For the last four years i have concentrated more and more on writing my text Skills of Christmas gnomes. I do not know why but it is globally interesting subject that many read about sometimes. But the text has been ready for over a month, and i no longer have anything global to write about. So my career in writing is over, even though like others in this modern era i may write this and that, texts of no big signifogance or of not so good quality. Writing has obstructed my lufe surprisingly much, so there aren't much new subjects to write about.
About my texts and me as a writer. And about my upbringing's effect on my thinking skills. (My other texts, for example , tell more of my choices of values and good ways of doing etc.) * These texts aim at telling of me as a thinker and a writer, and especially aim at teaching skills and talents. My childhood social environment is told of only to make the readers notice that the individuals are very different, so my thinking and writing work etc is not shared by them.