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26th of July 2024   I wrote to the search keywords that advices like in these books of mine, are maybe what often is wished for from the women's magazines. But I am writing on a very general level, since such is my strenght and these kinds of skills etc were needed all over the world. Besides, my level of being socially interesting compares with a docent in the university, mostly ok for getting to know some facts but not enough for a lecturer. So the skills taught in my texts should be taught by some other more interesting writers before they fit magazines etc, abd anyway those need to be adapted to the local lives etc, so my books ought to be jyst one of the available sources for journalusts and not ready for magazines. 

But the Christmas gnome skills texts might make an internet magazine or some long series of articles or booklets? There is one link to such an ateempt and it looks nice, but I did not get it any more ready and the texts are longer, need cöicking ooen. I jyst rythmed it according to the pictyres, of which maybe half at least were afterwards added years ago. 

27th of July 2024   I am not just some writer. It is essential to notice that I am an objective thinker. As far as I know, I am the original source, kibd of the inventor of many thoughts and skills, comparing with Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, but my thoughts and skills are of different subjects, and I have written many of them. On some mental or spiritual side I have at least earlier been told that people/ some person with my type of strenghts are born as humans once in a thousand years or not so often. Also on some mental side I am told that I am or have been the best thinker, thinker type of writer or something like that of the human kibd nowadays, of which people remember "feelings, rationality and moral for computers". Likewise also of other subjects I have tried to write of my strenghts, instead of knowing any other Finn or other person who could have written the same, kind of the original info. I have tried to write for all ages, from school age to 100+, and writing for a global audience, at least mostly. I have unusually much wisdom of life and at least have had a large capacity in thinking etc. 

My human environment usually has not shared my values, goals and comfortable areas of life, even though they many may have claimed so, since I have tried to follow quite many recommended choices and have had good skills for school type of thinking and wisdom of life of my own. So many life choices which appear like differencies in skills are often differencies in goals between me and my social environment, kind of people feeling comfortable with different amounts of each thing, and so they also develop different skills and have different amounts of and different kinds of life possibilities. So it mostly isn't true that anybody from some group could replace me, or that I ought to follow the wisdom of life of others instead of mainly my own wisdom of life and fully my own social skills. 

Please observe that in my blog the ebook downloads are free, and of course the blog links free too. And that at and my ebooks cost mostly about 1usd, with immediate download and sometimes unlimited sharing. But some of my ebooks there are more expensive, typically about 3usd. 

Of women's wisdom of life, see 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

About publicity

 I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should h

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see . Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blo

Many of my blogs have thousand views or more

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