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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on helmikuu, 2024.

Sosiaaliset ongelmat saajaosapuolena olevista kuin pankkiryöstöstä haaveilevista

 " Onkohan nää mun sosiaaluser ongelmat, mitä on lapsesta asti ollut, saamareihin liittyviä, eli joku on saavana osapuolena ja innostuu siitä liikaa, innostuu kannattamaan jotain meininkiä tai järjestelyä,jota ei tavamlisesti kuuluisi kannattaa ollenkaan, vähän kuin innostuminen ajatuksesta pankkiryöstöstä, innostuu kuin velanoerintään, esim pikkuvelheni ja äitinu, vaikkei ole mistään velasta kyse vaan yleishyödyllusestä auttavaisuudesta, ohimennen taidoissa hjelppimisestä, vastuuntuntousuudesta, elämänviisaudesta ja kasvinympäristön korostamista keskusteluun ja ajatteluun sekä yhteiskunnassa elämiseen liittyvistä arvoista. Vastaavasti täällä Espoon Leppävaaran Puustellinmäessä käyviä kiinnostaa usein olla saamarina lihaville, hyvää ruokaa kokkaaville tms. Ja okkultistiset ongelmat varmaankin samaa: aikuknen tulee kohdalle kuin vauva tai kylmissään oleva pikkyeläin, vaikkei käyttäydy ollenkaan ok eikä oke reilu eikä viidas eikä arvoiltaan hyvää elämää maailmassa ylläpitävä.  Terv.

If you like some text of mine, copy it, since there are many different kinds of texts by people with similar name

 I have written maybe 10 000 pieces of text to the internet, so there are many different kinds of texts in them, and there can be very many pieces of text by me even in the same or similar subjects. So if you find slme text that you like, it may be difficult to find it again, but you could cooy the text to your computer. My blogs may also have been sabotaced, somebody else's text replaced mine in my blogs. So please estimate each piece of text separately. And alsl my own quality has varied a lot, and the need for some former knowledge varies a lot, so each text just must be estimated separately.  Thereought to be very many people with a similar name, since "terve" means "healthy, fit, fully in order", having written about subjects connected with healing or healthy ways of living. Many of those may be care professionals, even though I am a thinker, and as far as I know especially people with some own insight into healing value many of those insights, but there ou

A theoretical view isn't power

 I have written all the thoughts and advices I can. So there is nothing more I could write. The thoughts are for objectively thinking indoviduals, meant to be picked to be parts of the society's picture of the world. A theoretical view says very little, but it can be useful in a wide area of different cultures. Me writing about Finnish skills of mine at a theoretical level ought to make itpossible for professionals seeking for teaching mayerial writing locally applicaple advices also of those skills, if they want.  I do not have a reservoir of other skills, insight or the like to be in any positiln of power. I am just a thinking with background in the sciences and theoretical philosophy. And with some healthy kind of wisdom of life. I would have liked to become an artist, but my message is too scarce and theoretical for that. My texts do not rise to the level of religion, even though scchool taught civiliced picture of the world with civiliced values is valuable basic framework als


  On Monday 19 February 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Kauheen huono olo ollut koko päivän, kun muiden laittamia vaikutteita tms puuttumusia ja kohdakkain olemisia, missä minuun osaa joku tpisen valitsema puoli, niin kestämätön olo niistä ollut koko päivän, oksentanut monta kertaa vähän lutkua tai ei mitään mutta huono olo. Onkohan puoli yhdeksän illalla ehkä nukuin tunnin en tiedä, mutta oli jotenkin helpompi olo, kun yritin mielessäni selittää että kääkorkeaksi luokitelyu asemNi oli hyvän toivomista maailmassa ja hyvän laadun tavoittelua etenkin isossa kokoluokassa, mikä tarkoittaa aina, että pyrkii olemaan puuttumatta mitenkään ja korkeintaan kertoo kirjoittamalla oppimateriaaöia jotakin sivistyneiden arvojen mukaista, mikä isissa kokoluokassa olisi hyvä ottaa huomioon. Aseman vaikutelma tulee kun toinen hyökkää kimppuuni siksi että toivon hyvää maailmassa ja yritän noydattaa siinä koulysivistyksen arvoja hyvällälaadulla. Paratiisiteoria oli ymm

Widely interesting profound questions in the modern world : even intergalactic

 I have written some 25 years. One of the subjects I have lately written about is the possibility of inhabiting new planets, i.e. of the adaptation to a different kind of living environment, see my booklet "Animals In Space" at . That made me think of my writing work as a whole that has an amazingly wide possible area of those interested in it, both because of space travel and because living beings of natural origin in natural living environment, living nowadays in an at least partly artificial i.e. build environment. My paradise theory books, see , offer an objective structure analyzis of work efficiency in an at least partly build environment. My text About Kalevala at offers a view of how to regain lots of original fullfunctioning even in the present day world. My blog  about changing profession to one's dream job, and my book Living with the four season

Academical person's layman's view

 I have written many advices in learning skills and talents and wisdom of life. Typical to these advices is that they mention slme single points which ought to be like extra knowledge to help in learning, and not the whole thing. So my texts are not like an elderly person teaching skills and traditional culture for grandchildren or young beginners. Instead my advices are maybe like an academical writer's layman's view: some thoughts and knowledge that is quite scarce but well picked from the point of view of living a good life, richly experiencing in the wide world.  I have lately written mostly only tge blog . Quite many of my books as free downloadable text files or blog links at but there are also links to my books for sale at . Sometimes I get the impression that especially some of my healing advices have been replaced by the texts of others, even in my own blogs, and sometimes my book covers seem to