From my blog "My name association "emperor" " " About safety and emperor's job When there is power to command big thing, there usually come lots of people and groups who want the power to themselves. So it does not make sense that such a power would be easy to get and use to harmful purposes. So at least from my name association's point of view there cannot be emperor's power to command big things just because of being an emperor. Instead the country or group should arrange life in the coubtry so that very good suggestions are taken into use, first slightly to see if they work out well enough and are liked, and then in a larger scale if those were good results. So being an emperor ought not cause so much danger to the emperor, if it does not exclude others from having power. I have thought since I was a baby that I have some wisdom which would be useful to have in large scale questilns. So for the last 25 years I have been writing ( see www.amaz...
About my texts and me as a writer. And about my upbringing's effect on my thinking skills. (My other texts, for example , tell more of my choices of values and good ways of doing etc.) * These texts aim at telling of me as a thinker and a writer, and especially aim at teaching skills and talents. My childhood social environment is told of only to make the readers notice that the individuals are very different, so my thinking and writing work etc is not shared by them.