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An insect jewellery

 When I was a child I for some time had was it one or two insect jewellery somewhat like in this video. But I did not know what to think of them, since I prefer real insects, and the insect jewellery felt somehow to be taking away the space of insects to live in. (Like I today was pondering, do Snoopy dog & Woodstock bird cartoons take away the space of animals and nature and give it to humans and maybe royalty?)  On the first class of school there was in the math book a bee flying in arches, which taught to write the number 2. And somehow it took away ghe emotional complexity and natural wisdom of life, respect for animals too, and replaced them somehow by just numbers. And I have never quite been able to agree to such, maybe because the school never gave back the good life that was earlier, never regained tgat respect for the emotional wisdom of lufe of the nature.  *  I do not know if my texts have been publushed anyway. On some mental side it has been told th...
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To whom are texts about Christmas gnomes or about other story figures

 I thought that my texts at large would be rwad or glanced quickly through by similar people as I myself am or have been: objectively thinking with school's basic picture of the world along, wishing well in the world and valuing wisdom of life, maybe arts and nature too. So those would have studied in the university somethibg like tge humanistical faculty or the faculty of nature sciences, and theoretical philosophy would have been one of the possibke subjects to understand. Or woth jyst school background simikarly even thpugh in other professions. Texts about Christmas gnomes and maybe about other story figure are a way (maybe for the older generations) to write this and that interesting about life skills and wisdom of life. So such bunches of texts are interesting to those who would like to learn some similar skills, like my texts tell how life according to positive feelings is possible, about learning talents, getting high position in some sense, choosing in which climate etc to...

Sosiaalisesta olemuksesta, kivuista ja omista valinnoistani

 " On Wednesday, 1 January 2025, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Äsken hoksasin, mistä sosiaaliset suhteeni ja virtuaalinen tms vaikutysvaltani kouluaikoina menivät pieleen ja mistä myös sain kauheedti kipuja ja hirveen kureän kropan kuin robotti. Ilmeisesti oma kroppani ja olemukseni ei näy kauemnas tai muiden silmissä samanlaisena kuin itselleni. Itse llen hurveän liikunnallinen, lihaksistojeskeinen ja lähellä elekielen tienoilla ja jropan kokonaisuuteba hahmotan kuin musiikki, ja kauempana on näklaistin maisemakatse, jossa myös tunbelnataju neutraalusti kuin luontoa katsellessa, ja järki on gelposti mujana mitä arjessa tarvitaan, ja sosiaalusesti yritän pähkäillä että mikä kumna on meininki, mikä pielessä, saisinko elämäni jotenkin sujumaan vaikka näin. Tässä joku päivä oli huoneessani pimeää mutta kulkuessani oli kännykässä valo ja vaikytelma ikkunasta heijastyessaan toi mueleen muesmäisen tlntun. Lapsena joskus tein piirrosten silmät vähän kuin ...

The biggest demand for my texts is clearly over * Kirjoituksieni suurin kysyntä on jo selvästi ohi

 "  Viime aikoina ei ole tuntunut olevan enää kommunikaatioyhteyttä ja oman eöämän rauhaa, eikä tilausta kirjoituksilleni, niiden nykyisellä laadulla ainakaan. Ja tuntuu että etenkin muutamaa kuukautta vanhemmat kirjoiyukseni ovat joltain toiselta elämäni kaudelta, jolloin tilausta vielä oli. Niin minun pitäisi jättää ne pois menbeisyyteeni, kävi niille miten kävi, niin katsoa että jotain hyödyllustä työtä olen yrittänyt tehdä vaikken ehkä aina onnistunut. Mutta kumminkin on eri tekemisen ja eri töiden merkeissä minun hatketrava, kun ikävaihe ja elämäntilanteeni ovat toisenlaiset, eivät enää luonnostaan joidenkin aiempieni kurjoitusten kydynnän määräämät. Ja niin tulin latoneeksi satuaiheiset ym kirjani tuohon aarrearkkumaiseen laatikkooni, jolle sopivaa käyttöä en oikein tiedä, kun sen piti olla vain laatikko mutta sillä ainakin viimeaikoina on ollut jokkn liian suuri painotus.  Terv. Hannele "  " Muutaman kirjan jätin vielä ulkouolelle, enkä ylipäätään tiedä, jätän...

