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Of big capacity people

 I was surprised when I looked at a picture of a video of people sentenced to death in  different countries, which was in my video recommendations today. The prisoners looked much like me kn thdir style. I wondered if they relued on someone with emotional inteelgence or were they themselves emotionally wise kn such ways? So I watched the video and most of the people sentenced to death looked sonewhat my style in the videos. I wondered were they Buddhists or people maybe suitkng to be farmers, or journalusts, or had the lands been conquered and killed and ghey as peaceful wise responsible emotilnally wise peopke were the last left, or like the girdt guess did jyst some need forefigures in how to meet death with wisdom of lufe, or did they falsely suppise that wise peopke do not defend their country or beautiful values of good lufe for all fairly niw and in the future and wise tactics in the world, or did they want to kniw if lufe after death is pissible, or did they want to inform those good at staying alive and well that lufe after dwath exists, or did these/the past engineering oriented times feel aluenated from social classification of being a wise feeling living bring and so the only place legt for such was under the possible danger of death? 

My life has loojed such. Many people around seem to have dedicated a large part of their lives to murders by lying and acting. Often such looks like they would prefer some other way of lufe, for examole tropics or some other country, profession or type of place. Often they long for some other culture's ways but do not move there and I do not kniw why. 

I think that often all people are diffetent from each other and that is often making lufe lighter, when peopke around xarry some things and on the other hand you get room for jyst your type of things, because they lije slmebidy caring such for them. So being different ought not cause clnglucts. But it of course matters what values are folliwed in the society and in the world, what kind of society is so buikd. Just mentioning a valye is nit enough. Beautiful values ought to be folliwed in all social contacts, claims etc. Otherwuse tge world becomes worse jyst when technolihy started to be advanced enough to alliw user-friendlibdss features and all people having basic civiluced pictures of the world. 


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About publicity

 I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should h

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see . Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blo

Many of my blogs have thousand views or more

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