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"No one is a prophet in one's own country."

 There is a Finnish saying "No one is a prophet in one's own country." What I have written is based on my own skills and values, which are near the Finnish speaking Finnish cultures areas of skills and it's values. So they are quite near what other Finns can but not exactly the same. So they are kind of boring and nuisance for other Finns to read, especially so for the social environments of my younger years. But I have tried to write so that my texts coukd be valuable somewhere in the wide world where they are liked and needed. In a way Finns are quite much all of the same caliber since all have their own weather skills and years of school, but on the other hand all have their own skills and values and my strenght has been theoretical ideals and tge eationality of feelings, plus some wisdom of life. 

23.4.2023   Even though i got good grades in school, I did not have intellectual or other influence in my social environment. My relatives sometimes seemed to have talked to others about my views but those did not seem to come from me but were instead their own views or their own likings. (I also have never had the tendency to scold others about being stupid, but my step mother like mom at least as older had the tendency to call herself names and theatratically get angry without others having taken part in any way except trying to cool her down. ) 

12th of May 2023   I have some vague memories that before I was born, I was a young "tiainen" bird who got to try to be a god. I sang on a tree or bush branch and remember that only one elderly long-bodied clumsily moving dark brown dog listened to what I said ( when they walked past me singing ) and made some markings while they walked further. I thought it a good beginning but too few, so I grasped the chance to be born a human there near by and write my message to the large world. But it is over 50 years already, so I do not quite remember what my message was, except that it was some structural analyzis, and that is somewhat like why I wrote my paradise theory book, but somehow some basic structure analyzis was dropped away from the book while choosing a version for publication. 

1. kesäkuuta 2023    Kai jos olen 24 ja puoli vuotta kurjoittanut, niin ammattini on vielä kymmenet vuodet mm kirjoittaja tai kirjailija, vaikken enää kirjoittaisi mitään. Näin jälkikäteen kirjani eivät ole suoritusperspektiivin keskellä vaan yllättävän syrjään jääneet, paratiisiteoria yksi mekaaninen huomio ja vuodenaikakirjoitus joskus mukana vähän kuin lintukirjasta muistettu ja tonttutaitokurjoitus yksi kirja ajatelmia, joka on joskus luettu. Mutta ainakin nyt vielä vaikuttaa siltä, että jos saan jonkkn käytännön työn, sen tarttis olla jotenkin jouluun liittyvä. 

Parantamisaiheinen blogini ehkä vakiintuu olemaan lähinnä monistenippu, jossa hakemisto. Ohjeet ovat niin vähän vauhdikkaita ja niin yksinkertaisia, että kai sopivat myös lämpimiin maihin. 

29th of October 2023   I have wondered why I tend to get influencies from my younger years' relatives, class comrades, study pals, childhood neighbours etc, even sometimes as if my own work in the internet had gotten influencies frlm them, which is unnatural. I did not feel well in my younger years' social environment, I was not safe enough with them and they did not share my values and understanding. I haven't associated with them for years, I do not want to. The last time I saw my step mother like mom was two and a half years ago when she took my apricot minuature poodle Banjo to veterinarian to with ultra sound, without touching the dog, remlve possible tooth stone from the surface of the teeth  even though there was no need for such and the dog was completely healthy, and she text messaged that the teeth are loose and have to be removed or kill the dog and so the dog died. And I haven't associated with my relatives after that. I do not want to, I have bad experiences of them, I do not want tp try again, my lufe is much better without them making their cunning plans and with multiple layers of lues attacking my life.

My step mother like mom was called Tita, her official name was Riitta Kyllikki Hari and she was from Lappeenranta, born 1948. She worked in brain research testing measuring human brains' magnetic fields outside the head. 

My father was called Pepe and his official name was Pertti Kaarlo Juhani Hari, and he was from Mikkeli, born in 1941. He worked in forest research. 

I had one brother, he was called Tompo and his official name was Tuomo Tapio Hari, he was born 1973 in Helsinki. 

Iwas born 1971 in Helsinki, female, Kaisa Hannele Hari. 

I went to school in Helsinki, Yhtenäiskoulu, 1978 - 1990, all 12 school years in the same school. I did not like school at all, so mostly I had no pals there. 

Most of my books can be found at and the older books and booklets are as far as I remember included in the collection "2013: Paradise like era" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. Postage from the Amazon internet bookshops in Europe ought to be much cheaper and much quicker. 

4th of November 2023   Most of my younger years' environment would have liked to see the healing advices (healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life) and the thinking course , maybe also the advices about living with the four seasons . Lately I have written almost only about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life

18th of November 2023   When I went to school 1978, in the cover of our math study book there was my mother's name Riitta Hari, as one of four names, and she said that she had taken part in making the book. I did not like math, since I suffered from it's lack of practical things and complex understanding like mysic and wisdom about ways of doing. Once, maybe when I was 10 to 14 years old, our family visited my mother's parents in Lappeenranta where said she had lived all her youth in the same apartment, with her two sisters too, and so during one such short visit as we sat in the kitchen table her parents said that she had been very good in mathematics, figured out her own new results checked by some adult mathematician, and they had written a book or books of those results for an international audience, and so my mom had gotten number over ten, which is the highest in the scale, from math in school. First she got 11, then each year or something like that a hogher one, until she got 14 from math. At that point tvere came a misunderstandkng that she hadhad 4, the liwest number, in her grades, so after some time she was transferred to the school preparing class. Whdn I was a young adult, she told me that she had liked math very much and graduated from the university math in a half a year. She always figured out new ideas in math, while I never emjoyed math and never managed to invent any idea for any prts of solutilns in math, even though she forced me to major in it. My step mother like mom Riitta Kyllikki Hari used to be very irrational in what she might say, used often associations to words as if trying to figure always new ideas via them like makes sense in math but in nothing else, but she always said that she worked in researching the magnetic fields of the human brains and cpnsidered that work more important than anything in my life, and she said that she had just liked mathematics when young, and still liked it but happened to have another job. 

9th of December 2023   If I think of the people in my childhood environment, what they are in skills, values, cultural likings, social preferences etc now tens of years later, all are different, often very much different like people having turned toward separate professions, cultures, climates, social chouces etc. Generally all can school taught skills, but what values they follow on eacv occasiln and what is their quality in each superfluous area of lufe and their skills, varies a lot, for example figuring out things of different kinds. For example it was told that both of my parents had kn some time during their school years been transferred to the class of those who cannot reach the normal school level. But they both were eager to reach for grades in school, so I understood that they finished school in the normal school, but like often with the retarded, it was a social choice of not always following one's full understanding but instead be socially adventureous with disadtrous consequesces to the society and mischievous with disadtrous consequences to the responsibly behaving in the near environment. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

My birthday and my childhood name

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