Of associations

 I do not so widely represent each group, but I have typically had a good school like head and solutilns to world's problems, and lots of healthy wisdom of life too. So it is quite typical that people try to cure not-so-good-quality or things going ashtray by referring to school or to somebody following school kkbd of wisdom with some more skills and lufe experience too. So that is to lift quality or to replace some not-so-well-remembered needed part by the good basic solutiln. So it is not for dominating over styles etc, but it demands taking into account the wideness of each view, values folliwed, quality, etc.  My last name was Hari when I was young. I write to blogs, and my last name has been Tervola for some 19 years now. So the "Harry Potter" books which I either have not read or do not remember which book it was if I have read them sometime, anyway those seem too simikar to my name without my texts having been one intended possible associatiln for the...

Mikä korkea asema

 Oon ihmetelly pitkään sitä, miksi monet ihmiset on niin hyökkääväisiä, etenkin jollain henkusellä puolella. Tavallusin syy on näyttänyt olevan, etteivöt he hyväksy jotain korkeaa asemaa joka minulle ln jossain heidän koordinaateissaan merkitty, ja menevät siksi valheiden kautta sosiaalusen asemansa vuoksi, piittaa matta mknkä kaiken yli kävelevät maailmankuvassaan. Kuitenkin he usein ovat koulya aikanaan käyneitä, niin että heidän pitäisi kyllä ymmärtää että kullakin on jotain ammatillusia vahvuuksia tms joilla ylläpitää jotain maailmassa kai tarpeellusta, ja henkilön yli käveleminen vie tuota työpanosta pois maailmasta, ja ylipäätään se, että jonkun työpanis on kolkain lailla mitaten tärkeä maailmassa, ei merkitse että se olisi jokin valta vähän kaiken ylu tai jokin muu iso asema, jota pitäisi välttää antamasta kellekään edes hetkuttäin. Vastaavasti muillakin aikyisilla ln omat vahvuutensa, mitkä missäkin koordinaatistossa tärkeitä.  Eli ehkei ole kyse minun asemastani vaan ...

"Find and Create The Land Of Christmas"

I just noticed that my book series "Find and Create The Land Of Christmas" or the skills of Christmas gnomes and elves, at and at links from there and in my later blogs and books, maybe classifies as an ideology or a view of ways of living and of values.  See also   * These texts maybe were not so intentionally written, but instead the texts seem to be largely results of the claim "Well, yes of course, you can ask her/ him to write about Christmas gnomes / elves."   On Friday, 10 January 2025, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Voiko olla että jotkut ei oikein osaa arvioida nettiblogieni ohjeita, luulee niitä vähän kuin piparkakuks jonka vaikutuksen olettavat jonkin ajan päästä jäävän pois, tai ihan vain joksikin akateemisen kirjoitukseksi kivasta aiheesta esim kasveista tai eläinlajien tunnistamisesta. Mutta kirjouttamani...

Knowledge or goals

 People who have grown up in the same town of place and who ought to have had a culturally similar environment, may anyway have very different values. In human relatilns it is common that one is enthusuastic about sometjing, while the others near by just get dragged allng to it, without others noticing which one has it as a sincere own interest, or remembering how it was, since many often lue or yse different chouce of wording compared with the situation at hand. And so it is common that people may have similar cultyral point of view in some respects but opposite gials, without the environment being able to recognuze which one is which. So lne ought to give rights each occasion separately, deed per deed according to the goals and quality ckearly noticed, instead of only having referred to something or lied. And be aware that the persons may vary a lot: in some occasiln some individual is interested, and kn amother some otger individual sees it as fitting lneself or jyst takes part....

I am just a thinker writing of new thoughts, informing others is the task of readers

 I have written of how engineering like structure analysis based on the picture of the world of the nature sciences, supports life according to the ages of nature of living beings, and according to civiluced wisdom and world-wide moral. So the too much engineering oriented point of view of the 1900's sees objective thinking at large and civiluced wisdlm like taught in schools as benefical choices. And so these thoughts ought to make it possible to follow old widely valued civiliced wisdom, including civiliced valyes and wishing well for tge world, and wisdom of life according to feelings.  Later I have written blogs about wisdom of lufe according to feelings plus advices in learning skills and talents.  There are really many of these pieces of text trykng to teach each some different thing, maybe 10 000 - 15 000 of them. So I am just a writer. If you want to find texts in a certain subject, you must find someone bothering to take a look at some texts or blog or book of mi...

