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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2023.

One should not force anyone to read my texts

 I have written many blogs in many different subjects, mostly teaching material on free time subjects. The texts demand that you should choose the right subject and rights texts. It does not help a patient to heal if he/she reads about Christmas gnomes instead of reading the index of ghe healing blog, which has typically been very relieving if one manages to find the right subject, so in English you maybe need to use the search feature of your browser. Likewise if someone needs to study ghe thinking course, it makes no sense of them to first read about handiworks, solving large scale problems or whatever.  My texts offer just my skills. All do not like my style or the climate characteristics, so they ought to leave my texts unread and use other sources.  22.6.2023    vaikuttaa paljon se, ettei kirjoituksistani tullutkaan kirjallisesti hyviä vaan menivät jotenkin mönkään, etenkin lukijakunnat ovat jääneet ihan vääriksi niin, että on työ isoimmaksi osaksi mennyt hukkaan. Tarkoitin lukijo

About my caliiber at large

  Kaliiberini on varmaan arvioitu liian suureksi, kun olen aika heikko, en kestä montaa ammattia ja toisten valintaa, ja niin satsaan paljon terveisiin linjauksiin, sivistykseen ja musiikkiin sekä elämänviisauteen, enkä pysty joustamaan toisten suuntaan. Sen sijaan sellainen, jolle sopii monen ammatin tavallinen meininki, voi llla mukana monessa, oppia paljon käytännössä merkityksellistä ja vaikuttaa useissa kohdin.  11th of July 2023   I have not created the world around. Mostly I have just followed the main currents of life in the society and in the world, trying to find personal choices that I have the endurancy for and which I like. I was just forced to go to school, while I myself would have been interested in practical life, music, nature, etc. Then I was put in the secondary school and entirely wrong kind of university studies. As a young adult I on my free time listened to rock and pop music in the radio, and practised sports. 

If you got a pleasant feeling from my text but lost it, read it again

 My texts are teaching material. So if you get a pleasant feeling from some text of mine, it is because you momentarily folliwed the advices in it. So if you lost a pleasant feeling, it is likely that you get the same pleasant feeling from following the same advices continually. There may be some viewpoint and common themes, so I guess it often helps to study several advices that seem to suit you and follow them in your life.