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About safety

 From my blog "My name association "emperor" "

" About safety and emperor's job

 When there is power to command big thing, there usually come lots of people and groups who want the power to themselves. So it does not make sense that such a power would be easy to get and use to harmful purposes. So at least from my name association's point of view there cannot be emperor's power to command big things just because of being an emperor. Instead the country or group should arrange life in the coubtry so that very good suggestions are taken into use, first slightly to see if they work out well enough and are liked, and then in a larger scale if those were good results. So being an emperor ought not cause so much danger to the emperor, if it does not exclude others from having power. 

I have thought since I was a baby that I have some wisdom which would be useful to have in large scale questilns. So for the last 25 years I have been writing ( see ) teaching material mostly for a world wide audience, which is just in case it might be useful and liked. I also always try to behave so that lufe would run well in my environment and in the wider world if my effect affects so much, but I do nit always succeed in living like I aim to live. But anyway such is just me trying to build and maintain a good objective picture of the world and follow wisdom of life & the rule "Live and let others live!", so it is my idea of a good way for me to live and not some way to use my personal power to influence things to affect others or things in the environment as if sheltering by my body or using things meant for my own life to instead affect others or the society. So it ought not cause opposition or weakening of my defences or of my power to live. But some evil persons want to interfere with the lives of others using their personal social power to influence things, and such weakens the evil person's personal defences, for example positiln and may cause lots of opposition and room for revenge like fair attacks. Also if I write some teaching material on a general level, there ought be no conflicts and no forcing resulting from it. But if some, maybe unexperienced, people discus such subjects with socially dominant persons, there often comes lots of forcing in the disguise of true descriptiln of how things ought to be. 

* * *

9th of Seprember 2023   Come to think of it, readers are not like hobby pals to the writer, since the skill level is very different before the text really interests the reader. Especially since I write quite short pieces of theory on a very general level, such interest those from whom the theory and the skills of building such things were totally lacking. So it is more like people from a different continent who read such, and just because their view is different, is lacking the good sides that I write about shortly and theoretically, often mechanically about the value of life according to feelings etc. Likewise of healing: it interests mostly the ill and the handicapped and those with problems in stsying healthy. So it is not the same group as the likeminded with a similar level of the same kind of wisdom, living in a society where such good sides are understood and cultivated. Instead, influencies from the readers may destroy the life in the society and the wisdom of the writer. 

23th of December 2023   A news article today about security guards brought to my mind the impressions of my social envuronment of roughly the same age kn my early twentues, and the last ones memories from school age, maybe preteen or early teen. These were my most positive social environment or something of the kind, needing some aggrdssiveness to counterbalance too much only discussing civiliced social style of theoretical physics students, and the toughest was of music students partly because music soubds so friendly and wanted that one needs to warn of the crimes in such an environment, and the last ones were of girls trying to communucate about the need for better wiser ways of doing and moving instead of the boys' rigid technical easily angry ways. But I do not know if the impression is the same at all to others. 

About gaining position 

Lately I have learned of power that a politician is like oli between groups, like a person who gets well along with both groups, like a person who likes, enjoys and values the ways of both groups and sees how they well fit to live together in the same society etc, like such a person could momentarily handle some minor task of negotiating between the groups, and it having gone so well that the same person is wanted usually to handle those kinds of relatilns between thise groups. So it is not a task of leading, and figuribg out new too long thoughrs is the task of an expert, of knowledge and skills in the group or societh, and not a question of leading, since it is more like philisoohy or inventilns or teaching skills, while the work of a boss is to take care of the work and workers, make such well running, pleasant, good qualuty, respecting valyes, taking care of practical matters, making it fairly possible also in the long run in the society etc. 

