Typically from further away, if one is sincerely interested in the subject, it's skills may appear superfine, but if one oneself has the same educatiln, it often is just memorised facts, some thoughts and an understanding of the importantness of the values supporting that area of life. So if you need the same kind of good sides, it is likely that a similar cultural environment, similar education and similar interests would bring lots of similar material in a variety of subjects. And so you woukd know what is the culture or profession with it's values, and what are the individual's strenghts taught to others in the texts.
So it is also so tgat if you need new well working ideas, it is easiest to get them from a cultural area with jyst thise strenghts. While for your own input it is usrful to have several meaningful choices, like your local culture, your oersonal interests and kniwledge from books too, plus the media.
As I have written to tge internet over 20 or 25 years, it especially now later has appeared that if I seem to get feedback, it is often of somebody else's texts that maybe were in some blog of mine. I jyst notice that I am not of that type, for example do not fit to such a profession's charachteristics. Or that something in the air that seems to come from having read some book of mine, is not classified similar to my own views and skills as an kndividual. Especially in what comes to the melodies I have compised, the view in return isn't the same as mine. So either my texts do not communicate as fully as I thought, or the environment does not understand my texts enough to classify even the rough profession right, do not understand what kibds of skilks, vamues and social areas of clmfortability each kind of thpughts, skills and wisdom of lufe are based on. So I think it essential that the country, clinate and cultural domain plus the level of educational background woukd be marked right or at least roughly right. Otherwuse ghe texts in practice does not seem to exist.
Anyway, it may be difficult to recognize in the long run, whp wrote what. But at least I have written a lot. And each lne should be alliwed one's own views, own thpughts, own skills and own wisdom of life, even if those got muxed with somethkng read from somewhere. People in these midern times read really lot. So my impression is that my texts comoare with a small news article recently read on some side column of a newspaper or a magazine. My texts are often theoretical in approach, not intetesting to read later again, and so not likely to be bought as books afterwards.
6th of October 2023 " Kirjani Of walking in beauty oli kai muutaman päivän ilman kirjoittajan nimeä kannessa, ja kun äsken katsoin tekstin alkya blogimuodossa, niin ei se vaikuttanut yhtään hyvältä, kun ei siitä tiennyt, kenen näkemys ja millaisin vahvuuksin. Eli kun olen kurjouttanut niin paljon ja kun kirjoitukseni ovat jstkoa aiemmille kurjoilleni ja blgeilleni, niin kirjouttajan koko nimi luenee välttämätön. Mutta jotenkin tarttis saada blogejani kai hakkeroivat kukin perustamaan oma blogi tai useampikin ja niissä mm kertomaan, mitkä ovat heidän hyviä, toivottuja puoluaan ja vahvuuksiaan. Kun ei blogini ole mikäön sijainti, vaan kurkouttajan nimi väärän kokoisilla kurjaimilla tai väärällä tyylillä jotenkin voi tuoda sen vaikutelman.
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