What there are new ideas in my thoughts, seem to be mostlly interpretations from one perspective to another, easpcially from feelings to mechanical language and from moral to cool calculations. These skills are a result of using one single pictrure of each thing and of the whole world in my thinking, so each side of things is seen in relation to the other perspectives every time that either one is used. This is a habit and skill that I had already as a child. Propably it is born out of the emphazis on holistic rationality in my upbringing and of how I was talked about the differencies of people's views: "Propably they both (in a discussion/debate) are right in their views but they notice different things because they have different skills. The thing of course is the same but they notice different things about it. A wise one would notice all those things and more about it."
My birthday is 8. of August. As numbers 8.8. it brings to my ming four round circle like things of which two pairs are more closely connected. The healthy round forms bring to my mind symbiosis and a model of the world. So it is like one form of my paradise theory. I have not noticed it having influenced my thinking, except that I have come to notice the possibility of such a model and on the other hand my childhood environment maybe saw such a view as part of what I might be like because of my birthday. Late summer is also a time of warmth at the same time with the need to defend the good things summer brings, the loves in one's life from the coming autumn and winter. So that too may have affected my view on what is the task of thinking, theory and work. * * * (7. March 2016 As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some...
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