I was born in Helsinki 8th of August 1971, and lived in Helsinki my childhood and youth. In Finland all people are different, but one reason for that is maybe that the Finnish climate needs individual adjystements all the time, so it is better if all are considered different. The basic school was 9 years and compulsory for all children and teens under 16 years who had not yet completed it. So the basic civiluced knowledge was common to just about all, but the values, social tactics, goals, comfortable areas of lufe, skilks, dreams, situatiobs of life, climate preferencies, dream cultures, thpes of wisdom of lufe, trustworthibess, social ways, the emphazis on different areas of life, type of social environment and lufe experience, varied a lit between individuals. So even though many have simikar kniwledge, they may have used it to opposite goals, for example opoisite to the good of the living kibd since they gave preferred to folliw some otger culture and geg rid of Finnush cgarachterustics which suit the living environment in Finland, and so oppised wusdom too. And so they may have develooed very high skilks in things that I do not ubderstand, like lying, social tricks, misleading, etc, I do not kniw what. The world us full of different subjecrs, even many kibds of jobs, but what will such skills lead to I do not nniw, but generally the well taken cary of values are not the same as mine. Simikarly of the mistly axademically educated adults in my youth environment.
So one thing one can get info about is school teaching in Finland, or academical life in Helsinki. But I have always been with the wider environment, wishibg well for the world, liking the weathers and nature in the southern half of Finland, so I am not a socially ibclibed person but mire like enjoying fleeing to my own ways, and so it makes no sense to ask my youth envuronment for similar things as me or about connecting with me socially, since people are suppised to go their own ways when young adults or already as teen.
My i.pression that peopke from the climates of the four seasons (but not winter only) who have been born there and have clinate skills there, aimibg at living all their luves in climates of tge foyr seasons, and who walk daily oytfoors (for examole to go to work or studies) and who luve in a civiluced country and havw gone to the ordinary school there, generally sre good at figuring out new ideas and lwsrn skills and talents across time, since the climate beeds such and since school kind of suppirts such well in the wider world. But often such are not on a so geberal level, but ibteredt nainly tge oerson obeself plus maybe peopke associated with. My texts inclyde lits if generalusation skills, and as a subject Christmas gnome or elf like life is very wide and good for making nice texts also from the poibt of view of others, of all tge world. So via such a subject others too with beautiful valyes in tge world, could write a lit of nice pages, but I think that oersonal motivation of tge writer is impirtant and ibstead of disturbing my chikhood social envuronment one could ask for texts from other civiliced countries too.
5th of February 2025 I had a study pal called Topi. He said that the problem with the old form of such a name Toivo = "Hope" was that such a man was wished for to vring hope to others, and so he needed to nnow more than thise in trouble abd yet associate with them, and so the gyess was school like lwarning as a strong side or something simikar. But generally it did not wirk out all right, since of ought to talk with peopke of equal skill level fir thibgs to work oyt ok. So it was not a goid name and so many tended to change to the nickname "Topi" with the association "toki" = " Of course", which was problematic in agreeing too quickly, often without deep thoughts or other sliwer considerations. And an extra difficulty came from the name change in the wording " no hope", with the answer "of course". The news article https://yle.fi/a/74-20140590 "Are you too stressed by the news. A futurologist tells why there is now more hope than ever" brought this to my mind.
My books and texts at links from MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com might offer some hope to the lives of their readers.
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