I do not know, whether this has any signifigance, but when I was a kid in Helsinki, I lived in a very rationality oriented environment, which was a value for both my parents and for the whole capital district. So when my not-so-rational little brother was interested in following names and among them the name of the town, I thought of that too in the rational context, like was typical for all subjects around there. The ending "-ki"or "-kin" means in Finnish language "also", so the name "Helsinki" got via English language the association "hell sin also", which I have always taken to mean that one should in one's rational estimates (of things in the world and in social contacts) also take into account the possibility of some doing hell sin, so being more prepared, more safeguarded, on stronger rational grounds. So I guess that my book "2013: Paradise like era" is of that type too, especially my booklet "Curing modern hor