tiistai 2. huhtikuuta 2024

Nice jolly or happy life

 If you would like comfortable cozy fun relaxed happy free life or something like that either always or part of the time or sometimes such, you propably would like to read my long long text of the skills of Christmas gnomes / elves, I guess best would be to read daily 1-30 pieces of the text, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .

Valuing wisdom of life and following civiliced values with healthy wisdom of life and good quality, also in one's social situations, solves lots of tangles and brings more freedom since the choices work in practice at least quite often. 

At www.EasyHealing.info i.e. in the blog curingguesses.blogspot.com there is an advice about having always a pleasant feeling in the stomach area:  " c16.   7th of June 2023   One can get a continuous pleasant feeling to one's stomach area by the following :  Listen good quality music often, doing things according to positive feelings, living according to beautiful values, nice motion hobbies and wisdom of life, following a positive course in the world like civiliced wisdom teaches, maybe meditation, friendly social relations, indoors looks & feels nice, the beauty of nature, maybe wise books and variations instead of being stuck to habits. "   The advice is originally from the Christmas gnones skills text. 

For gaining position to influence things via insight, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html 

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