Free versions of quite many of my books at but also links to where one can buy my books in the internet.
Most of my books as e-books ("kindle" which ought to be good to read on a mobile phone or laptop, but check that first) 3usd+10% tax, no other fees as far as I know, the seller promises instant download, see
This month, October 2021 I have collected some of my blogs to books which are now on sale in and in and I ought to get paid something, a few euros, per book. These are as far as i understood print-on-demand books, so the delivery times ought to apply even if there isn't any books in stock. There are Amazon internet booksjops in many countries, also in some European countries but in them yiu need to understand their language.
Skills of Christmas Gnomes: Gnome like life in the modern world, 23,50 usd + post, search "christmas gnome like life" (12th of September 2023 as an e-book 906 pages for 3usd+10% tax, no other fees as far as I know, the e-book has colour pictures)
Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla, 27,50usd +post
Opi kutomaan paremmin: Helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää ym, 28.50usd+post, search "helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää", ekirjana noin 1 euro
Living with the four seasons, 19usd + post, search "living with four seasons finland"
Alanvaihto Haaveammattiin, 15,90 usd + post
17.6.2022 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, continued" 5.50 usd
2.11.2022 Knitting Tips : Nice knitting, 10£ + post,
6.11.2022 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 3. : Teaching material on Christmas gnome like life in the modern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 7,50usd + post,
19.6.2022 On the book pages there is among other things the back cover text of the book plus page count and maybe peek inside. By clicking my name you can find my other books. Some of them are by the shorter name Hannele Tervola and the later by my full name Kaisa Hannele Tervola. Somw of the books are hardcover but most are paperback.
* * *
Over ten years ago I wrote about my paradise theory and collected those texts toa thick book and then added some texts to it.
Hard rationality of feelings and instincts, or Work efficiency and likings (which did not pass the publication internet progra, before I chaged it's name to Theory odf sexuality, or something like that)
Final paradise
Tough power benefit calculations about sex and women
Year 2030: technologized nature paradise
2013: paradise like era
and booklets:
Curing modern horror scenarios
Power politics leads to excellent moral
the thinking course: Thousandfold intelligence and skill, easily!
The far future with computers: what will happen to humans when computers take over
9 short robot stories ( earlier version : Three short robot stories )
Of these I do not get paid anything (except maybe for the last two booklets), but they are on sale in .
My newer books are the following :
Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. - 7.
Healing 1. - 3. plus two books in Finnish, all these originally from the same Finnish healing blog
Knitting, in Finnish plus partial translation, i.e. two books
Living with the four seasons
Alanvaihto haaveammattiin
* * *
A picture of me October 2021 when I edited my book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes.
(17.6.2022 To be clear, i have not spoken in public or the like (except kept poodle training as a teen and checked math homework in the university), but i have some old videos of me on my video channels khtervola and Kaisa Hannele Tervola. But there is some other person called Hannele Tervola too, maybe several, and they maybe some like publicity. Like i painted a fine aquarel painting but somebody else with the same name was at the local big art exhibition just right afterwards, without such talent itseemed. I wear colourful clothes plus white and brown and sometimes light grey, am somewhat fat nowadsys, studied sciences and theor. philosophy in the university, don't have kid, don't know about nursing professions, am or used to be among the best in the world in objective thinking, don't copy from others, rationality of feelings as strenght, no family, nature oriented & loves healthy ways of living, free time oriented, not cunning, not acting, nearest to lies absentmindedness and avoiding something, have never used any make-up except a couple of times tried lipstick )
* * *
I lowered many of the prices of my books. I also notices that one can shop in English in the German and that they may offer free shipping to Finland.
24.7.2023 "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living", 15usd +post, soon available at or at other Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola",
25.7.2023 According to what I have gotten sales reports, no-one has bought any of my books, except quite many years ago I once got 6 euros. Otherwise I have gotten paid something only when I have myself bought my books approximately so many. Yet there seems to be a forcing demand for me to publish blog texts etc in book form at as if some needed the texts in such a form.
3. of August 2023 "Waking from death, advices, just an attempt : live kn a more alive way and make life's burdens ligjter to bear" or something like that, by Tervola, at
5th of August 2023 Most of my books' pages at the Amazon internet bookshops have a "Look inside" feature by the picture of the book's cover.
