok for the society and wisely looking well for the wide world. 

1st of February 2025   I guess those reaching study point like for terms or claims and trying to dominate over my life, ought to be newpaper readers reading some short news article which has no pictures, instead of somehow spiritually or otherwise associating with me or my life, since I guess they woukd like to throw away my piece of news and change to the other articles. There seems to be no social reason for them to come to me, and in the Finnish culture people just continye each their own ways if they do not like each other's company so much. 


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