Of food that seemed to suit me in my twenties

  " When I in my twenties liked aikido and non-contact karate hobbies, that was just liking such motion hobbies, and the Finnish nature outdoors, with an interest in zen buddhism too. But if one thinks of food I ate something like ordinary Finnish food (pizzas by Saarioinen), plus fresh apple juice and in addition to it dark bread (ruisleipää) with cheese and slices of tomato, and sometimes a small youghurt, sometimes an apple too.   " From  

Kirjoitukseni opettavat taitoja, eivätkä ole taideteoksia tms

  On Tuesday, 12 November 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Laitoin noi eiliset meilit isääni liittyen blogiini, kun jotkut tuntuivat niin vahvasti haluavan, mutten enää oikein näe pointtia siinäkään, sillä tuttuihin liittyvät tekstit ovat sosiaalisedti hankalia, enkä niitä halua yhtäön kurjoittaa, sillä niistä jää aina jokin osa isolla ja olen ihan nalkussa sen kanssa. Körsin paljon lapsena ja nuorena, ja haluan cain elää omas elämääni. En tajya, miten nettiin kirjouttaminen muka takaisi että ihmisille syntyy oikea kuva asioista, sillä olen kurjouttanut aivan liikaa, kai niin monta kertaa alunperin arvioimani määrän ohjeita kukn alun perin aioi  ohjeita yhteensä kurjoitta eli luulin että noin sata, ja luulen kurjoittaneeni jo 10 000 - 15 000 tekstinpötkää tms, kaikki kai eri aiheista tai siis eri pointti meljein kaikussa. Niin siitä ei sitten synny enää mitään kuvaa näjemyksedtäni vaan kriteerinä tuntuu olevan lennokas tai muuten hueno kurjo...


  On Monday, 11 November 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Tossa on ainakin yks versio runosta lausuttuna, 0T92ACeCKBk&pp= ygUQWWtzaW4gaGlpaHTDpGrDpA%3D% 3D   Terv. Kaisa Hannele Tervola  On Monday, 11 November 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola < > wrote: Tossa oli ekan runonpötkän jälkeen, mutta posraus juuri tyttöihin liittyvä,  https://learntalents3. views-of-girls-or-of-some- girls.html   Aiheeseen liittyvä ois kans kirjani vuodenajoista Living with the four seasons  http://finnishskills. with-seasons.html   Terv. Hannele  On Monday, 11 November 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola < > wrote: Uutisissa kerrottiin että myös isille aletaan myöntää kunnuamerkjejä isänä toimimisesta kuten joillekin äideille on tapana ollut myöntää. En tiedä, mitä ajatella vanhemmustani, l...

If one would need school's beneficial effect agsin but what was essential to remember?

 Always wish well for the world, for the living kind, and keep that always as major goal in everything, in doing things, deciding anything and in living your life. Follow common sense, especially healthy basic common sense. Be fair toward all individuals, groups, ( things, goals, etc. ) (Healthy) wisdom of life. Value good quality. 

Julkisuudesta, pomoista, ym

 Nuorena halusin laulajaksi tms taiteen alalle, ja pääkaupungissa kun asuin, niin moni kai vähän kaikkia nuoria yritti innostaa pomoiksi tms. Mutta mikään sellainen ura ei auennut, ja nyt vuosikymmeniä vanhempana olen huomannut, ettei julkisuus ole ollenkaan samanlainen juttu kuin mitä nuorempana annettiin kuva, että se olisi.  Ebsinnäkin pomot ylläpitävät työpaikan oerustoimintoja, esim että kaikki lapset saavat kyllä kunnollista perusopetusta, mm oppivat lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan, ja että sellainen yhteiskunnan palvelu olisi saatavilka tulevaisuudessakin. Ja sitten taas että mitä sen lisäksi tai uudistuksia, johtuu usein amnattilaisten näkemyksistä selä ko palvelua tilaavuen toiveista sekä yhteiskunnan toimivuudesta, tulevaisuuden turvaamisesta. Eli pomo on mm vartijanäkökulmaa käyttävä ainakin varalta olemassa jokin sellainen ulittuvuus. Ja niin tyttöjen keinot parantaa oietusta ym, eivät oikein liity pomojen tehtäviin vaan innovaatioihin, osaavien amnattilaisten palkkaamis...