Ebook "Luku-ja kirjoitustaitoiset sirkuskoirat" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 8usd (no postage, ebook)
7th of August 2023 "The best fact language is like music", 10usd +post,
11th of Aucust 2023 "Healthily moral" as an ebook 5usd (no postage, ebook), soon also as a paperback 7,50usd + post
"Feelings, Rationality and Moral for Computers" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, soon as an ebook 5usd, no postage, and as a paperback book 10usd +post, at
"Points to Take into account in Discussions Leading" ebook, ought to be soon available
12th of August 2023 "A few famous poems by Eino Leino", translated from the Finnish language to English by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, also some comments by the translator,
13th of August 2023 It seems that I can order author copies of my books by the price of the printing costs plus postage, max 999 at a time. So if you would like to buy many copies of a certain book of mine, you could get it cheaper via me : . But the layout and editing of my books isn't usually so good, for example in the last poetry book there is one empty page and one page with lnly one row of text. Besides the pictures are black and white. For example the printing costs of my book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes Book 6., which has very relieving healing advices in addition to the Christmas theme, the printing costs were 3usd. But I would like to get paid something myself. I have been a professional writer for some 25 years without getting any wage from it. I have just felt that my writings are needed in the world.
"Skills Of Christmas Gnomes", the first book as a kindle edition, 9.99usd, now available too at
All the books 1.-7. of "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" ought to be soon available as ebooks. The first part is very long, so it is 10usd, and the other books of the same series are much thinner, so they cost 3usd each.
14th of August 2023 The books "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" 1.- 7. are now available as ebooks at , see .
I made ebooks also of my books "Waking from death, advices, just an attempt : live in a more lively way and make life lighter to bear", "Healing", "Healing 2." and I guess that soon also "Healing 3.: Miracle healing advices" ought to be available also as an ebook at .
Tein papantamisaiheisesta blogistami kirjoja : "Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla", Osat I, II ja III, sekä paperback että enirja kustakin.
17th of Augudt 2023 I made e-books of my books "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting" and "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living" and of my translation & comments of Eino Leino's poems "A few famous poems by Eino Leino", in which the poet himself got market as the author, which makes sense since it is just his poems that people are interested in.
18th of August 2023 I made a book and an e-book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 8. : Some song lyrics translated and other texts". The book and ebook ought to be soon available at my books' page at Amazon knternet bookshops.
* * *
25th of August 2023 It seems that due to a not-so-literal quality, most of my books and booklets will not stay in the long run. The ones that seem to stay are:
"Living with the four seasons"
"Knitting tips : Nice knitting"
Of my healing advices the Index, and maybe also the Miracle healing advices.
( "The far future with computers" might stay like some old presently no longer much used booklet.
Most of my books and booklets would be largely bypassed like old university lecturer's own unedited texts, or maybe some parts of them taken to some collection of texts by different authors. )
I do not know, what will happen to my Christmas gnomes skills books. Those either suit Christmas and sre preserved somewhere, or then they are just some repair pieces in intercultural communication, like a list maybe.
Also my book "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living" might interest new readers in the long run.
2nd of September 2024 Also my books "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" and "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" might interest readers in the long run, largely because of their subjects.
Some texts continuing the Christmas gnome skills series might stay in the long run too. At least "A Sorcerer", books 1.-3., and "Walking in beauty", I guess. Maybe the other books too, since the main theme us so nice and relieving, yet teaching real skills for life.
* * *
26th of August 2023 I collected the beginning of my blog about solving environmental questions to a book or e-book "Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 1. :" which ought to be for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops in a few days. See
29th of August 2023 At least my healing advices and the Christmas gnome skills books interest those who are ill, especially those who have to stay in bed, either at home or in the hospital, or who associate a lot with the ill, or who are kind of out of order like on a poor day, so for library use the e-books would be good. The e-books also have nicer pictures, while yhe black and white printed pictures are somewhat unclear.
I collected the texts from my mainly Finnish blog about advices for finding a date, to a book "Elämänohjeita yksinäisille heilan löytämisestä", which ought to be available in a few days as a paperback book and as an e-book at , propably also in some other Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola".
8th of September 2023 I collected a page about winter melodies, two chapters of my Christmas gnome skills text and my book Healthily moral, to a new book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 9. : Healthily moral and other texts", see
10th of September 2023 Now that the Christmas gnome skills text seems to have ended, that seems to belong to the Santa Claus Lands and to others whose work is with Christmas. Those may be good books for those who are interested in a Christmas gnome like life, but the subject is somehow dominated by the Santa Claus lands. The subject interests those who are ill and have to take it easy, so for library use the e-books would be best, see
Likewise my healing books seem to belong to the ill, medicine professionals, people wanting to learn about healing, etc. See
There seems to be only two good books/e-books by me that will propably remain: "Knitting Tips: Nice knitting" , and "Living with the Four seasons" , since those are literally good enough quality.
