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More distance to engineering influence

My parents forced me to study theoretical physics and mathematics in the University of Helsinki. I would have liked some practucal work or arts or if need to be academical, then solving ecological problems of the globals cale. But anyway, I learned later how to take more distance to engineering influence, which is dearly needed now that there is influence from the 50 years anniversary of first man on the moon.


I copy it here:

Too much influence from engineering around the world

Last Sunday 21th of July 2019 it was 50 years since man first set foot on the Moon. It seems that just about all around the world watched the video from that. And so all got lots of influence from engineering, also from others, since the day was the same for all. 50 years ago that was a big change in pictures of the world, I guess, but now it is just a piece of news. Yet surprisingly many are interested in space travel or in engineering, and so the effect lasts for some time, while 50 years ago it lasted the whole 1970's or so.
So I guess that one needs effective means of smallening the amount of influence from engineering. The first advice is of course that one should not oneself be so interested in engineering, not classify it so important. In addition one ought to avoid in terest ins space travel, conversations in engineering style or about engineering, take distance to people who term engineering important, etc. And for oneself, one ought to learn skills in other areas of life, and do it with good quality, from the beginning too, since engineerting often disturbs one's abilities of observation, and so one should be interested in looking complex natural landscapes with a  good eyesight, a good understanding and the sense of atmosphere tones.
 For those who want more distance to engineering, my blog might help. Also my long text "Gnome like life in the modern world" might fit some."

* * *

27.12.2023   Once tens of years ago my step mother like mom, who seemed very good at figuring out new ideas in math, said that Newton's laws were maybe her own invention, she coukd have figured them out, just lije this when walking near a sports field, like it seems that one continyes at the same soeed unless one does something to change the speed. But in my opinion that was an erraneous estimate, since moving and running are more comolex phenomena, complex skills. There are many different ways of moving and atmospheres, feelings etc affect the rythm of moving, like for example thinking of kind of even square flat theory oerspectives is different in rythm from being moved by emotional motivation, or running a short distance and letting the speed carry one still a little bit forward. Anywah, moving hands, feet etc is a complex thing, not just a guestiln of the center of mass moving. 
My own thoughrs in these blogs, for example ,
I have written some 50 books or booklets, at .

28.12.2023   My step mother like mom also once said that people who invent something very impirtant which is still in use, tend to live long, as long as that thing is of major importance in the world. She said that she had invented the wheel. At another occasion she told of putting thin tree trunks under a rowing boat to get it drawn over a piece of land. She said that the wheel had propably been invented from such. At another occasion she said that she had in fact invented the wheel from such, since she is good at makibg technical inventions, which us why she has lived lobg, since she every now and then figures out new inventilns if needed.
Once she on a walk also saud that she is over a hundred thousand yeaes old, since shegot the idea to say every once in a while to some kid that it is good that we have the sun, since it is good to have so much weather skills that lne feels the sun as nice, abd since civiliced wisdom us good to have too. 
My experience is that she talked often nonsense mike a person interested in figuring new ideas in mathematics via associations. My experience is that stuck ways of working do not teach taöents. Instead one should have own interest and enjoy such life, like my step mither like mom had and like her admirers among not highly educated women had, but not like being forced to such, for example like I was. 


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