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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2021.

Kaisa Hannele Tervola Wikipedia-sivuyritelmäni, my Wikipedia page info attempts

10th of July 2023   Here is my Wikipedia page attempt. Mostly I have published my texts in my blogs and some as print-on-demand books. There is one text published in an internet magazine :   Tänään tein kaksi yritelmää, ekassa vain artikkeli ja linkki, muka epämerkuttävänä poistdttu, tokassa myös kuvaus artikkelin sisällöstä ja sen merkuttävyydestä, mukamas vailla järkevää rekstiä olevana poistettu, jolloin kurjoitin kedkystelusivulle tämän selvennyksen, mutren sitä enää löytänyt hetkeä myöhemmin. " Kaisa Hannele Tervola on kirjoittanut Robotic Magazinessa julkaistun artikkelin "The far future with computers" , jonka artikkelin voi lukea kai kokonaisuudessaan ko linkiltä. Mutta aihe on vaativa. Kirjoittaja on opiskellut yliopistossa teoreettista fysiikkaa ja jonkin verran teoreettista filosofiaa. Aihe on merkittävä ja vaatii

Please advertice my blogs in civiliced ways

 I do not have especiaaly mucj search engine skills. I do not know how to recommend my texts any wider, since they are targeted to people interested in the subjects of the text in question and with quite much objective thinking skills and civiliced ways. If you want for example my blog about curing to be spread any wider, you oight to recommend it in civiliced ways yourself. * * *  3rd of August 2021   I have written tens of bligs because I feel that there is a great demand for such texts in the world and so writing has in practice been my job for almost 23 years, without pay. But when I last January moved from Savonlinna back to Espoo, I felt that it was as if someone, maybe a religious person had emtied a box or a drawer and so I was forced to move. Here in Espoo I have had a new mobile phone with some twenty of my blogs in a near area share, and it has felt like my bligs have not been otherwise avsilable here, even though I have