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The white colour


White colour in the meaning "moral", advices

I had a white spitz type of companion and guard dog,a Japanese spitz boy that died at the age of 11 and half years. The white colour went quite nicely for us, so I write here some advices about how we lived on connection with the white colour. The dog was on older years a skilled healerbut somehow on the mental or spiritual side (see my view on curing at , in Finnish at ), but said at the age of ten, almost eleven, that he had helped as many so as he had white hairs in his coat, which was a huge number.
I trandslate from my Finniosh text :

"White is just a colour, like other colours. It fits for example a landscape that has different colours.
The white colour goes lightly with joyful light colours like with a little bit of red, which lightens the burden, makes it easier.
All animals and all humans, regardless of colour, are demanded to behave ina way fit into a society. That is good enough to be white. The white colour does not set special demands, except that if it sometimes gives higher position, then one ought to carry responsibility about how one affects things in a such position.
The white colour isn't grey, one does not need to do lots of labour or serve. The things that one needs to take care of one has better strenght for them if the basic current of one's own life is strong and undisturbed, for example healthy ways of living according to one's likings and wishes for the moment, plus basic life typical to dogs, that dogs like.
 "Live and let others live" is a good type of moral and of getting along and getting room to live in for oneself: each one sovereign like the branches of park's trees, one must onot interfere with the branches of others, with their own life that is, if they do not unfairly disturb others.
Think what is like ages old life according to the nature of humans and animals,our ideals are born from it, think how that way of life with it's parts touches your feelings and use that as your motivation when you need some courage but the situation isn' t too demanding.
A guard dog ought to have always along the view of ordinary good mood quite friendly life.

 I now have my apricot miniature poodle boy Banjo left. He is ten years old and intelligent in human like ways and a considerate character, very nice, more sporty than my Japanese spitz was.

10. September 2019   I do not have a family. I used to have a boy friend but that too was because I was deep in trouble because of enemy like evil psychologists, so I could not avoid taking someone but I did not have the possibility to choose whom. I ususally do better on my own than on the company of other humans. Animals are very good company for me but not all animals. I also like quite many of the elderly here in Savonlinna in eastern Finland, but those relationships are distant, like suits me better. With psychologists I do not get along at all. I am not a person liking close relationships and I do not have the tendency to lean on others. Here in Savonlinna I have learned somewhat keeping company to the elderly here, but mainly as a passer by or a neighbour. I like the traditional Finnish culture a lot, but that is familiar to me from the capital district, school there, university circles, hobbies, the society there and radio.
I have the problem of people who are not skilled wanting to compete with me and getting angry since I did well in school and quite well in the university too and have storng sides in objective thinking and learning skills and talents. I guess that the people they know are too blind to their lack of skill or to my high level of skill which isor was in some things world's best, in things of value in the world. I still write daily since there seems to be so many things that people need to be taught. Yet I have written alreay 21 years.

15th September 2019  At least here in Savonlinna I tend to get better along with the elderly, with those in their 60's and 70's, maybe older too, but not with all of them. I guess that if my age would be 65, it would explain it, but I am 48 but my writing job is much like the lives of some of the elderly, I guess.


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