No social environment or social inclination

 I have wondered why I have occult problems, and other types of problems of hu.ans attacking. A moment ago I glaced the Fknnish language version of my book about the four seasons, which I had written in Savonlinna. I wondered what maybe foreign or foreign origin readers might think of it. At first it seemed fractureless, then the readers maybe started to wonder, where are the social relations here, and seemed to place above tge landscape maybe helicooter sized human figures like sratch hähähää, niw how is your peaceful window view now? Peace in social relations is different from a landscape with especially the weather, season of the year, nature and things connected with luving then weather and the season as central things in one's attention and in the luves of the local. Weathers are a huge thing here, either lne concentrates on surbiving the weathers or likely dies. So in a landscape some social relatiobs somewhere often does not affect much, if one is not presently associating w...

Lähellä vai etäällä

 "  Tyypillisesti, jos joku tuntee toisen henkilön kovin hyvin, niin hän ei yleensä pyri kovkn lähelle, vaan on lähinnä kyllästynyt. Jos taas henkilö vai mikä lue on ihan outo, niin siitä toinen yleensä etsii lisöä havaintoja, jos aihe häntä kiinnostaa tai jos se ympäristössä täytyy varmuuden vuoksi suunnilleen tietää. Ihmiset yleensä pyrkivät hyvin lähelle henkilöitä, joilla on hyviä heille itselleen edullisia piirteitä jouta heillä itsellään ei ole yhtään tai lähes ollenkaan, ja muuten yleensä omasta puokestaan pysyisivät etäämpänä, paitsi tappamus- tai vahingoittamustarkoituksessa lähelle tai keskivertoetäisyydelle, jos esim juttuseura on hyväksi muttei sen lähempi. Niin liian lähelle pyrkivä ei sovi määräilemään. Vrt. liian etäisyyden vuoksi huonosti näkevä ottaa luettavan paperin katsottavaksi, kun taas jo tiedotteesta perillö oleva huitaisisi sen pois. " Eli kovin iilimatomaisesti lähelle pyrkivä joko viihtyy, tai tahtomattaan joutuu lähelle esim hyötymistarkoituksessa ...

I do not have forefigures

 My only forefigure has usually been wild animals and the wild nature. In addition sometimes some pets. From humans I have mostly tried to learn skills, get some idea of how I could well live my own life. But mostly all influences from other humans are harmful to me in some ways, make me feel ill, cause a lack of luck, social problems, etc, are mostly disastrous for my life and for my skills and health and happiness. On the other hand my own wisdom of life and my own choices suit typically me very well. I do not have any close social relationships since other people's effects on my life are typically too harmful, especially those of my childhood social environment, for example of my parents and of my brother. (Except that rationality and civiliced values is good to have.) So I just try to get space to live an adult life on my own, without influencies from others. I am wise, so I do not benefit from people leaning on the care professions, etc. I have also unusually good thinking abi...

The central themes of my books are quite near summer cottage like life or the wilderness guide course

 "  So I would classify the texts as:  * Of tale like subjects: skills of Christmas gnomes/elves, and A Sorcerer, 1.-3.  * Liked books of nice subjects: Magnifient views and nice to live in, Wonderful miracle like beings, and maybe Of walking in beauty. * Books of weathers and outdoors: Living with the four seasons, roughly the same in Finnish, Weather skills for all climates, transmations of poetry of Eino Leino & of Kalevala's beginning, Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living. * Some people's work like subjects: Work and feelings, healing advices and solving environmental problems. * The later books in the Christmas gnones/elves skills subject are like having written because some want to hear my view of that subject, but without so much yo say.  4th of October 2024   The later books&booklets in the Christmas gnome/elf skills subject feel like I cannot carry them well. Those are as if written because some wanted...

About the skill levels and values of my environment

 I have lived most of my life at the capital district of Finland. Especially as younger almost all adults in my environment were academical or academically inclined. So the ordinary skill level of academical people and their amount of common sense and of following civiliced values has been quite typical in my younger years' environment, also what I have read had often been inclined toward communicating to such people. On the other hand academical people often seek to communicate globally in their work like writings, and so one typical point of comparison is the style and skill level of the thin Chinese who tend to use terminology, so even though we are in another cultural domain, the skill level often isn't so high that it would use a completely different approach without a communication possibility with also the thin Chibese being aimed at. And so after reading my texts many are disappointed at the level of quality and trustworthiness of my younger years' social envuronmen...

Of being an Author of books or blogs

 Being an author of books does not bring a shared view to life with readers. Instead the readers remember also nice snd interesting skills or thoughts as just some text about that subject, remember the ideas in the text, instead of comparing it with their own lives, or at least not with their own life experience. My text was just somebody else's experiences and thoughts about them, at some other time and place, at leadt in a different weather, different lufe circumstancies. And so being an author is not like talking about those things, instead it is much like being mistaken for a booklet, which is so far from being treated just right, that such a pisition does not seem worth reaching for. So I have sometimes wondered, shoukd texts and other produced things be with some other name, would lufe be easier then? But one needs the position of understanding those thkngs better than mist others. Otherwuse there is too little room for lufe for the author. 

