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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on syyskuu, 2024.

Of being an Author of books or blogs

 Being an author of books does not bring a shared view to life with readers. Instead the readers remember also nice snd interesting skills or thoughts as just some text about that subject, remember the ideas in the text, instead of comparing it with their own lives, or at least not with their own life experience. My text was just somebody else's experiences and thoughts about them, at some other time and place, at leadt in a different weather, different lufe circumstancies. And so being an author is not like talking about those things, instead it is much like being mistaken for a booklet, which is so far from being treated just right, that such a pisition does not seem worth reaching for. So I have sometimes wondered, shoukd texts and other produced things be with some other name, would lufe be easier then? But one needs the position of understanding those thkngs better than mist others. Otherwuse there is too little room for lufe for the author. 

Of big capacity people

 I was surprised when I looked at a picture of a video of people sentenced to death in  different countries, which was in my video recommendations today. The prisoners looked much like me kn thdir style. I wondered if they relued on someone with emotional inteelgence or were they themselves emotionally wise kn such ways? So I watched the video and most of the people sentenced to death looked sonewhat my style in the videos. I wondered were they Buddhists or people maybe suitkng to be farmers, or journalusts, or had the lands been conquered and killed and ghey as peaceful wise responsible emotilnally wise peopke were the last left, or like the girdt guess did jyst some need forefigures in how to meet death with wisdom of lufe, or did they falsely suppise that wise peopke do not defend their country or beautiful values of good lufe for all fairly niw and in the future and wise tactics in the world, or did they want to kniw if lufe after death is