" White colour in the meaning "moral", advices I had a white spitz type of companion and guard dog,a Japanese spitz boy that died at the age of 11 and half years. The white colour went quite nicely for us, so I write here some advices about how we lived on connection with the white colour. The dog was on older years a skilled healerbut somehow on the mental or spiritual side (see my view on curing at http://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html , in Finnish at http://parantamisesta.blogspot.com ), but said at the age of ten, almost eleven, that he had helped as many so as he had white hairs in his coat, which was a huge number. I trandslate from my Finniosh text http://lukevatkoirat.blogspot.com/ : "White is just a colour, like other colours. It fits for example a landscape that has different colours. The white colour goes lightly with joyful light colours like with a little bit of red, which lightens the...
About my texts and me as a writer. And about my upbringing's effect on my thinking skills. (My other texts, for example learntalents.blogspot.com , tell more of my choices of values and good ways of doing etc.) * These texts aim at telling of me as a thinker and a writer, and especially aim at teaching skills and talents. My childhood social environment is told of only to make the readers notice that the individuals are very different, so my thinking and writing work etc is not shared by them.