Of big capacity people

 I was surprised when I looked at a picture of a video of people sentenced to death in  different countries, which was in my video recommendations today. The prisoners looked much like me kn thdir style. I wondered if they relued on someone with emotional inteelgence or were they themselves emotionally wise kn such ways? So I watched the video and most of the people sentenced to death looked sonewhat my style in the videos. I wondered were they Buddhists or people maybe suitkng to be farmers, or journalusts, or had the lands been conquered and killed and ghey as peaceful wise responsible emotilnally wise peopke were the last left, or like the girdt guess did jyst some need forefigures in how to meet death with wisdom of lufe, or did they falsely suppise that wise peopke do not defend their country or beautiful values of good lufe for all fairly niw and in the future and wise tactics in the world, or did they want to kniw if lufe after...

One explanation for writing a lot, especially about Christmas gnomes

 "  23rd of August 2024   A new booklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family"  As a paperback 5.30usd +post +tax? As an ebook 1usd +tax, instant downliad with unlimited copying allowed   Ought to be soon available at   * * * A video : "My cat went to the neighbours to borrow a tiger plush toy :) "   " Also my blog with the advices about living with the four seasons, has gotten many views.  My old video channel, from was it 2007 to maybe 2009 or 2010, had many views but videos are clearly a different thing, and I had about a thousand videos.  13th of December 2024   My books at  

Each one has a different view of skills etc

 Some day last week I on some mental side talked momentarily with someone who had read my book A Sorcerer, and it was as if she knew it well, but even though she appeared inclined toward rational style life, she did not seem interested in the skills taught in the book, so her version of such was very far from mine. Yet my experience is that many social relations oriented people refer to the more rationally oriented in getting a kind of schooled view, so even those go much further from the original. And these are who are claimed to be of roughly the same type and same skills as the writer, while others left more far away in views, which seems that either they caught nothing of the communication or then there was some similarity, for example a hobby like interest in the subjects shared with the writer, which brought the clmmunication. So even though one can tell of skills, for example to look detailedly at some points, the level of actually living one's life is very different. It doe...

A treasure chest

 I looked at the things I had bought from Savonlinna, and wondered wh<at makes the differeence. In Savonlinna I was inclined toward the major attraction sof the area, so as I bought something, I paid aot of attention to it, and such is good for succeeding in buying fine things, kind of in one's own price level but rarely, and place the object in sight, try to find how they here live, what is the way to live in these areas of life.  So here in espoo Savonlinna brings into mind a musci shops, kind of big market with music as it's theme. but the problem is if the end result is not music like but kind of like dead, as if  slightly moist earth everywhere around. I thought it friendly people, interested in the local culture, kind of small town life with grandparents' homes, countryside nature around ewtc. But maybe ut wasn't since keeping company to such made one kind of slow and sleepy, as if almost dead or sruck. So I wonder if someone else thought it like death, kind of...

Who is tge author, from where is the text

 Typically from further away, if one is sincerely interested in the subject, it's skills may appear superfine, but if one oneself has the same educatiln, it often is just memorised facts, some thoughts and an understanding of the importantness of the values supporting that area of life. So if you need the same kind of good sides, it is likely that a similar cultural environment, similar education and similar interests would bring lots of similar material in a variety of subjects. And so you woukd know what is the culture or profession with it's values, and what are the individual's strenghts taught to others in the texts.  So it is also so tgat if you need new well working ideas, it is easiest to get them from a cultural area with jyst thise strenghts. While for your own input it is usrful to have several meaningful choices, like your local culture, your oersonal interests and kniwledge from books too, plus the media.  As I have written to tge internet over 20 or 25 years...

If you are interested in my texts

 I am just exhausted. I am just one thinker and a writer. If you want to know where kn my blogs or books is certain subject that might interest many you know, you ought to talk about people who have enough energy, skills and motkvation for such, maybe post the subject on some discussion group if it really interests many. For example young people, people interested kn journalusm, arts or religion, or wisdom of life, might be intetested in my texts and books. Many of the skills needed are of school level plus experience of lufe of such, and beautiful values, interest in the subje t. So such are the tasks of others, not mine.