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There mostly no longer is demand for me to write

 I have written what I can think of as needed for me to write. Especially the Christmas gnome skills text has been a collection of many different additions to what I have written, collected the last pieces. When i begun writing i felt my work to be important for the world. Now i have written all such pieces of my understanding, and lately there no longer has been any big need for me to write, and now there seems to be no demand left except momentarily for single subjects that come to my mind and for which i still have the skills. It seems that i have lost quite many skills of mine, but maybe i get them back without the need to write  since after all my work is done. 

5th of February 2023   I sometimes have the feeling that some foreign women would like me to write about my step mother like extremely career oriented working mom. But I have not written about persons, i do not have the skills and character for that. I did not learn my skills from my step mom. She was more stupid than me, so she just commanded strictly to study school and math even though those did not suit me. As a scientist she was a quite ordinary university professional, while i have written of my thoughts that can change the world, and as far as i know i get compared with the greatest thinkrrs, not ordinary ones. My step mom's university career would be an knteresting forefigure for many women who would like to have such a fine career themselves, but i did not get such a career even though i tried hard since such wss valued in my environment, so i cannot give such info to others in a well working wsy. 

Besides, i do not get along with the social environment of my youth. They do cruel things to me, then when i complain about it, they say " Oups, I did not notice, heh heh.", and then they do the same thing again and use force. 

1st of June 2023   I have had theoretical thinking and healthy wisdlm of life as my strenghts, but no ability to influence the society or people's lives. But my step mom used to talk to people from the perspective of their work and so she often managed to influence both people's lives and matters in the society. But I do not know much of that. Often she took some work like voluntary task to do and got so to decide about things. She was very much interested in Chinese kind of working life, which is hard to bear for most. She also was unreliable and often gave misleading impression. She called herself an actor. 

2nd of July 2023   When I as young lived with my parents, my father Pepe mostly took care of cooking, we children had turns of cooking was it once a week and my step mother like mom Tita cooked rarely. Sometimes Pepe fried Finnish pancakes of the type ghat is sold as large with the product name "Riitan herkku", and we ate smashed apples with it. Tita also taught us to cook the kind of risotto that she liked: first fry smashed meat, then place it and it's oil on a plate, add food oil to the pan and Avorio rise that does not get stuck to clumps and fry the rise a little bit, add lots of water and start cooking the rise, add one piece of chicken sauce concentrate, add freezed vegetables, cook untill the rise and vegetables are ready, a little bit earlier add the meat, remember to mix well so that all cooks evenly. In the summer she sometimes cooked rise and some big vegetable and we went to the garden fireplace where she fried a beef or lax. In the summer the meals varied like felt good, sometimes light, mostly sallad, and sometimes proper meal. 

Pepe mostly cooked potatoes with food. He also cut some big pieces of fresh vegetables like carrot for the family to eat before the meal was ready, if not vegetables then thin pieces of bread. He cooked different kinds of meals, often vegetables plus something with meat or fish. My parents liked somewhat acid quite heavy feeling food but did not need so much of it. 


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