lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2021

I am moving from Savonlinna to Espoo

 I am moving from Savonlinna, which is a countryside town in eastern Finland, to Espoo, which is an academically incluned town with lots of nature at the capital district. And that propably affects a lot my blogs, since the culture is different and the main professions too. So the way of writing is goiung to change. Or then I will stop writiung these blogs and continue writing some others. But I have now for a long time written kind of artistic versions of my old knowledge what I learned in Helsinki when I was younger, so I feel that I a, running out of subjects to write about and so the whole writing work loses it's meaningfulness if I do not have some other life too, and with healthy ways of living it ought toi be. Lately un Savonlinna there has been some influences from not at all good heads, so the level has seemed lower tahn before, and so it isnät so easy and comfportable to live here in Savonlinna. Besides, in the evenings it is dangerous and my dog refuses to go for a walk, so I would like to move soimewhere where it is safe enough to live a normal life also in the evenings. Also the quality of life in Savonlinna is more like doing an artworkk and not like living the life art ought to be about, not with healthy spirit as much as one would need. And besides I feel that I need kind of somewhat academically inclined envuirinment and common sense to be able to cvommunicate and live a social life with my social skills.

25th of January 2021   A picture from yesterday or so:

1.2.2021   I moved to Espoo last week. Still some boxes to unpack.

14.3.2021   Moving to Espoo seems to have interrupted my writing and lowered the quality a lot. But one week from moving I saw a supposed wolf from my Windows and composed about it, and when some two weeks later Finland's Eurovision song was chosen, it soundeja qiite much the same. So etenkin though I haven't composed more tan one not so good piece Antero that, it seems that I Coulthard cobtinue as a composer. But my foods ave been wrong here and so I have not had muvh skill ofcomposong. And some liars attacked my poodle and so I have been just mineraaleja- I guess such connects with my curing blog which is maybe seen as a paradkgma chage in meficine.

3th of April 2021   My 12 years old poodle Banjo died one and a half weeks ago. He was very intellectually oriented, liked philosophy and journalists and read the newspaper Itä-Savo. My writing work seems to suffer from this loss of an animal friend, since humans cannot replace him. He was a good willing character and liked the nature too and understood some arts but was not so very arts oriented. He was trained for circus when he was young. Here in Espoo some humans attacked him with lies and so he got killed. It might be a paradigma change in vetenary medicine via my blog of which there is the partial Englishvtranslation .

12th of March 2023   Most of my blogs have been just about fully written in Savonlinna. The earlier books, namely the paradise theory were written in Espoo and begun in Helsinki. The thinking course wss written in Espoo. Of my blogs only Skills of Christmas gnomes has been mostly written in Espoo, that means parts 7. - 25. of the text, which means that of the books only the first one was partly written in Savonlinna and the later ones in Espoo. All the other books that I made from my blog texts in Espoo were written fully in Savonlinna, except the few later additions to the healing blogs. 

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