The Google translations of my Finnish healing blog are often very different from the original Finnish healing advice and often contain entirely different claims. My healing blogs should be translsted in a dictionary like way. Mostly the internet teanslatilns are very different from that. So they are the works of the translators and not my texts at all. 3rd of November 2023 It may be that an objectively thinking individual can translate theoretical ideas at a general level so that the translation is very much the same in what comes to the original ideas. But when there is some social information, or something tuned to ways of living, climate or culture, translating those to anither culture, climate, ways of living, profession, ways of being social or the like, means that the translated text is the work of the translator and my original texts sre just one of it's sources in literature. So mostly, if the translation is not dictionary like, the translated text's Author is the t
About my texts and me as a writer. And about my upbringing's effect on my thinking skills. (My other texts, for example , tell more of my choices of values and good ways of doing etc.)