Of publicity I have during the last few years learned that it essentially inclydes some occult connection with the audience or the world at large, so that one cannot be a singer, a painter or a writer of stories or some other figure in the media if the views of the lusteners, readers or whatever do not reproduce the skill level of the artist or author, and his her lufe content and views of which subjects to choose, what criterions to use in what to produce for public content, etc. One also must be liked as a media figure, representing some group like some profession's style person singkng or the like. As I have written of the skills of Christmas gnlmes, my lufe just seemed to cobtinue only that way, like many school aged children had wished for such texts and adulrs said to them that it is a good idwa to have such texts. But then some women in nursery kind of professions seemed to have read the texts against their own wishes, so I tend to get as feedback knfluencues from other types of Christmas gnomes which only eat abd sleep and there is nothing of the lufe I have written about in thise influencies, so I am just emoty headed and with only small fragments of my former thinking ability, like peeking through a key hole to a room. And so I have noticed that in order to be some leader or artist or media person or the like, one ought to be wanted on some spiritual or occult side, which I am not at all, even my most wanted work skills in my writing work seem to get overrun by slme wanting some other more convincing or socially oriented person to publucity instead of leaving me untouched, so that I do not know if they mistake my blog for the whole internet, or don't they understand that I have other skills and values than they, like for example all university educated having different style, values, skills, interests, etc, and even more differencies in personal input - is the difference so big that they do not understand the others having written or performed anything in the internet?

 I lived my youth in Helsinki, also studied in the University of Helsinki, but I had an unusually good objective thinking ability and a responsible character valuing healthy ways of living and wisdom of life. Thise sound like characteristics many works would want, but often social matters and practical snills matter a lot, and it usually turns out that many with other kinds of strenghrs do not folliw fair play, honesty and responsible behaviour. Mostly I have written of my own thoughrs and of skills and talents which I have learned on my own or of which I have my own version which I am teaching. My university studies were in physics & math, so I haven't written almost anything learned in them, but instead only my original ideas, since I have felt that those skills etc are needed in the world. I have for example written about the rationality of feelings, which is a subject that others were not able to teach objectively. People just think of different subjects with any objective good results of their own. If some children would wish for other people who understand some basic thoughts of mine in my texts about the rationality of feelings, to have them in the media, teenagers of secondary school age often learn new things so quickly that after a year they maybe could represent their type of peopke with such an understanding, likewise some arts or media professionals learn quickly plus some elderly who have a good understanding in such. But do they always follow such values in practice? I do not understand why to bother my youngwr years social environment wuth my texts, since we were incöined to different professilns, me toward saving the world and wisdom of lufe, preferring honesty, and most others determining thibgs by social factirs which were not so benefical to me at all.

My own new domain (for a year) leading to the thinking course and to a link to my Easy, quick school for animals, and possibly to my other advices about learning skills, talents and wisdom of life, see 

24th of December 2023   During the last few years I have tried to learn to recognize people from or interested in different countries. The amazing result is that I seem to be the only fully Finn in my younger years near environments, at least of the people of whom I recognuze this. 

Relatives: Sovjet Union , Novosibirsk or Latino from Argentina (or Patagonia? in Chile)

Sovjet Union, Irkutsk or thin Chinesr

North Kirea or thin Chinese

Mauritania in Africa

Pueblo in Latin America


University pals: African

Chinese from the tropics


I do not know of these things. I am 52 years old. I cannot write to you about every single thing in the world. You have to learn to find other sources, for example understand that near by people of younger years often were inclined toward different professions, continents etc, and that the usual age of cutting such ties is about 18-21 in Finland, also according to traditiln. So I do not have almost any contact with these people and much less with mire disrant childhood relatives, class mates etc. So I cannot offer you their pages etc. Besides, I do not ubderstand why such would make sense, since they were vety different, so each one did onw's own version of everything, and the likibgs and understanding were different too, so each one would bring different good and bad sides and be suited to entirely different kibd of work. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

About publicity

 I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should h

My birthday and my childhood name

My birthday is 8. of August. As numbers 8.8. it brings to my ming four round circle like things of which two pairs are more closely connected. The healthy round forms bring to my mind symbiosis and a model of the world. So it is like one form of my paradise theory. I have not noticed it having influenced my thinking, except that I have come to notice the possibility of such a model and on the other hand my childhood environment maybe saw such a view as part of what I might be like because of my birthday. Late summer is also a time of warmth at the same time with the need to defend the good things summer brings, the loves in one's life from the coming autumn and winter. So that too may have affected my view on what is the task of thinking, theory and work. * * * (7. March 2016 As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some

Maybe my most liked texts

 When I was in my twenties, there seemdd to be something much liked wisdom of life which I could write about and so make it possible in the world. I guess that the major good mood came from free time hobbies according to feelings being good for work and studies. But as texts it is quite outrageous, see . To such a subject connects also the beneficality of moral, see . And so there is also the blog about feelings, rationality and moral for computers, see . Later my most liked texts have included Living with the four seasons , advices about changing to one's dream job , the thinking course and healing advices and the Finnish original , and lately my long long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blo