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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2024.

* Blog posts marked somehow central in my blogs

 I feel as if some texts that I have not thought of so much, would have been marked central in my blogs. I try to copy such here. "Pictures depend on climate prefences and on valuing such things in life  What one considers nice, a thing to aim at, wise often shows in which climate one would suit, enjoy lufe there and consider it wise in a good way and with wisdom of lufe that suits oneself. The cold and cool weathers are good for looking a lot and for looking with the sense of beauty along. So people inclined to such life all the time tend to produce beautiful pictures with lots of details. So if you like some other type of pictures, for example with less details and more social, that is typically a question of climate preferences, of to where you would suit. There are such pictures too, but one ought to searvh for them in connection with cultural traditions of that climate, kind of see the ways of living as wholes. Likewise the emphazies on different areas of life are climate and

I value objectivity and wisdom of life

 I try to follow objective thinking always, so instead of square ways plus lues, when I need a break, I try to get proportions right in my picture of the world and emphasize wisdom of life. So my style is in that sense very different from the less diligent thinkers.  This view is supported by my apprexiation for the wisdom about different ways of doing that one gets a glimpse in the forms of the wild nature    

Vigorous instead of soft

 My texts are largely of the subject rationality of feelings. That means objective thinking of at least school level or higher. It does not mean neglecting any criterions of objectivity or any parts of an objective picture of the world. If there are problems in applying, one should demand better quality in objectivity.  But I have come across many social or society level problems which might be, at least partly, results of some misunderstandings in to whom my blogs, books and booklets are aimed at. I am 52 years old, so these surely aren't aimed at my childhood relatives, school class mates, etc. These are mostly blogs in the internet, meant for objectively thinking responsible individuals who follow civiliced values and are interested in the subjects of the texts, which means supporting such values, not sabotaging such. My texts being mostly at a very general level means just that the point of view is theoretical, not restricted to a certain person, culture, climate, etc. It does

My social environment

 I made a video search slmething like a person living in Vantaa speaking, and found this video, which I though did not watch fully through. So you can wonder if all here are fully moral, rational, responsible, wise, with wisdom of life, culturally Finnish, of Finnish origin, so much the same that my texts could have been written by several persons with similar valyes and quality, or that my texts are not needed at all, or that this country is a too beautiful place to exist, that all are alike, etc And no one ever makes any cunning plans? And that the rest of the world is better arranged for life to flourish, especially in the long run.  7th of November 2024   This news picture brpught to my mind the other pupils in my school class in the 1980's, somehow the styles, not the size or age. 

Big sales ranking means very many similarly classified books of others have sold more copies

 My books are for sale at the internet bookshop, and most of them one can find via my author page . At individual book's info there quite often is a sales ranking. That means if the book were on the most sold books' list, how many different books the list should have for my book to be the lowest, i.e. least sold on that list. The listings somehow take into account for how long the book has been for sale. Mostly my books haven't sold any copies, except me myself having bought one or two of some of them. Yet the subjects are often interesting (and my quality as a thinker good), so some might guess them having sold thousands of copies, even tens of thousands. Such is the feeling when writing my blogs, as if some really would like the blogs and the new posts, and the free versions of my books. But somehow that does not seem to lead to any books sold.  At least in Finnish the names with the word "terve" as somehow a part

Where I live

 For the last three years I have lived in Espoo at the capital district of Finland. This metropolitan area has approximately 1,25 million inhabitants. Mostly it is town with some nature too.  From June 2009 to January 2021 I lived in Savonlinna which is a countryside town with was it 28 000 inhabitants if one counted the neighbouring villages too. It was a tpurist town with a famous arts happening in the summer tims. Originally I am from the capital Helsinki, here in the same metropolitan area where I now live. But for the last few years I have been sleepy, so I have mostly stayed at home and never went anywhere, but don't quite know why. 

The position of theoretical texts in the long run * How to bring art or ideas to the public

 Mostly my texts are quite theoretical, without so much practical knowledge. It means that once one has read them and underdtood, it is likely that there is no reason to read them again. It also means that if one does not yet have such skills with which to understand them well enough, it makes no sense to read them, since there isn't extra know ledge in them via which to learn some such view in the future, and so it does not make sense to recommend them as some finery, instead ghey are maybe a course book like interesting for some with a certain skill level and interested in certain areas of life and values.  The paradise theory i.e. efficiency optimising, sounded important when it was somehow lacking from the society's view, but after having written it, it seems jyst one piece of theoretical knowledge, worgh mentioning in some study books of the subject, but not at all enough to fix things well in practice, which means that there is a simikar need for those numerous other thin