The world is wide and has many kinds of people, so if you like some page of mine and want to help to preserve it, please click your internet browser's "save page" button while you sre on the page and the page is readable. Refreshing the saved page might ruin the safety copy if someone has been messing with that page of mine in the internet, like for example some dizzy not so good quality nurses have altered the healing instructions of my Finnish blog about healing.
About my texts and me as a writer. And about my upbringing's effect on my thinking skills. (My other texts, for example , tell more of my choices of values and good ways of doing etc.) * These texts aim at telling of me as a thinker and a writer, and especially aim at teaching skills and talents. My childhood social environment is told of only to make the readers notice that the individuals are very different, so my thinking and writing work etc is not shared by them.