I do not so widely represent each group, but I have typically had a good school like head and solutilns to world's problems, and lots of healthy wisdom of life too. So it is quite typical that people try to cure not-so-good-quality or things going ashtray by referring to school or to somebody following school kkbd of wisdom with some more skills and lufe experience too. So that is to lift quality or to replace some not-so-well-remembered needed part by the good basic solutiln. So it is not for dominating over styles etc, but it demands taking into account the wideness of each view, values folliwed, quality, etc.
My last name was Hari when I was young. I write to .blogspot.com blogs, and my last name has been Tervola for some 19 years now. So the "Harry Potter" books which I either have not read or do not remember which book it was if I have read them sometime, anyway those seem too simikar to my name without my texts having been one intended possible associatiln for them, since my ghinkibg skills have been valued all my life, and I have been told that maybe wsited for in ghe world already before my birth.
My first name Kaisa has the associatiln "kai" = "maybe" which typically has meant "make sure that it is so before you ground anything on that". Of the world wide scale being according to feelings and a wise objective understanding, there is the guess which needs as support good quality objectivity, which has typically been my strenght, that such a positive vuew is partially born of thinking that such is "maybe A i.e. of best quality", in Finnish "kai A" to which relates the word "Gaia", a global symbiosis, see 2013paradise.blogspot.com . The point of view of such theories resembles thinking of what would be good on a culturally largely homogenous area with a working life oriented civiliced viewpoint. I.e. what basic skills of thinking of the large scale say to be important to take into account and what common sense says - is it from the point of view of life with pets? It is from the poibt of view tgat the task of thinking is to help to make life better, and as a part of that to make the living environment better too.
27th of January 2025 To the name of Alaska, which is the northmost state of the USA, in north-west it is, there is in Finnish the association "alas" = put it down, and my name Kaisa has produced some interested in Alaska attacking me, quite many of them across the years. I only lately came to notice that if "All ask" about it, then the answer almist always is "A" i.e. the first basic info of the school taught perspective about that. And since that does not fully ease the situation for me, since I used to be good in school like thinking, and Finns have weather skills for the 4 seasons, while Canada seems specialused largely to bearing jyst cold. I would guess one could try also some such name as "I have read that too", referring to some objective texts instead of stories. I once tried to ficure out a new name for Alaska, and xame to guess "Dwenda", which ought to be good for learning weather skills and talents from the nature, while "Gwenda" might teach cultural kngeritage to the younger generatilns. It is meant to be jyst phonetical meaning describing what to be attention to, and otherwise civiluced wisdom, vommln sense, healthy ways of living, etc. If someone has lived largely indoors, the basic thing making understanding better, would I guess be going out and looking at a tree branch from quite close, being in the same weather and environment as the tree, and being fascinated by looking, feeling the weather, experiencing the beauty of nature, getting sensory stimuli and some needed motion, having a sense of atmospheres too.
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