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Internet texts maybe do not stay unsabotaged so long

 I tried to publish the quite ok English Google translations of my miracle healing advices as a 104 pages long book, since I felt that some very much would like to get them thag way. But as I finally managed to get a pdf translation book, there were some words added outside the margins, for example "psychological" and "Krishna", which is just sabotage. Likewise the translations seemed to get ununderstandable and evil looking. 

As I wrote the healing advices, it seemed that nursing professionals used my user interface really lot. So: Yes, I have written to the internet, good wise thoughts I believe, but No, I do not think that in the long what the readers find as my texts would be the originsl wise clear-headed texts wishing the best for the world. Instead they are likely to find nonsense, evil and completely different quality views of others. 

14th of July 2023   Maybe it would help to find ghe right kind of texts for each if each would make searches that describe the good qualities that they search for, like "university educated without personal opinions" or whatever it is that they consider good quality for themselves to read. Best quality is often a teacher of teachers or religion, art, wisdom of life, views on the upbringing of next generation, of history or the like, while the best text to read is often a good beginners' course in a subject that one is interested in. 

25th of July 2023   I took a look at some old blog of mine, since when I momentarily had it open it had some header in a subject I did not remember writing about. It was clearly somenody else's ideas, not mine. Also some other texts of the blog seemed sabotaged, the luttle that I took a look at it. 

Especially what has been the influencies from others after my Finnish hesling blog got Google translations to English, hasn't been at all like me and my healing advices, my skklls, character, way of staying healthy, etc. So I guess those are impressilns of the different translators of the over a 1000 pieces of text in thst blog. Also otherwise writing has brought as a kind of feedback influencies that are not at all my style or my wisdom of life. So it is likely that also in my other blogs there are entrues or pieces of e tries written by others. So all feedback should be to the kind of person who wrote just thst puece, and not to me if it isn't my view. I am university educated kn the faculty of the sciences and of msthematics. My strenght is objective thinking of good quality with pictures of wholes. I am not socially incöined. I have unusually much wisdom of lufe. I always try to respect civiliced values and need for lufe according to feelings but with good quality objectivity. I do not have any tendency to lie or to demand trusting lies, neither act, cheat,  cunning plans or the like. So such are others person's faults. Also lack of pbjective thinking quality is somebody else's characteristic. I wish people could remember that blogging at is free and as far as I know you can blog also by a nickname, the texts etc just have to be good enough for the internet where many can read them, even though the blog counter in my nlogs usually claims only two to ten visitors per new entry evrn when I estimated the subjects superinteresting to many.

 Typically I have advertised my latest texts if I have felt that some would like to read just that view, either by sending a link or by copying the text to email or to my other blog. If people come to my blogs but are left wishing for the other types of writing people interested in the subject, then there would be demand for those other people to write in their oen blogs about the subject and continue writing in their own way. But remdmber that I have written about 25 years as my professiln, since such is often the fate of acadrmically ezucated, but that has been without pay. Blogs I have written about 13 years, even though I started in maybe some years esrluer. My reason for writing is that I am an unusually skilled objective thinker and understand about things needed in the midern world. I have also lots of wisdlm of life. I write only teaching material, but some of my texts are just hobby diaries with interest in becoming a professional and adding muscellaneous advices to others with the same hobby. 

I have written maybe 10 thousand advices to my blogs plus videos and earlier books. So I rarely glance at my old texts. Almost always if I dl glance at my old texts and try to read something through, i feel dizzy as if someone via some spiritual side but maybe not morally ok obstructed me from noticing the viewpoint, approach, and the connectilns to wider world and wider life., but it has felt as if it were somebody else's text, more even in theory, not teaching new things. I teach modtly talents like I learned from needing to learn new professions, and such teavhing is done by describing the approach, the emphazies and ways of doing. So if such have been altered, ghe talent cannot be learned from such a text. Likewise if tge connectilns to wider lufe are missing, the motivation iz missing and one cannot see what the taught things would cause. As far as I know, others cannot think the same, since rationality of feelings, healthy fracturelessness etc are my strenghts. I do not know, but on some spitual side I used to be classified upmost of the human kind, and a new try on these things would be only after a thousand years or two. If I in my mind try to describe myself as an skilled impirtant thinker and a writer kn the scale of the whole world, it is as if someone would on that mental side say "Surely not as noteworthy as Kaisa Hannele Tervola ( who wrote about the future of computers, parafise theory and Thinking course )", but yes that is me, and I do tfy to write about impirtant questilns. But my estimate is that my writing work is largely done. 

4th of December 2023   I have written thousands of advices, so I do not usually read them so often if at all. Sometimes the texts get sabotaged. Sometimes such seems spiritual: the readers trusting an emotional view of the rationality of feelings, instead of wanting to read my text which is just an objective theoretical observation like in physics and in schooled objective thinking generally. The website offers free bligging possibility, so one could write one's own blig of some much wanted subject and make to my text's under to the comment publishing box a comment with a link to one's own page. Anyway, I am or was very good at school type of objective thinking, and I have written mostly of subjects of which I have the impression that I am best for that task. So for example a school teacher or an average scientist is not skilled enough. Instead I tend to classify as one of the best academical thinkers. So by relying in wanting to read my original text, you maybe could find this input of mine, which is mostly jydt mechanical thoughts, an objective picture of the world, some wisdom of life and teaching skills. 

7th of April 2024   I just noticed some melody of mine having been changed to some entirely different short melody of somebody else. So I guess my melodies too may disappear and be confused with the works of entirely different qualities and values. 


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