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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on heinäkuu, 2024.

If you are interested in my texts

 I am just exhausted. I am just one thinker and a writer. If you want to know where kn my blogs or books is certain subject that might interest many you know, you ought to talk about people who have enough energy, skills and motkvation for such, maybe post the subject on some discussion group if it really interests many. For example young people, people interested kn journalusm, arts or religion, or wisdom of life, might be intetested in my texts and books. Many of the skills needed are of school level plus experience of lufe of such, and beautiful values, interest in the subje t. So such are the tasks of others, not mine. 

My books' blog with screenshots

 "  See   If it does not depend on the browser, one could by clicking the pictures enter into a detailed picture viewing view where one can easily read the texts etc.  26th of July 2024   I wrote to the search keywords that advices like in these books of mine, are maybe what often is wished for from the women's magazines. But I am writing on a very general level, since such is my strenght and these kinds of skills etc were needed all over the world. Besides, my level of being socially interesting compares with a docent in the university, mostly ok for getting to know some facts but not enough for a lecturer. So the skills taught in my texts should be taught by some other more interesting writers before they fit magazines etc, abd anyway those need to be adapted to the local lives etc, so my books ought to be jyst one of the available sources for journalusts and not ready for magazines.  But the Christmas gnome skills texts might make an internet

Like books usually or because of being asked to write about one's insight

I have written only some of my texts from the point of view of how books usually are written, and the rest largely because there was some demand for my views kn the air, lije grandparents writing something because of having been asked for, instead of having high skills in just that area and in a way that forms a whole and leaves them kind of central in that area of lufe.  My book like books include the paradise theory books and other material of that kind, plus my books about the four seasons and about healthy ways of living, plus I thought needed the book "Alanvaihto haaveammattiin", and the thinking course.  But the rest of my books, or most of them is written because of some demand in the air, not because of my view being a book like ready whole.   In my 20's I had a good thinking ability and wusdom of life, so much of these thoughts and skills are from those times, remembered and many still used, but wh

A book about my name association "emperor"

 See   22th of July 2024   As you can read from the ebook on the above link, I am just a thinker and a writer teaching skills and talents. I am not with any group, much less a leader of some big group or politician or a celebrity like person like my white Japanese spitz dog Vaspukka seemed to be, partly because of being a miracle healer and partly because of having a good heart, liking people like many pets seem to do. My other dog apricot poodle Banjo was like a fine elderly gentleman and charming, I thought him able to associate civilicedly with presidents, elderly, etc. But my dogs were not sporty enough, almost at all. Me myself am not at all that liked socially. I seem to classify as an university docent like person, less interesting than an university lecturer, and do not seem suited at all to keeping any lectures or the like about my own text, since I am socially too much without own group, to

Like in gambling

Viva, Las Vegas! by Elvis Presley  (Las Vegas is a desert otwn in south-western usa, where almost nothing else seems a possible source of income to earn one's living than being a gambling town.)  Like in gambling, some choices brought by wise theoretical thinking carry very well while most other kinds of choices do not carry so well at all  

Tuote massoille vai yksilön näkemys?

 "  Savonlinnan versiot eivät olleet hyvää elämää vaan pikemminkin tuotteita massoilke tms tosi isoille joukoille, ruuan avulla kantavia eikä omana itsenään vaan tilalle tuli sitä sun tätä mitä kullakin sattui llemasn elämässään eikä enää tietty taudeteoksen aihe tai tietth harrastus vapaa-ajan harrastusryhmössä. " Trying to teach skills for wider groups around the world, kind of to get the products to masses stay inside each hobby or other area of life in a common sense like way, instead of being applued to anything, kind of thinking nuce style or finely praised, instead of also understanding what it is about. See my books  

I changed the series groupings of my books

 Most of my books ought to be available at .  I had had many books, 25 +10 related, in the Christmas gnome skills series, i.e. in the series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas". Now I moved many of the later ones to new series, and left only the Christmas gnomes/ elves subject plus some wanted or understood just in that group. The new series are: "Of walking in beauty" (long) "The hard rationality of feelings"  "About making presents"  and there already was a series "Solution tips" (to environmental questions), plus series about healing in both Finnish and English.  Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones.   At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order):  Of walking in beauty Weather skills for all climates Living with the Four Seasons A sorcerer, books 1. - 3. My translation

My texts need objectively thinking readers!

 My texts are all aimed at objectively thinking readers. I am /have been unusually good in objective thinking, so I try to write about my thoughts and skills which support wished for wisdom of life in thid technologizing and globalizi g world. But the tale like subjects and my healing blogs confuse the view. Maybe one would understand better what my input is like, if one would consider the blog central in my type of input. I feel tgat these times need this kind of new thoughts and skills, but that in practice many would learn them from the works of other writers, artists, etc, when though the original thoughts/texts on a general level were often mine.  I used to be marked on some spiritual side world's best in objective thinking , so most of my life this far, so do not suppose that others would have these skills even if they are a university professor or some artist, priest, a rationally thinking woman with wisdom of life about feelings or who

Kuka on mitäkin?

On Sunday 7 July 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola < > wrote: Mietin tässä jokkn aika sitten, että Eino Leinon runoista ainakin jotkut ovat vähän kuin 10-12-vuotiaan tytön koulussa kurjouttamia: etsitään maailman dynamiikkaa, vähän muidenkin silmin, ja yritetään kirjouttaa tiedon rippeistä viisaita elämänohjeita, kulttuurin uomilla pysytellä yrittäen.  Sitä äsken ihmettelin, kun Kalevalan alyssa on mm "aivoni ajattelevi" ja äitini oli aivotutkija, ja muistelen häben joskys ollessani ehkä 7-vuotias tai aika nuori kumminkin, sanoneen yrittäneen sovittaa Kalevalaa nykymaailmassa kestäväksi, mutta että se olikin ollut vain vähän alusta, mitä tartti sovittaa. Niin että jos mietin, niin onko kulttuuriperinnön kohdalta voinut joku tuttuni tai tietämäni ihmistyyppi runoilla Kalevalan tapaan, niin pikkuveljeni Tompo olisi kai lähtenyt sompailemaan ympäristön arvostamaa teoriaperspektiiviä jäljitellen ihan vain suoraviivaisesti, ympäristön arvostamua tärppejä

My writings lately