My other books, e-books and booklets will propably remain as literally lower quality text in which the thoughts and skills taught are the valuable, somewhat like academical texts or free time blogs.
22.9.2023 A new quite small booklet "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves" ought to be available in a few days both as a paperback and as an e-book. See
9thof October 2023 The above booklet seems to have some magma like effect, but that is just an impressiln.
23.9.2023 A new booklet of the same size "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 2. : Social skills and position in the world" ought to be for sale in the Amazon internet bookshops in a few days' time.
1st of October 2023 "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 3. : Composing a hymn and other texts" ought to be soon available both as a paperback book and as an e-book.
3rd of October 2023 An e-book "Christmas Angels (around oneself in the living environment) : " 0.99 usd, see (26.10.2023 Soon available also as a paperback. 27.10.2023 See )
"Christmas Calendar with the Theme Rationality of Feelings" an e-book
14th of October 2023 A short e-booklet "Guardian Angels : Find better life and wisdom" which you can read as a blog post at , 0.99usd see
30th of October 2023 A booklet "Thoughts about magic" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, ought to be soon available at
Photo 14.2.20247. marraskuuta 2023 Vihkonen "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset", eli synnytykseen liittyvät kohdat blogista joista viimeisin tänään kohta E995. Kirjasena ja e-kirjana kohta myynnissä Amazon-internetkirjakaupoissa, esim kirjojeni sivulla . E-kirjana
Lyhyempi osoite
Paperback from usa (etsi oman maanosasi Amazon-internetkirjakaupoista, esim
14.11.2023 "
Kokosin kaksi uutta lähes satasivuista kirjaa "Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin" 2. ja 3.
3. kirja
25.12.2023 I copy here from my other blog:
"Hard-core fantasy or just wisdom of life: "The Christmss gnomes internet institute"
"Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" : Christmas gnome like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world, books 1.-9.
Continued by "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves", books 1.-3.
Author Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, North-East Europe
See as books and booklets or e-books
These are just advices in learning skills and talents. Kind of hard-core fantasy books and booklets, i.e. good quality objective thinking and wisdom of life, but a tale figure like life as a theme or as a hobby, meant for objectively thinking responsible individuals, but somewhat for others too.
You can read the text in the blog form starting from the beginning : . But read also the texts on links at least so much that you get an idea of them, since without them much of the text would be lacking.
* *
25th of December 2023 In addition there are the booklet and e-booklet
"Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment)"
"Christmas calendar with the theme Rationality of feelings"
More loosely in the subject there are also two more booklets/e-booklets :
"Guardian angels"
"Thoughts about magic"
Please see also my other books and booklets on the lust of my books on the same page. There ought to be near 50 of them, plus some old ones by the shorter name Hannele Tervola. Those which have the same subject in a different context, often have the same texts, like "Healthily moral" and "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 9." which has text about the skills of Christmas gnomes, plus the text of the book Healthily moral, and in the beginning my short melodies of snow.
16th of January 2024 As a booklet or an e-booklet "Animals In Space : Inhabiting new planets", which ought to be available in a few days at , see
17th of January 2024 A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at
Photo 14.2.202418th of January 2024 Some of my books for free at links from , but also other versions available.
2nd of February 2024 A booklet of 45 pages "Christmas Elf Like Work : And influencing things in the world", both as a paperback and as an e-book, the latter 0.99usd +tax or the like, instant downliad, both ought to become available at in a few days.
You can find the ebook at
3rd of February 2024 Paperback via the same link or at
7th of February 2024 I made a paperback version of the first book of the series "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes". But it is 498 large pages, so it seems that a hardcover would be a better choice for readability.
28.2.2024 "Kalevala, the beginning translated to English", as primary author marked Elias Lönnrot, translator Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 25 pages
9. maaliskuuta 2024 Tein paperback kirjan "Neljä vuodenaikaa ja henkinen hyvinvointi", joka kai muutaman päivän sisällä olisi myynnissä sivuillani .
30.3.2024 "Understanding the North : Living in the edge" ought to be soon available as a paperback. You can downliad it as an ebook at
Videos on a playlist with the same name.
