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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2025.

A video: "Rescued lion with a turtle nest on it's back"

 A video: "Rescued lion with a turtle nest on it's back" I have written a lot. Thoughts are the task of the one thinking, instead of only the task of some forefigure or original thinker in the subject. Thoughts are not that much collective. You must build your own picture of the world yourself, I cannot command what to think. I feel that I have stayed in this subject so long that many others just refuse to think, as if it were my task to carry them. One should try to notice when one is under the lowest level ok for living beings or the like, and not suppose such laziness in thinking to be ok.  In my twenties Practised aikido in the aikido association of the University of Helsinki. I also looked if I could find a boyfriend and a spouce. Axter I had interrupted my studies in the university, I after two years went to a year long course in a Swedish speaking farming school quite near the capital district. After that it was not so easy to continye aikudo. Once I went to anothe...

Äitipuolimaisesta ädistäni ja kiinalaisista

 " Asuin nuoruuteni Helsingissä. Äitini Riitta Hari eli Tita oli harrastunut kiinalaistyyppisestä työnteosta ja mm poikidn kanssa puuhailusta.  Myöhemmin Savonlinnassa asuessani opin, että jos jossain käy yksi kiinalainen, niin heitä ehkä tulee tuhat, ja se on vain miljoonasosa siitä, mitä olisi voinut tulla, ja toki iso ongelma.  Riitan petspektiivistä käsin selkaisessa kai käy niin, että hän sanoo, että mutta kun pyyzettiin ilmouttamaan jos kiinalainen tai kiinalaistyyppinen käy jossain esim jylässä, jotrei sotketa muihin seudulla asuviin, ei häirittäisi heitä. Eli kiinalaistyyppinen ilmoittaa, missä kävi mitä tekemässä - jos ilmoittaa vain yhdelle tuötoverilleen, niin tämä tulee käymään sanoen että oketti että olet yksinäinen ja onhan tämä ihan kiinnostava aihe käydä katsomassa minunkin. Ja jos kymmenelle, niin tulevat kuin opuskelukaveriporukka myös olettaen heitä yksinäisyyden vuoksi kaivatun, ja ovat ehkä kuin vaihteeksi jossain käymässä. Ja jos sadalle, niin oletta...

Other thinkers from the same youth environment?

 I was born in Helsinki 8th of August 1971, and lived in Helsinki my childhood and youth. In Finland all people are different, but one reason for that is maybe that the Finnish climate needs individual adjystements all the time, so it is better if all are considered different. The basic school was 9 years and compulsory for all children and teens under 16 years who had not yet completed it. So the basic civiluced knowledge was common to just about all, but the values, social tactics, goals, comfortable areas of lufe, skilks, dreams, situatiobs of life, climate preferencies, dream cultures, thpes of wisdom of lufe, trustworthibess, social ways, the emphazis on different areas of life, type of social environment and lufe experience, varied a lit between individuals. So even though many have simikar kniwledge, they may have used it to opposite goals, for example opoisite to the good of the living kibd since they gave preferred to folliw some otger culture and geg rid of Finnush cgarac...

An insect jewellery

 When I was a child I for some time had was it one or two insect jewellery somewhat like in this video. But I did not know what to think of them, since I prefer real insects, and the insect jewellery felt somehow to be taking away the space of insects to live in. (Like I today was pondering, do Snoopy dog & Woodstock bird cartoons take away the space of animals and nature and give it to humans and maybe royalty?)  On the first class of school there was in the math book a bee flying in arches, which taught to write the number 2. And somehow it took away ghe emotional complexity and natural wisdom of life, respect for animals too, and replaced them somehow by just numbers. And I have never quite been able to agree to such, maybe because the school never gave back the good life that was earlier, never regained tgat respect for the emotional wisdom of lufe of the nature.  *  I do not know if my texts have been publushed anyway. On some mental side it has been told th...

To whom are texts about Christmas gnomes or about other story figures

 I thought that my texts at large would be rwad or glanced quickly through by similar people as I myself am or have been: objectively thinking with school's basic picture of the world along, wishing well in the world and valuing wisdom of life, maybe arts and nature too. So those would have studied in the university somethibg like tge humanistical faculty or the faculty of nature sciences, and theoretical philosophy would have been one of the possibke subjects to understand. Or woth jyst school background simikarly even thpugh in other professions. Texts about Christmas gnomes and maybe about other story figure are a way (maybe for the older generations) to write this and that interesting about life skills and wisdom of life. So such bunches of texts are interesting to those who would like to learn some similar skills, like my texts tell how life according to positive feelings is possible, about learning talents, getting high position in some sense, choosing in which climate etc to...

Sosiaalisesta olemuksesta, kivuista ja omista valinnoistani

 " On Wednesday, 1 January 2025, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Äsken hoksasin, mistä sosiaaliset suhteeni ja virtuaalinen tms vaikutysvaltani kouluaikoina menivät pieleen ja mistä myös sain kauheedti kipuja ja hirveen kureän kropan kuin robotti. Ilmeisesti oma kroppani ja olemukseni ei näy kauemnas tai muiden silmissä samanlaisena kuin itselleni. Itse llen hurveän liikunnallinen, lihaksistojeskeinen ja lähellä elekielen tienoilla ja jropan kokonaisuuteba hahmotan kuin musiikki, ja kauempana on näklaistin maisemakatse, jossa myös tunbelnataju neutraalusti kuin luontoa katsellessa, ja järki on gelposti mujana mitä arjessa tarvitaan, ja sosiaalusesti yritän pähkäillä että mikä kumna on meininki, mikä pielessä, saisinko elämäni jotenkin sujumaan vaikka näin. Tässä joku päivä oli huoneessani pimeää mutta kulkuessani oli kännykässä valo ja vaikytelma ikkunasta heijastyessaan toi mueleen muesmäisen tlntun. Lapsena joskus tein piirrosten silmät vähän kuin ...