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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on heinäkuu, 2023.

Translations are often the views or claims of the translator, not of the original author

 The Google translations of my Finnish healing blog are often very different from the original Finnish healing advice and often contain entirely different claims. My healing blogs should be translsted in a dictionary like way. Mostly the internet teanslatilns are very different from that. So they are the works of the translators and not my texts at all.  3rd of November 2023   It may be that an objectively thinking individual can translate theoretical ideas at a general level so that the translation is very much the same in what comes to the original ideas. But when there is some social information, or something tuned to ways of living, climate or culture, translating those to anither culture, climate, ways of living, profession, ways of being social or the like, means that the translated text is the work of the translator and my original texts sre just one of it's sources in literature. So mostly, if the translation is not dictionary like, the translated text's Author is the t

Internet texts maybe do not stay unsabotaged so long

 I tried to publish the quite ok English Google translations of my miracle healing advices as a 104 pages long book, since I felt that some very much would like to get them thag way. But as I finally managed to get a pdf translation book, there were some words added outside the margins, for example "psychological" and "Krishna", which is just sabotage. Likewise the translations seemed to get ununderstandable and evil looking.  As I wrote the healing advices, it seemed that nursing professionals used my user interface really lot. So: Yes, I have written to the internet, good wise thoughts I believe, but No, I do not think that in the long what the readers find as my texts would be the originsl wise clear-headed texts wishing the best for the world. Instead they are likely to find nonsense, evil and completely different quality views of others.  14th of July 2023   Maybe it would help to find ghe right kind of texts for each if each would make searches that describe t