Paperback book
3rd of April 2024 " I did not quite know how to classify the later books and booklets in my Christmas gnome skills series or in these blogs. The books "Skills of Christmas gnomes" 1.-9. seem clearly to be a series, and needed by the readers of tge later texts too, but there has been some problem in the air in connection with classifying the later books and booklets. Today in connectiln with the last book "Understanding the North : Living in the edge", I understood that it with these would be one group of books:
So as separate are left only "Animals in Space : Inhabiting new planets" and the texts about angels: "Christmas angels (aroubd obeself in the living environment)" and the short ebooklet "Guardian angels : Find better life and wisdom".
4th of April 2024 A new book "A Sorcerer : A view of the wisdom of the nature"
Kindle ebook
You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at
9.4.2024 "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in"
Kindle ebook
2nd of May 2024 A new book "A Sorcerer, Book 2. : Skills for Harmony"
Paperback at
4th of May 2024 A new book "Work and Feelings", both as a paperback and as an ebook, ought to be soon available at .
Ebook at
Paperback book
6th of May 2024 "A Sorcerer, Book 3. : Some big dove's wish"
7th of May 2024 Ebook at
16th of June 2024 A Google translation of my Finnish book: "Solutions and problem-solving tips for environmental issues 1.", see
There ought to come ebooks 2. and 3. soon too. If one wants to read more, one ought to search for a Google translator and translate the original blogs and .
25th of June 2024 A new book & ebook "Weather Skills For All Climates : " ought to be soon available at
For the ebook, see
4th of July 2024 "Some Texts about Feelings and Wisdom Of Life", a new book and ebook soon available at
As an ebook 2.99 usd +tax at the ebook ought to have unlimited copying allowing once bought.
Paperback at price 9.50? usd +post!!
11th of July "Healing 4. : About the theoretical possibility of growing a new limb" ought to be available soon at
Ebook at
Paperback at
12th of July 2024 A new book "Of walking in beauty"
20th of July 2024 A book and an ebook "My name association "emperor" "
As an ebook available at
As paperback at
23rd of July 2024 "Wine like fascination in life: introducing my books via their especially charming texts"
As an ebook at (instant download with an unlimited simultaneous number of users)
3rd of August 2024 Of trying to heal the world
As an ebook at
13th of August 2024 A new book/ebook "Of a culture's traditional wisdom"
23rd of August 2024 A new booklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family"
As a paperback 5.30usd +post +tax?
As an ebook 1usd +tax, instant downliad with unlimited copying allowed
Ought to be soon available at
A new book/ebook "Traditional Skills Have a Place in the Modern World"
Ought to become soon available at
Paperback at
26. elokuuta 2024 Ekirjaversio kirjasta "Neljä vuodenaikaa ja henkinen hyvinvointi" on nyt saatavilla issa
29.8.2024 A new paperback/ebook "Pikakoulu, koko koulu yhdessä vuodessa, yritelmä : Opi hyvä ajattelukyky ja äly helposti"
30th of August 2024 A new paperback book /ebook "Building a home in a climate of the four seasons : And other texts"
Paperback book
31. elokuuta 2024 Tein kirjastani "Opi kutomaan paremmin" pehmeäkantisen eli paperback book version, ja koska sen painokustannukset olivat alle puoket kovajantisen värikuvitetun kustannuksista, nikn otin kovakantisen pois myynnistä etenkin, kun sen kuvien väripainatus ei ollut kiva.
31st of August 2024 I made a paperback book of "Living with the Four Seasons" and since it's front cover was quite the same as the hardcover's, I unpublished the hardcover version, which was almost two times more expensive.
5th of September 2024 A new book/ebook "Of the Buddhist Heart Sutra text and of life according to feelings"
9th of September 2024 A new book "Animals In Space 2. : More about inhabiting new planets"
14th of September 2024 A new book "Of those upon the Earth fighting against those orbiting the Earth : And other texts"
Paperback book
25th of September 2024 A new book/ebook "Of softening and lots of thinking",
Paperback book
27th of September 2024 A new booklet / ebook "Trying to solve global warming"
2nd of October 2024 A new book "The Law in our Hearts, Or how"
As an ebook at
Also a new book "Healing 6. Miracle healing for first aid in serious accidents : Plus other texts" (these from and )
As an ebook at
11.11.2024 Christmas Angels (around oneself in the living environment), 3. edition
18.11.2024 Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 4.
Ratkaisuja ja ongelmabratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 5.
19.11.2024 Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 6.
Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 7.
Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 8.
16th of January 2025 "After quitting 1." and "After quitting 2."
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